Able to customize Exercise app list on Smartwatches

Would like to be able to remove exercises I do not do.
Also would like to move my most used ones to the top.

Moderator edit: Clarified subject and updated label
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @Sfit123, thanks for sharing this suggestion about being able to customize the Exercise shortcuts list on your Sense with us. As it was mentioned by our friends, this idea was already requested in the Feature Suggestions board, so I’ve moved your post here. This will help us to keep the forums organized and make sure the suggestions don't get confused, or split a popular vote. Click on the thumbs-up to show your support.


Yes, please bring back the ability to select your own custom exercises that matter to each user. Previous Fitbits had this feature. I want to only see five at most. I am uninterested in scrolling through things like kickboxing and golf which I will never use.




Add the feature to allow users of the Sense (or any other Fitbit for that matter) to customize the exercise shortcuts they want to see on a daily basis.

First Steps
Agreed. Hope they will act on these suggestions.

100% agree!!! I was utterly shocked and disappointed to find I could not remove the exercises I do not use. My old fitbit from 2 years ago was easy to take out the ones I didn't use, would of thought a new version that cost nearly £200 more would have this same feature. Pleeeeeease add this feature to enable us to do this, drives me mad having the scroll past all the ones I don't use. Absolutely stupid not to be able to do this.

Community Legend

@SophiaA91 the exercises that you do not use will get pushed to the bottom of the list. 

The ones you do will get moved to the top of the list. 

Base Runner

The other day when I went for a walk, spinning was one of the top 3 exercises to choose from.  However, I *NEVER* spin...


I do bike, and select it when I'm riding, but would never confuse biking with spinning.


This is still an issue that I think Fitbit needs to address, and let users have manual control over what shows up in the list of options.  Their top 3 list is consistently inaccurate.



First Steps
I agree. I do not play tennis but need to select it when I play pickleball.
Why? Because pickleball is not an option.
Community Legend

The ability to choose pickle ball is not covered under this thread, since it will require the developers to add the needed programming. 

@Sfit123 have you added your vote? 

Pickleball - Add to Activities 

Recovery Runner

I totally agree with this suggestion.  I just upgrade from Charge 3 to Sense and when I looked into the exercise icon on the watch face I noticed there were many activities here that I will never do.

In my charge 3, I was able to activate those  I wanted (of which there are only 6) and place them in any order I wanted for them to appear in, using the exercise Shortcuts option in the fitboit app under my (Charge) device..


This ability was removed for the Sense and the Versa 3 (my wife's watch), so now you have to scroll through the entire list of 20 or so to get to the activity you wish to perform.  Yes as you do them they will bubble up to the 'Recent' position, but will only show the most recent on the top, which may not be the order I necessarily want  next time. 


Most people will stick with a regimen of their preferred activities which they want to limit to so why clutter things up with unwanted, never to be done  activities?


Having been in the IT industry for almost 50 years, a major tenant was never to remove functionality from an application update that users were accustomed to using, and forcing them to change the way they worked.


We had the ability to disable and rearrange the exercise activities on our device before. 


What harm can putting this capability back in the app for the versa and sense devices cause?

If someone is happy with the default the way it is now, fine.  They don't have to do anything. 

For those of us who want to customize the activities that appear on our device, and the order that they appear in, let us do that. 

By simply choosing not to include the unwanted activities, no harm is done as they could be added back later.

This is a user option and makes perfect sense (no pun intended) to include it. 


Please re-instantiate this capability into the Fitbit app. 


First Steps

I agree with this. I would love the ability to unclog my exercise shortcuts with the exercises I never do. Being able to add my own (trampolining) would mean a more unique experience to using the Fitbit Versa 3. I wish Fitbit would fix this asap

Community Legend

Adding trampoline, will first require fitbit to do the programming. 

@Frostz554 you may want to add your vote to this suggestion. 

