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I agree with many of the others. I know there may not appear to be enough users requesting the bluetooth LE off functionality for fitbit to consider it, but I also know of several hundred, Yes Really, who would consider it, fitbit devices, at my location alone. There are 8,000 military and 12,000 civilians affected by the bluetooth rules at my location alone. I traded a fitbit flex for a first generation jawbone with my son-in-law for that reason. I love the Surge and want one, but I can't justify it if I can't turn the LE radio off while I am at work.
Please don't just consider, but make this an option. You will get a number, Most Likely thousands more at $249 a pop, of new customers with this functionality. Most people I speak with on the military base I work at love the look and function of your products, but won't buy them because they cannot disable the bluetooth. They get written up in sensitive electronic areas for active bluetooth devices and could potentially lose jobs.
One older gentleman specifically stated he came home and threw the device in a drawer because he was written up for a violation at work. He loves the device, but can't afford to lose his job. Thanks for implementing this as soon as possible.
Moderator Edit: Edited title for clarity and word choice
Why am I not able to vote for any posts on this thread? Fitbit, can you please open up the option to vote for these posts? If we cannot vote on the comments we like, how will fitbit know how much support there is to implement an idea?
The best thing anyone can do is make prospective buyers aware through reviews on Amazon etc. Then Fitbit might listen and at least more folks won't end up with an item they are using in ignorance or reluctant to use when they do find out BT is on permanently.
I was doing so well with my FitBit until I started working at a location where bluetooth devices are not allowed so I am unable to wear my fitbit. I notice that some of your competitors do have an airplane mode but I rather stay with my trusty Fitbit. Can you please add this as an option in a new software update etc. I and at least 30 others at my work place would love to use our fitbits throughout the majority of the day at work
Sadly Fitbit doens't seem to reply or respond to our continous pleas for this. I had to return my Fitbit and can recommend looking at the one i use, the Garmin Vivosmart HR
My Garmin Vivosmart HR had bluetooth off by default and comes with a usb cable for synchronizing and charging, so even though it is a smartband, you can use it without ever needing to turn on the bluetooth
Please fitbit, is so dificult for you consider all the owners of the band that are requesting for a the posibility of swicht off/on bluetooth'?? Many of us would sleep lees worried about the posibility of danger by bluetooth radiation. Aren´t you going to listen all the appeals??
Unfortunately your good idea will fall on deaf ears. You've bought a Fitbit and are stuck with permanent Bluetooth activation / synching. Best thing you can do is return it for a refund or review it negatively in the vague hope that someone at FitBit will care about your and our justified concerns as it seems requests and suggestions made here by existing users are completely ignored. Let's face it they've already got your money now and a quick search through this long running thread will reveal that they never give us the courtesy of a response. This is members' only / non public forum and most owners won't realise Bluetooth is permanently enabled until its too late (and they've paid their money). Best thing you can do is return it and review it accordingly.
Turning off Bluetooth should be such a simple feature to add and one that many ppl are requesting either for health concerns or to be able to use at work where Bluetooth is restricted such as in hospitals. A single blink to show when the device is transmitting coupled with a tap sequence to switch on Bluetooth and sync would solve this issue.
I wanted to vote for many recent posts by people asking for capability to turn off bluetooth emissions on fitbit, but, sadly, I was not able. Fitbit message thread is not open to voting for some reason. Is this intentional by Fitbit or an oversight? I would like to be able to vote for posts I agree with. If we cannot vote, how will Fitbit know how many support this capability request?
I bought the Fitbit one but had to return it the next day because I couldn't get over the fact that you can't turn off bluetooth on the actual device. I am concerned with the constant exposure to bluetooth radiation, especially if I'm wearing on my waist the whole day.
Please have this option available and I would buy it.
I think it would be a significant improvement if the quick view display could be switched off at night. Two reasons for this.
1) When I move my arm the screen lights and wakes me up, possibly part of the disturbed sleep pattern!!
2) If it does not wake me up, it still uses battery to light the screen, reducing battery life for no benefit
My suggestion is that you set a DND time span, so that arm movement does not engadge the quick view display, however if you wanted to know the time, still be able to double tap the case.
I actually just sent an email about this to them and they directed me here!! I completely agree, it wakes up both me and my partner as we are trying to fall asleep. Agree completely!!!
YES!!! Need to be able to turn off bluetooth radiation and turn it on just to sync! Loved my One but no longer using it and not buying another because of this issue.
Likewise. I bought a flex second hand and loved it so much I was ready to buy two surge's for my family. Then I learned about this ridiculous feature and now won't even consider it. For such a high price you'd think it would have the same feature ALL other wireless devices have.
Hello, I've got the Fitbit Charge HR and for the night, it will be interesting to disable Bluetooth for night. Health autorities recommand to disable any radio emission when sleeping. The sync with mobile can be done later at the morning.
DND is a must! A fitness device that tracks your sleep should not be waking you up with alerts and a bright screen. To make matters worse, the silent alarm on the watch quits vibrating after 3 cycles, which is easily slept through.
Not possible unfortunately and anyone you sleep alongside will also be exposed to the emissions. Since most people are likely to sleep with their hand/wrist (is FitBit) under their neck or head it also means direct exposure where you potentially want it least. Another reason not to wear one.
Hi everyone, and thanks for your continued feedback regarding this suggestion. Since a few people have voiced safety concerns in this thread, I felt like it might help to provide some facts regarding Fitbit's bluetooth energy levels.
Fitbit trackers operate at such low RF power levels that they are exempt from the evaluation used for other devices (like cell phones). This means that our trackers are in a completely separate category, emitting significantly less energy than phones or other RF devices. Moreso, your tracker only transmits intermittently, which further decreases exposure from that RF energy.
I know that it's easy to worry about things like RF exposure, but hopefully it helps to hear that our products operate far below FCC compliance levels, and are considered to be completely safe. This suggestion was submitted in regards to restrictions around sensitive electronic areas - please keep this context in mind, as we do not believe there are safety concerns related to this feature.
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