05-12-2023 11:11
05-12-2023 11:11
I just upgraded the s/w on my Versa 2 and immediately the “Zone mins” for today on my iPhone shows as zero (although I have done 64 today)…. All other metrics are displaying correctly …. “Zone mins” are displaying correctly on my laptop and iPad.
I have rebooted my Versa 2 and my iPhone
I have tried a manual sync on my iPhone
All was displaying correctly prior to the Versa upgrade
05-12-2023 20:39
05-12-2023 20:39
Hi @dave12747 - some older clock faces don't support AZM, try changing to another clock face that does.
Author | ch, passion for improvement.
06-05-2023 09:37
06-05-2023 09:37
I just experience the same today 6/5 .... just upgraded tracker firmware and it wiped out zone mins for today and has not captured new zone mins - i tried all the same as you did above.... no go!
06-05-2023 09:49
06-05-2023 09:49
@dave12747- reviewing the case again, AZM is a recent invention and may not be properly catered for during firmware update, possibly even if you did sync before the update.
What should happen is the data on the watch should remain intact which may involve downloading some of it from the servers and AZM may have been forgotten which essentially may reset it on the watch to 0 and so upload 0 at the next sync, just a guess..
Author | ch, passion for improvement.
06-05-2023 09:54
06-05-2023 09:54
@Guy_ I have tried multiple times to resync but to no avail .... support told me that they can't recover lost data like AMZ (lost from today prior to the firmware upgrade) - but no AZM have been recorded since the upgrade either .... other data has been recorded (steps, miles etc.) since the upgrade...???
06-05-2023 09:58
06-05-2023 09:58
Thanks @dave12747 - not recording AZM today may also be related to the upgrade issue, see what happens tomorrow.
Author | ch, passion for improvement.
06-05-2023 11:31
06-05-2023 11:31
@Guy_ I will do and will post the outcome tomorrow for others to see as well
06-06-2023 06:51
06-06-2023 06:51
@Guy_ ok so here is the latest ... late yesterday afternoon the tracker started capturing AZM again ... i lost 2 days of history (yesterday when the firmware upgrade was done and the previous day) .... history on my iPad and iPhone shows different AZM to my tracker since the upgrade yesterday .... my theory is that this is a bug in the firmware upgrade and although i can't show or prove it, i am wondering if it happens if the firmware upgrade gets done prior to a sync to be done - next time i have firmware upgrade on my Versa 2, i will first do a manual sync and see what happens thereafter (see screen shot from iPhone showing incorrect "This week" AZM totals for this week due to the firmware upgrade yesterday