Ability to disable Bluetooth in restricted areas

I agree with many of the others.  I know there may not appear to be enough users requesting the bluetooth LE off functionality for fitbit to consider it, but I also know of several hundred, Yes Really, who would consider it, fitbit devices, at my location alone.  There are 8,000 military and 12,000 civilians affected by the bluetooth rules at my location alone.  I traded a fitbit flex for a first generation jawbone with my son-in-law for that reason.  I love the Surge and want one, but I can't justify it if I can't turn the LE radio off while I am at work. 

Please don't just consider, but make this an option.  You will get a number, Most Likely thousands more at $249 a pop, of new customers with this functionality.  Most people I speak with on the military base I work at love the look and function of your products, but won't buy them because they cannot disable the bluetooth.  They get written up in sensitive electronic areas for active bluetooth devices and could potentially lose jobs.

One older gentleman specifically stated he came home and threw the device in a drawer because he was written up for a violation at work.  He loves the device, but can't afford to lose his job.  Thanks for implementing this as soon as possible.

Moderator Edit: Edited title for clarity and word choice


Disable Bluetooth LE (Bluetooth Smart, Bluetooth Low Energy) on the watch

Stepping Up

I agree with many of the others.  I know there may not appear to be enough users requesting the bluetooth LE off functionality for fitbit to consider it, but I also know of several hundred who would consider it, fitbit devices, at my location alone.  I traded a fitbit flex for a first generation jawbone with my son-in-law for that reason.  I love the Surge and want one, but I can't justify it if I can't turn the LE radio off while I am at work. 


Please don't just consider, but make this an option.  You will get a number of new customers, I would guess in the thousands, with this functionality.  Most people I speak with on the military base I work at love the look and function of your products, but won't buy them because they cannot disable the bluetooth.


One older gentleman specifically stated he came home and threw the device in a drawer because he was written up for a violation at work.  He loves the device, but can't afford to lose his job.  Thanks for considering this.

It would be nice to be able to deactivate the Bluetooth on the device - flight mode.
These days there are many instances where you are required to deactivate transmition devices.
For example secure facilities.
Flights etc.

The ability to turn of Bluetooth and still have the device track until you turn it on to sync.

It would be nice to be able to deactivate the Bluetooth on the device - flight mode.
These days there are many instances where you are required to deactivate transmition devices.
For example secure facilities.
Flights etc.

The ability to turn of Bluetooth and still have the device track until you turn it on to sync.


Plaease, stop radiation to head (and save battery) in the night and let Bluetooth (complete Classic+LE) switch OFF.

I have seen a lot of similar questions here , but so far I could see any reply form Fitbit staff that it is not possible ( due to hw limitatinos etc...) nor any other feedback.

Having possibility to disable all radios is something ABSOLUTELY common for all digital gadgets, therefore so far I do not understand, why is it not implemented already.

Please start such consideration, at least..


Idem for the fitbit one

Add the chance to disable Bluetooth on menu device (Charge HR) on next firmware, please.
Now Bluetooth is always active on Charge HR and it is not allowed on several area as hospital or electronical laboratory and it disturbing device as signal TV transmitter.
Thanks in advance for your support."
I will forward answers.
Do you need this function too?
First Steps

I am very intereseted in your products, but I'm not buying it because...

Please add the bluetooth OFF (flightmode) function!!


Remember that "All Bluetooth accessories (for example wireless keyboard, headphones, etc) may only be used during the flight but must remain switched off for taxi, take-off and landing" so this feature is absolutely necessary.
Bluetooth (Charge HR) is always active so it is not allowed on airplane.
Airplane mode allows to suspend signal transmitting as Bluetooth because "All Bluetooth accessories (for example wireless keyboard, headphones, etc) may only be used during the flight but must remain switched off for taxi, take-off and landing" so this feature is absolutely necessary."
When I wear a Fitbit device like Flex or Charge it gives me a terrible headache and the problem is the Rays emitted I know everyone says that there very low but PLEASE JUST PLEASE I love the devices but please add and on/off switch to the app for the wireless
First Steps

I love my new Surge and my husband would love to get one as well. But as other people have commented, he is not able to wear anything with a bluetooth radio to work due to security issues. He has to be able to turn the bluetooth radio off. We would love to be able to work on our goals together and with all the tracking this device has and the dashboards, we would really enjoy competing to reach our goals together. Can you please make it possible to turn the bluetooth radio off in the Surge?

