Ability to remove/delete weight goal at Fitbit.com

The weight goal tile when I joined up was an awesome little graph of my weight over time. Then sometime later I wondered what would happen if I set a weight goal, so assuming that I'd be able to remove it afterwards I set a pretend weight goal.


Now I can't remove it, only change it. I don't want to change it, I don't want any weight goal at all. I've removed the tile from my dashboard but I don't want to do that, I just want the weight graph back.


It can't just be me. There must be other people who want to have a weight goal for a while and then change their minds and decide they don't care any more or something. I contacted support to delete my weight goal for me and even they couldn't do it!


Support told me to post it here, so here I am. Can anyone else imagine wanting this feature?

Moderator edit: labels.


Absolutely agree.  i want my fitbit to be more aware of my health, not loose weight.  i was playing around with the features and now set a goal to loose 10kg in a month - i never ever planned to do this, but now i'm stuck with it 😞

First Steps

I absolutely agree.  I set a weight goal and a food plan while I was playing around to see if I actually want to use this service, and now I want to reset it.

Not applicable

Yes this is rubbish.  You should be able to delete.  I currentlty can't even adjust mine (it wont save) so `I am stuck with it and support have not got back to me... are they alweays this slow to resolve?  If so I may just go back to the old salter scales!!

@Cassian wrote:

The weight goal tile when I joined up was an awesome little graph of my weight over time. Then sometime later I wondered what would happen if I set a weight goal, so assuming that I'd be able to remove it afterwards I set a pretend weight goal.


Now I can't remove it, only change it. I don't want to change it, I don't want any weight goal at all. I've removed the tile from my dashboard but I don't want to do that, I just want the weight graph back.


It can't just be me. There must be other people who want to have a weight goal for a while and then change their minds and decide they don't care any more or something. I contacted support to delete my weight goal for me and even they couldn't do it!


Suport told me to post it here, so here I am. Can anyone else imagine wanting this feature?



the goal makes me sad Smiley Sad i would like to delete it.


I agree with all of the above comments, this is functionality that should be easy to adjust or delete and it is not. I cannot see a response from FitBit here though? FitBit would you have the courtsey to respond to your purchasers of products to let us know if this can or cant be done at least?


I am looking for the same thing.  Added a goal to see what it looked like and now stuck with it.  My real goal is to get my steps in today.  I will have the same goal tomorrow, and the next day, etc and the weight part will just figure itself out on its own.  I want this to be a lifestyle change and not just a project to loose a certian amount of lbs.




This is pretty basic, and (alas) another indicator of how primitive the dashboard really is. It seems that all the effort was spent on glitz. rather than usability (weight rounding by up to 0.2lb?! Animation that cannot be disabled?! No simple, tabular format?! Frequent date confusion by the Android client?! C'mon gang...)

First Steps

I'm currently in pretty good shape (BMI at 22.8%), and my weight's dropped very close (within 1kg) of when I was a lean 20-year old. Except I'm actually nearing 40, and I'm now fitter and stronger, which I'm rather happy about.


Obviously when I first started with the Fitbit I set a weight goal. A year and two months later, I've gotten to the point where my weight goal no longer makes any real sense—it's close enough to my healthy body weight that I'm focusing only on fat-loss. If more weight loss happens, it's good but it's no longer my goal.


I'd just like to remove the weight goal, and have the option on the dashboard scale to show body fat % instead. I'd love if Fitbit would just make this change — this is what happens when your product's done well to help and people are meeting their goals. Please fix!

Keeping Pace

Yes to all of the above. I just want a continuing record of current weight, not some notice that I'm x% above or below some unknown value for the day.


I'm having fun with the Flex but this is a deal-breaker. If they don't have the courtesey to make this extremely simple fix (it's just a reset function), I can't have confidence they'll ever be responsive and trustworthy company.


I like the functionality but there are several competitors I'll go to instead, and I'll certainly tell friends and colleagues why I did.



