Able to edit exercises distance on iOS device

I'm new to Fitbit but have used various other fitness apps over the years. I've just done my first treadmill run with my new charge 2 and the total distance was quite a way off what the treadmill said and what I believe I ran . Please could you add a feature to edit the run distance and other details on the app and website post run?

Thanks in advance



Moderator Edit: Added Labels/Title for Clarity


Ability to edit the mileage recorded on Fitbit would be a great step forward.

I use the GPS on my phone and the Fitbit Charge 2, the GPS tracking seems to be pretty accurate, but the mileage calculations can be significantly out. So the ability to edit the mileage from a ride or run would seem to be a simple solution.

This could then resolve the inaccuracies for the calculations for speed etc, if they could be retrospectively recalculated.

First Steps

There needs to be an option to edit distance on runs, especially treadmill runs. Mine never comes out the same as the treadmill. I've basically resorted to using runkeeper to track my runs, which is silly.
I would also love the ability to comment on the exercises after they're finished - how I felt, times for certain splits, etc.


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First Steps

I find it laughable that Fitbit promote a feature that automatically logs an exercise and which provides an option to edit the exercise distance but that doesn't work. Then when questioned they suggest I should manually log the exercise. Surely the point of this device is to aid fitness and a simple discussion with people who do this and buy these devices should make it clear that tracking metrics is a key part of what we do, it shouldn't be difficult.....spoils what I have up to now found to be an excellent device....please fix!!!!

Recovery Runner

I think I'm right in saying there is no way to edit a treadmill workout distance.  


I don't use the treadmill a lot, but today I ran a mile on the treadmill and it logged as almost 9/10 of a mile. Thus, the recorded pace was off too.


I looked around and tried to log the run manually, but it looks like I can only enter the start and end times for a treadmill run -- Fitbit must work out the rest from its saved data.  


If the treadmill says 1.0, I trust the treadmill more than fitbit's sensors.  Is there any way this can be added to the app in the future? 


Not applicable

Please! I get so discouraged when my fitbit doesn't match the data on the treadmill. I just want an all in one place where I can log this info without having to use a secondary tracking app.

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Hi @fireman099That’s an interesting idea and could be useful, thanks for sharing this suggestion.

Recovery Runner

Everyone with a fitbit that uses an elliptical machine is bothered by the fact that we cant input the accurate distance for our workout. 


Being able to edit it manually would be great. 

First Steps

Allow manual distance input for elliptical exercises. I am consistently doing 2 miles each day, and though my caloric calculation is made accurate, I would like to put in my distance as it is 


Fitbit needs to make it possible/allow you to adjust your distance after a treadmill run. You are able to adjust stride length and start and end times, so it seems pretty possible to be able to just add another tab in order to adjust treadmill distance to make it accurate. Otherwise everyones pace is way off from what the actually ran, according to their watch.


I would add the same for elliptical.  I cannot change the calorie usage which I get from a different devise and add the miles.  Actually the edit option only seem to work sometimes and comes up with some odd stats.


Please allow editing elliptical workouts.  My Charge HR recorded 42 minutes 423 calories and 3915 steps but NordicTrack recorded the same workout as 830 calories with 6700 strides and 7 miles.  The wide discrepancy between the two ought to be correctable.  If not, at least offer a range of elliptical workouts so that users can choose what is a better Fit for their actual efforts.  Thanks

First Steps

I have Charge 2 and mostly I use it for hiking. The problem is with the GPS - when I start the Walking activity Fitbit app shows that GPS is up and running, but when I finish my activity - map is blank, there's no distance and no pace, although everything was displayed before I pressed "Finish" button. 
So, it would be awesome if FINALLY you would add the feature to EDIT activity (not only to change the title of the activity, but to actually edit the route or at least the length of distance) after it's saved. I read a lot of forum entries and this feature is commonly asked. 


I'd like to be able to edit activities, such as treadmill runs, because I feel as though calories burnt are inaccurate on fitbit, like if I'm running on an incline of 4% for an hour, the calories shown on the treadmill and the calories shown on my fitbit are way different because fitbit has no way of telling if I'm on an incline or not.


Community Legend

The calories are determined by heart rate and time .

As for the not sure which is greater, but some exercise equipment are known to add feel good calories. 

