Ability to change goals per day, without changing all past days.

We should be able to change our goals without changing all of our past goals.
For example, on holiday break I was happy to lower my goal to 5,000 steps. Or converter, some days I want to do more and want to up my goal to 15,000 or even 20,000...but then It changes all the past days.



Moderator edit: added labels

First Steps

Could you make it so historic data remains as it is.


Presently if you change your active hours 

First Steps

Post got cut off...


If you change activity goals all your previous data gets recalculated to match when it should stay as it is

Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @SJRulezthanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us, this feature suggestion already exists so I’ve moved your post here as it is released.


There was a previous post about this:

If I change any of my daily goals, Walking, Floors, Miles Sleep Hours Etc. The previous days where I met those goals based upon my previously set goal loose their ranking as a goal met day.  This was the original post:


Ability to change goals per day, without changing all past days.


We should be able to change our goals without changing all of our past goals.
For example, on holiday break I was happy to lower my goal to 5,000 steps. Or converter, some days I want to do more and want to up my goal to 15,000 or even 20,000...but then It changes all the past days.


Supposedly this was released on 8/28/19, per mods Liz and Edison. However, If I change my goals in the mobile app (I have the latest version available on Android). it is still erasing my previous days where my goals were met based upon the previously set goal for the newly set goal. When I change to goal it should only affect the days AFTER the change was made.  I believe this was the intent of the original post.  Would like to re-open this suggestion for voting.


Status changed to: New
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Thanks @Eagle1 for flagging - I am looking into this. Merging your suggestion into the original for now but will be posting an update and open back up to comments and votes.

I agree, but things have not changed since I posted last year. My remark
keeps getting moved from category to category.

@LizFitbit Thanks for taking this back under consideration! I can provide additional info and screenshots if needed.

First Steps
Fitbit doesn’t care that this is a priority for their users. They continue to say they are looking into it. They shift the request from one persons request to another. I no longer use Fitbit. I recommend anyone who wants a fitness tracker use any product EXCEPT Fitbit.

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Base Runner

This problem has NOT been fixed, despite Fitbit saying it was.  If you have to change a goal to lose a bit more weight, or you want to set rest days and need to change your steps, it sure feels good to see that when you change something, now you suddenly have NOT many ANY of your goals retroactively into the past.  It's hugely disappointing.  I don't see them fixing this ever, despite how many people have complained about it.

First Steps
I had my knee replaced and was only able to take 500 steps a day. As I got stronger and recovered, I was increasing my steps. It was so depressing to see the progress I made not count. Talk about DEMOTIVATING. It’s the point to motivate people to make the goals and then reach new goals. FITBIT only wants sales. They don’t care about the customer once they have your money.

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Status changed to: Under Consideration
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi everyone - this was released but we're aware there is currently an issue with this changing past goals again and are waiting for a fix. This should be reverted soon. I will post updates here. Sorry for the inconvenience.

I am confused. I have never been able to change my goals without my results
changing. Yes, the new program allows to have different goals on different
days. But as soon as a goal on a day is changed, there goes my achievement
records to the dreaded, not achieved. I do not think fitbit is
understanding what we want. Yes, being able to choose different goals on
different days is great, but we want to KEEP our recorded achievement
records still marked as achieved.
First Steps
The earliest request I can find is from Jan 10, 2014!! 2014!! Tell me again how sorry you are for the inconvenience. Over SIX years and 21 pages of comments and it hasn’t been fixed.

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Base Runner

@j8cruzen Yes, exactly this.  Personally, if I could reach into the past and change things like this, I'd make it so I hadn't eaten extra calories in the first place, then I wouldn't need a Fitbit!  😋

First Steps

As a Product Manager myself, I totally appreciate that the FitBit PMs work towards high voted features, and the value they believe each update will produce.

However, I cannot fathom how you still cannot choose different targets (calories, steps) for different days of the week. Nobody lives the same day 7 days a week and an infinite number of things will impact what your goals are depending on calendar day. I really like my FitBit Blaze and would consider the Versa if this feature was added, but I'm now considering alternatives.

For me, my weekends involve a lot more exercise and I want my goals to reflect that or it undermines one of the main purposes of the FitBit altogether.

When I changed my weight goals to cut my intake by XXX# of calories, it goes back through my history and red flags retroactively - days that were on or under previous target. Instant retroactive failure. So I avoided the feature for months.
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @justfalcon, thanks for explaining why you would like to have the ability to change goals per day, without changing all past days. I've moved it into a similar suggestion which has been updated as "Under Consideration". I hope to see you around.

First Steps

After six years I'm pretty sure the answer to the consideration is that it will never be implemented. I've long since left Fitbit because of this issue specifically and found a competitor that does implement this feature plus so much more. It's hard to imagine a scenario of ever coming back to Fitbit. I suggest to anyone who finds this feature important to look elsewhere. 

Base Runner

@YojanaFitbit This feature request requires absolutely no explanation why users want it. Just get it done. Can you give a explanation to when this feature is not preferable?

Base Runner

Yeah, @Anominal after this long they will never get this done.  Which is ridiculous, since it's something that is SO absolutely common sense, that it should have been this way right from the start.  The new item you're using, is it a..."fruit" based product?  Just wondering.

First Steps

this would be great.  I like to see adjust my goals as I improve but then hate to look at the past graphs where the the goals lines are far above the actual.

First Steps

Waiting for this idea to be implemented. It is high time.  

First Steps

So, did this ever get solved? I know my mom has a Fitibit and she was happily surprised to find that this wrked for her (that when she increased her step goal, she wouldn't lose her green stars from previous days). But I still can't manage to find a way to get that... And I'm pretty sure we both have the same Fitbit Charge 3. 


How has it taken over 6 years to figure this out? And If it was figure out before, why is it so hard to find the answer on how to update or change this for my app?



It's been a few years and this is still a thing. I want to be able to step up my goal without suddenly losing my past success. Having the bar raise and apply to the past removes the motivation to keep improving. 

First Steps
Goals such as steps, distance, calories burned, sleep times etc should be customisable on a day-to-day basis i.e. We should be able to make them different every day without having to permanently change our goals in settings.
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