Ability in app to log multiple food items

Can there be a way to click multiple food items in the app for fitbit? logging food is a pain, you have to add every item one at a time, every time, and if you didnt eat it for two days it falls off your list and you have to search for it again. even if you go to your account on the computer and add a meal it does not show up in the app. fitnesspal is superior and is my go to for fitness tracking and food logging.


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Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @jaemaech! Nice suggestion, thanks for sharing. We look forward to hearing what other community members think.

First Steps

It would be exceedingly more intuitive if the calorie tracker list of foods had the ability to enter multiple Foods at the same time. Possibly having check boxes for everything consumed during a particular meal. I know for instance that my breakfast is usually the same four or five items. In order to enter those items I need to go back and forth between the list of Foods list and "Log This"


They guessed to be a little difficult sometimes when in a hurry.


Also, possibly having a list of particular favorites that are consumed on a very regular basis. While the "frequent" and "recent" lists are convenient it is sometimes difficult finding the particular item among that list. Adding these features would create a more user-friendly environment in my opinion. Other than those items the application and my Fitbit are fantastic.

First Steps

I would really like this feature, for example I have the same breakfast every day - oats, three types of seeds, berries, milk. It's annoying having to log each item individually. 

Not applicable

Yes it is slightly ridiculous that the app doesn't allow us to add multiple food items and to copy things from one date to another. These are features that apps like MyFitnessPal have had for a decade. 

First Steps

This would be great. Even if it was a button that allowed for multiple or holding down on a line item to start the multi-selection process.

I love the app except for this specific issue where other apps excel.

First Steps

I agree, there has to be a better easier way to log the same meal for multiple days.  Have suggested an option be added allowing you to check off the days of the week it's consumed.


To be able to add something like this would be great: 

I make the same breakfast smoothie with 6 ingredients. I’d like to set up an item “Breakfast Smoothie” that includes my 6 items. Later, if I need to alter the breakfast smoothie components, every new smoothie addition would have those while my history remained the same.  

Recovery Runner

How has this not been implemented yet? It's a relatively easy change to make with a big impact. 

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