I would 100% agree.  I just switched back from Garmin to Fitbit with the new versa and really LIKE my versa.  I've now adjusted my stride length in hopes that this will help calculate accurately moving forward -- however, would love the ability to go back and edit previous running activity.  I know for a fact that the track I run is exactly 1 mile.  The good news is that the fitbit is "accurate" in that it's always short of the actual mileage.  Whether it's a 1mi run on a treadmill or outdoors, it always comes up as .89 / .90 miles -- just shy of that 1 mile mark.  (And as I said, I know for a fact the path I run on is 1mi.)  


It's interesting because there's an edit button a field where you can adjust mileage for the activity -- but it never seems to save.  It changes for a second and then goes back to the original mileage.  This would be a GREAT fix and really my only complaint with the versa/fitbit app.  


And yes, I know I could manually log the data, but then I lose the HR functionality, etc.  It was pretty disappointing to run a half marathon last Sunday and have my fitbit say I only ran 11.8 miles.  (And again, I know it was at least 13.1).  


> The calories are determined by heart rate and time .


That's very bad, because calories (a unit for energy) is in our case  is 4184 * (moved kg) * (path of travel in metres)^2 / (time it required)^2. This has nothing to do with pulse. These can be measured by the momentum of the Fitbit's gyroscope. A bit of inaccuracy is fine, not making it editable is not. Also, not everyone is into running, Powerlifting, athletics, MMA acitvities could be also measured, but Garmin / Suntoo / Polar seem to be better fits if you are not just a casual jogger.


An elliptical enhancement would be a nice touch for the development team to come up with. 

Community Legend

The problem @aries1980 when it comes to a stationary exercise machine, the user is only virtually moving, not physically. The distance the stationary machine reports is a made up number based on how many devalue ions a wheel spinning through air revolves .

This virtual made uoudistance has nothing to do with the amount of resistance. 

As for weight, since the user is not physically moving, the users weight has been taken out of the picture, you can also say the same about the weight of the machine .BTW Fitbit uses motion sensors and does not have a gyroscope. 

ImI'not sure what type of sllyptical enhancement your looking for? You haven't done and the elaboration about your thoughts.

@KarliElizabeth where you using GPS, if not tgentyes you will need to setup your stride, since Fitbit is unable to measure distance. 


@Rich_Laue: I don't know which of my sentence confused you, but I did not mention resistance. I mentioned the velocity of the moved weight over time. Now, any stationary machine can measure better the velocity, the time than Fitbit. We are talking about the feature to adjust Fitbit's data with the one that the stationary machine gave us.

Thanks for the info on gyroscope. My Charge 2 has a 3-axis accelerometer, which is even better to collect other activities, such as weight training properly.


This should be relatively easy to do. There are many benefits to doing this. The first being it would help the tracker discover the users cadence. Second it would let the users keep a more accurate log of their exercise. Third Fitbit would be taken more seriously in the active world. Fourth it would make users happy. Fifth other popular apps allow this type of editing. So on and so on. Please listen to your customers Fitbit. 


Aside: I also would like a find my phone function, just saying.


We need this for elliptical activity.


I use exercise app on my Versa to log activity on elliptical. As far as calories match with a small error between Fitbit and elliptical machine, distance is way off.


My versa count 2.02 km on 31min exercise with 2900 steps

My elliptical machine count 13.38km (to steps here since this is based on wheel rotation)...


Will be nice to have the ability to edit activities and add/edit distance or just log distance as separate activities that will not raise additional calories and steps.

First Steps

I just did my first treadmill run with my Versa and I would love an option to edit my distance, since the treadmill says 6.02 and my Versa only logged me at 3.85. That's a big difference, and often it was because it kept dropping connection. I understand updating my stride and that a treadmill has it's own inaccuracies...but I ran for over an hour so I'm sure I ran closer to 6 miles than I did under 4 miles...I'm not that slow lol!


Please give us the ability to use our devices as our own personal logs to update distance and start/end times when we might have had errors in tracking.

Community Legend

@Run-SEC while on a treadmill the Versa is unable to measure your virtual distance .your standing still. The Versa however can calculate your virtual distance by using the step count and stride setting .First you want to check the step count accuracy whioewnot holding on. Then calculate and set the stride setting .

First Steps
It would be great if we could just update the recorded distance. In this
instance I would update from 3.85 to 6 miles. Otherwise I suppose I can
just delete the recorded run and log a manual run.

First Steps

@Rich_Laue Thank you for the feedback! It would be nice if we could just update distances from what was recorded (understanding it is sometimes captured inaccurately). I guess I'll just delete this run and log a manual one in it's place 😕

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