05-04-2018 10:23
05-04-2018 10:23
I have a serious issue with the fitbit app on IOS with my iphone SE last IOS version.
When I want install a watchface, the app ask for autorization for the watchface. It display a window and wait for user press a validation button to start install. If authorization list is long, the windows is longer that phone screen size and the "validate" button is outside the screen, so it is impossible to install the face.
Usually when a windows is bigger than a screen size we must use a "scroolable" window but Fitbit use a fix window and I can not scrool and press the button 😞 Serious bug 😞
05-04-2018 12:02
05-04-2018 12:02
Have you checked if the watchface is a free one, or a paid watchface. It might be wanting payment before it can load.
05-04-2018 12:28
05-04-2018 12:28
Not related to the type paid or not of the face/app, just we have not the end of the window with the buttons for "accept" or "abort" the install process 😉
I have few paid app/face and the paid system is after install for Kiezel pay or web interface.