Please add Rebounding as a workout category  

First Steps

Yes, please bring back the ability to select your own custom exercises that matter to each user for the Versa 3 and all other nee Fitbits. Previous Fitbits had this feature. I want to only see five to seven, at most. I am uninterested in scrolling through things like kickboxing and golf which I will never use... but biking, tennis, skiing, running, swimming are all sports I do weekly.

Recovery Runner
Yes. Thank you for supporting this request to return prior functionality to the fitbit app.

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Just upgraded from Versa 2 to 3 and I can't believe you took away a feature. 


Actually I can. When I upgraded from Versa 1 to 2 you took away swimming tracking features. That being said, new versions are supposed to be upgrades. 


Community Legend

@ashleytwo swimming can be added to all versions of the Versa's

As for the exercises, with the 3, the user is not limited to only 6 exercises. 

The most use exercises get moved to the top. 

My thought is why have exercises in the tracker that I know will never be used. 

Is it a down grade, not really. Users don't have to worry about having to install exercises, like Swimming., that where not installed by default. 


I do understand that this change of having all exercises installed by default was added as a response to a feature request. We really should not be claiming fitbit but our fellow fitbit users. 

Recovery Runner
I don't see how this is a feature. As was before you could tailor the list
to see what you wanted . The option to include or exclude activities from
the list should not have been removed. It should be an option. You don't
remove functionality from an application once it is instantiated. Years in
IT substantiate that!!!
Community Legend

I also believe that this should be an option, and is why I added the suggestion. 

However, we need more votes before we will get the attention of the developers. 

First Steps
Custom list for exercises if is not possible at least if manually is selected 5 times add it to recent from my list. or If I remove all your suggestions from the hardcoded list give the opportunity to do my own selection. If users pay for some device at least give the opportunity to do their own configuration.
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @Kuervo, thanks for sharing this suggestion about being able to organize the Exercise list on the Sense with us. This idea was already requested in the Feature Suggestions board, so I’ve moved your post here. This will help us to make sure the suggestions don't get confused, or split a popular vote. Click on the thumbs-up to show your support.

Recovery Runner

This is a must have and I am not sure why it's not available for Sense. I loved that feature on my Blaze

First Steps

It has been a year since the original request. There are over 200 votes for this. It is time for Fitbit to make this happen. Clearly, this is what the people want. Give the people what they want!

Community Legend

Probably not @abinadi usually requires 650 - 1000 before a suggestion is considered. Even then, fitbit may feel it is in a direction that they do not want to go. We don't even have 20 votes a month. 

The suggestion for a game on the Charge 2, had over a hundred requests to merge and over a thousand votes in the first 2 months. 


Really, this suggestion needs to be advertised. 

A link could be added to the footer on a person's post. 

First Steps

I suggest to implement the possibility to arrange and/or delete from the device Versa3 the various workouts, in order to have upfront the preferred ones and remove whichever are never used, e.g. "golf" (very specific) - and maybe add "horseback riding"??


Moderator Edit: Clarified subject

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Lagisi, and thanks for taking the time to share this suggestion about adding the option to organize/delete the exercise list on the Versa 3. We rely on feedback like yours to help us develop products and features that we know our community wants to see. If this suggestion receives votes from other customers and gains popularity, it will be shared internally with various teams at Fitbit. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which suggestions get developed, visit our FAQs.

Watch this space for status updates. In the meantime, try visiting Health & Wellness to talk with other members about all things health and fitness.

Not applicable

I just want to add to the request to allow editing the exercise list. Some of us have specific needs, some even related to ADA, that make this long list of 20 exercises completely ponderous and Byzantine. I've been using other Fitbit devices since 2012 and they've always had the ability to eliminate showing exercises we never do. Some of us have physical limitations and cannot run. Some never ride bicycles. Some cannot lift weights. Some of us don't want those choices every single time we go to do an exercise. It's almost like we now wear a piece of technology that urges us to exercise and develop more active lifestyles and then, every time we go to exercise this "friendly reminder device" taunts us with our limitations. This is just silly and cruel, at the worst of it. Please consider what your stated goals are as a company and listen to your customers.

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