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Ability to track the number of steps for a time period

I am involved in a couple of challenges where we're trying to determine who has the most steps over a time-period (30 days, 60 days, etc). Right now the only way we have to track is for each of us to put our daily totals in a spreadsheet. I'd like to see this as a feature option. I'd also like the ability to look at my account and see the total number of steps I have taken since I started with FitBit.

1 Comment
Status changed to: Existing Feature
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

@dwfain Thank you for your suggestions about having an option to track the number of steps for a time period.


Currently, you can go online to fitbit.com > Log > Activities and set the time period you want to see your stats:




If you click your profile picture on the online Dashboard, you'll be able to see your Lifetime Achievement stats and Best Achievement stats.

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