First Steps

Yes to all of the above. I sent a scathing email to Support about this issue and all I got was vapid advice to just set my goal to whatever my weight is. This is ridiculous. It would literally take their engineers all of twenty minutes to implement that functionality. I can't imagine why they haven't yet, unless it's some sort of manipulative ploy.


I agree as well.  I looked around at the food plan feature.  I don't like it.  I want to remove my weight goal.  I really liked seeing how much I was losing instead of how much I need to lose.  Not a happy FitBit-er right now.

Recovery Runner

I also find the Goal Weight irritating, and want to delete it. Main reasons :

It doesn't calculate it correctly - my goad is 151lbs, I am currently at 153lbs, and the iPAD app says I have met my goal ??

The iPAD app is telling me different 'Calories Left' amounts, even to the point where I go back over a couple of weeks, the figures are chaning in front of my eyes.

Not sure if it is a glitch since the upgrade, but something has gone ong with the basic sums.


The weight goal was helpful while I was working toward it.  Now that I've reached it I too would like to replace it with a simple tracking graph.  Thank you.

First Steps

Add me to the list of people that want to remove the weight goal.


now it's just annoying as I move up or down .1 of a pound.




Stepping Up

Has there been no update on this simple improvement from Fitbit?

I thought by now the Fitbit team should have already set up a way to delete a weight goal (especially after completing it), but seems like they don't even read this feature requests.

First Steps

I am losing weight at the moment, entered the stupid goal on a whim, and now instead of just telling my weight in the app it says how many pounds I have left to lose - which is way more intimidating than just seeing my weight ever was! I'd prefer to see how far I've come than to see how much I have left to lose every time I open the app.


I agree, we need the ability to turn off the weight goal. And it's ridiculous that this topic is almost a year old without any reply from FitBit.


Wow, this idea is a whole year old, with no response from Fitbit and no change? 😧

Stepping Up

Just set up my Aria today and entered weight goal during the learning process. Like others I assumed I would be able to delete it later. Absolute joke fitbit doesn't have this simple option.

First Steps

Agreed.  Please add the ability to delete a weight goal. 

First Steps

I totally agree! I don't want a weight goal...I don't want to even SEE weight!!!! I want to see fitness....and that is not weight. Stupid to force us into diet mentality. I am completely ticked now that I can't delete that "goal". Stupid of support to tell us to change goal weight to what we currently weigh. When I do that screen now says "Woohoo! You reached your goal" everytime I look at it. Yeah, right. FIX THIS, FITBIT, FOR HEAVENS SAKE!!!

Not applicable

My wife and I are new to Fitbit and recently purchased a Charge HR for myself, she has the Charge and an Aria scale, all great products so far.

In playing around with the app my wife set goals and too my shock you can't remove them, I was also equally shocked to see this feature request sitting here for a year!

This is ridiculous it is like being penalized for making a mistake, this needs to be fixed, I can't believe we are now contemplating deleting her account and re-creating it just to reset a "curiosity" mistake.


Fitbit seriously look into this request it can't be that difficult to implement.

Not applicable

I also have been using my FitBit Flex for about a month, and I was playing around with the weight goal option. Now it's so annoying to see "9 lbs to go!!!" on my Dashboard every day. I want to DELETE the weight goal and it won't let me. 


Fitbit, PLEASE fix this !!!!!!!!!!!

Recovery Runner

I agree! I am so dismayed. I did what others above did, was playing around with the tiles, plugged in a number for a weight loss goal and apparently now I have learned that I'm stuck with it! I'm going to have to remove the file. FitBit, please make it possible to delete the weight loss goal.

Stepping Up

Same as everyone else.  I was playing around and got stuck with this stupid thing.  (Geez, it's like an STD).

Not only should they give us the ability to remove it, the should put warnings on all the items that are un-deleable.  Have some respect for your users Fitbit.... 

Hmmm... I'm now wondering if I cancel my account and create a new one, would that help... Not so easy after having over a year's worth of info with you guys.

It's just.... mean.  Change it!

Not applicable
If you contact Fitbit and open a ticket they will remove the data. Still shocked they haven't made it a user option.
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