08-18-2018 22:36
08-18-2018 22:36
When I try to enter the parameters for my "hours of activity" it says that I can set my times from 5-14 hours, but will not let me set a time beyond midnight, even though it is less than 14 hours. I am trying to set my hours from 5pm to 3am (10hrs) because I work nights and am asleep during the day. Any advice? Update please?
08-19-2018 00:45
08-19-2018 00:45
It's not possible to do this at the moment.
There is a popular feature suggestion to allow spanning midnight and if you'd like to add your vote you can find it here: https://community.fitbit.com/t5/Feature-Suggestions/Allow-night-shift-reminders-to-move-or-customize...
Note though fitbit's comment that they don't currently have plans to make the change.
08-19-2018 03:48
08-19-2018 03:48
They don’t care about night shifters. We’ve been complaining for years. I set my clock to a time zone 12 hours ahead so I can not have it reset in the middle of my shift.
Come on Fitbit!
Get it together!
08-19-2018 15:01
08-19-2018 15:01
That's ridiculous. It isn't as if everyone is asking for a new feature to be added, just fix(patch?) the feature that is already available. Seems like a very simple fix for a very simple, but frustrating, problem.
Military, Police, Healthcare workers, First responders, etc., all work irregular shifts, to leave their needs out of a basic program just seems....well, stupid.
I wish I could just change my timezone, but in my field of work I need to know time/date immediately and don't have time to "figure out" my workaround.
08-19-2018 16:37
08-19-2018 16:37
@Rattlerlv wrote:That's ridiculous. It isn't as if everyone is asking for a new feature to be added, just fix(patch?) the feature that is already available. Seems like a very simple fix for a very simple, but frustrating, problem.
Military, Police, Healthcare workers, First responders, etc., all work irregular shifts, to leave their needs out of a basic program just seems....well, stupid.
I wish I could just change my timezone, but in my field of work I need to know time/date immediately and don't have time to "figure out" my workaround.
If you set the time zone 12 hours ahead you still have the right time, it’s just am instead of pm. When I wake up for work at 5 pm it says 5am the next day on my watch. It’s the only thing that works sadly.
08-19-2018 18:56
08-19-2018 18:56
I understand the workaround, just don't have time to figure out what day it actually is most the time. I work such long hours at night (12-14), seven days a week, that I can't tell Saturday from Tuesday without looking at my watch.