First Steps

Hello, Fitbit!  I am a member of the U.S. Armed Forces and would love to use your products. I am, however, unable to wear your devices while at work because of the sensitive nature of my job.  I am unable to bring in any device to my workcenter that communicates wirelessly with other devices.  This leaves an entire period of time that I cannot track my activity and metrics.  There are thousands of other professionals that are in the same boat as I am who would love to track metrics that the Charge HR tracks but are unable to.  


I understand that this is a niche market with few people, and that my request may be a step back in regards to technological advancement, but we victims of lagging U.S. policy in a world where wireless electronics are everywhere.  This is a long shot, but I was hoping that Fitbit could come up with a product/solution that would still connect via tratidional wired means so that we can all enjoy your products 24/7.  Thank you for your consideration and if you have any questions or need further clarification please contact me at your convenience.




sounds like something that has already been requested:




if you use the search feature, you'll that this has been suggested more than once (turn off-bluetooth, flight mode, etc.).

First Steps

Thank you for your reply, and I did see some of those replies, however simply having the option to "turn it off" is not an option.  For people who work in my career field it cant have the option period.


out of curiosity, he would need something without the ability, period? Only sync option would be via a USB cable, or something?

First Steps

Yes to both.  Guidance for use of Personal Electronic Devices (PEDs) can be found in AFMAN 33-152, "User Responsibilities and Guidance for Information Systems" paragraph 2.14.  Wireless functions must be disabled.  Disabled, as defined by this document does not simply mean "turned off" but the function must cease to work.  IPads in our work center have to be specially modified to remove the wireless option before purchase.


Its a pain, but a wired connection to the computer is fine.  Like I said, its a long shot that this will be taken up by FitBit but right now I dont really have many options for a quality activity tracker.

5K Racer

@CharlieeFoxtrot I agree that Fitbit isn't likely to do it, but with the Surge they are fairly close as it will sync over the USB charging cable. But I'm not sure it would make sense, money wise, for them to make a production run with the BT disabled/removed. (Maybe they could make a one-time firmware option that would permanently disable the BT radio?)

Not applicable

Yea, i support this idea, after you can sync via USB cable also setting bluetooth ON / OFF via USB


This correction is critical!  We cannot have the men & women who defend our country (reagrdless of your political beliefs) risking their jobs in their efforts to stay fit using Fitbit products. They already risk their lives on a daily basis to protect us. This is completely unacceptable. Please fix this issue immediately!

Moderator edit: Removed all caps.

First Steps

I really like the idea of completely disabling the Bluetooth. On the Surge, we can toggle the Classic Bluetooth On-Off-Pair. I would like the option to disable the Bluetooth LE too from that screen.

Keeping Pace

I agree with disabling Bluetooth with manual controls and/or a schedule. Why should the bands (Charge HR in my case) be on when I only want to sync the data once a day?

Base Runner

The option to toggle Bluetooth on/off is essential.  I am currently evaluating the Fitbit Flex, but without the ability to disable Bluetooth it cannot be a long-term solution for me.


Please implement a simple on/off switch--soon!  Smiley Happy


Personally, I only use my computer to upload my FitBit as I do not own a smart phone nor do I wish to own one. I am a recent owner of a Charge and have found that it really helped me to become more active. Now, I'm using it to help my doctors keep track of how much I'm actually walking on a badly sprained ankle so we can determine the best course of treatment.


Additionally, I wear 2 medical devices that "talk" to each other in a day so I would love the ability to turn one of the 3 devices that I wear "off" from syncing.

I also would like and on/off function for the Fitbit One's Bluetooth signal. I would be able to wait longer between charges, even if it's minimal. I also support the people (military, DOD, etc) who are not permitted to carry a device with a live bluetooth signal on their jobs.
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