Able to log blood pressure in the Fitbit app

I'd love a place to log blood pressure in the Fitbit app to allow a single location to track most health metrics would be awesome! Especially now that I can track blood glucose there as well.


Moderator Edit: Clarified subject

Recovery Runner


For every person who thinks to comments on these forums there are probably 100's of people who don't or never heard of these forums.  The demand is probably much higher than the 210 people you see.  I suspect there are also other features that the Fitbit app does or allows people to log that are also not often used, and yet were not removed.

And of course blood pressure is important enough health-wise that Fitbit itself is looking to see if they can find a way to measure it.

First Steps


When electric cars were introduced, they were rarely used 

When airplanes were introduced, they were rarely used 

When trains were introduced, they were rarely used.

When the printing press was introduced, it was rarely used.


Know what brought it mainstream? Forward thinkers that saw the value and kept pushing, changing they way the world worked.


You need a new argument Rich. That one got old with the advent of fire 


Community Legend

Actually you have it backwards, electric cars where around a hundred years before the internal engine was invented. Internal combustion powered cars where not popular until Henry Ford came up with the production line.until then it was steem or electric

First Steps

This would be great!  Last year I was diagnosed with HfpEf (only 41 years old).  I have to limit my water to to 64oz the app helps keep track, my weight has to be taken daily as a +- of two punds I have to call.  When I call they want daily blood pressure.  All of this in one spot would be great!  Also away to share with the Dr. Would be great.  I'll beta test if this is something Fitbit can do. 

Recovery Runner

This continues to be annoying - I would like to store ALL health, fitness, consumption and other stats in one place. The apple health app (last time I checked) had integration with the Omron BP device.

How about just a generic attribute where we, as users, can log whatever we want.

It's as simple as giving us a date field, a thing to call it field, and an open text value field. No reason to get fancy.

First Steps

Ability to log in Water, food, activity is great, but Please add ability to log in Blood Pressure. It is crucial for some to keep record…especially if under care of a physician!

I like your idea. 😉

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

Yes, please! I currently use 2 devices bc the Fitbit app doesn’t have the option to enter your blood pressure. I’m older now and I am now tracking my health very close and I need this and so do my elderly parents who wear a Fitbit.

Thank you for your suggestion. 

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
First Steps

Yes definitely. All in one app will really help. 

Blood pressure monitoring is vital. 


I bought a $250 versus 3 Fitbit only to realize it has no blood pressure checker. My old $19 smartwatch from Amazon did all of it but no gps.

Could a simple app not be created to add to the phone? I really need this soon before I decide if I'm going to send this versa 3 back or not? Fitbit staff : Please Respond, Please Help, News would be great too. 

Right! I ordered the Charge 5 for the ECG but I have to use my Apple App bc
of the blood pressure log. I have to use 2 apps. I think I’m going to send
the charge 5 back as well bc my Apple Watch has the ECG. I just really like
the Fitbit.
First Steps
There are so many apps that can do this but why when I can keep it on one
app like I do my blood sugar. So frustrating.
Not applicable

I vote yes please.

First Steps

How irritating!  Just bought a Charge 4 and Charge 5 for a friend and she needs to track blood pressure that she measures herself.  As a programmer, I call BS on not having this ability.  Simple to do if blood glucose can be logged.  Too many frills and not enough meat in Fitbit.  Thought I was buying a sensible product.

First Steps

I would love to be able to manually log my BP as well. I keep track of all my health data on the Fitbit app but there is nowhere to track BP.

Recovery Runner
The users have spoken. We would strongly want:
1. BP Integration BP devices (like Omron) HINT: The Apple Health App. has it.
2. Give us an option to maintain "Anything" manually within the app by adding the option to add attributes. i.e. I can one called "Blood Pressure" and create entries (need attribute, date, value fields)
HELP users want it
Recovery Runner

Hey all - I posted an SOS for this in the "New features" board (or whatever it's called).


Apple Health does this and it works GREAT - so why not here?

Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @MrClutch, we wanted to let you know that the ideas you recently posted already exist on the Feature Suggestions Board. You can see them here where you can add your vote to those existing suggestions:



Please try to make sure you only post one idea per suggestion, so we can keep the board organized, easily searchable and see which idea other members are voting for. Thanks for participating in Feature Suggestions, your feedback is truly appreciated.


I have the Dario glucose and Blood Pressure devices. I tried to see if I could sync the info to fitbit but nope, no can do. So I enter my glucose manually but no place for my BP. I share my fitbit health with my Doctor. But I found a device that does everything fitbit and apple watch can do and their App has the ability to manually and sync your glucose and BP to it. Also I have the CRONOMETER APP that allows you to sync Apple Health, Samsung Health, Google Fit, FitBit, Garmin, and more to it. So I am most likely going to move my entire family over to the new tracker device or to the cronometer app. I've held on so long because I've convince my parents and grandparents to include my adult kids and husband to get a Fitbit. No one logs their water but we all log our glucose. But now we want to log our BP and I think I may have found a tracker and app that will do this for us. So in a few months we will no longer be fitbit users and that saddens me because I fought so hard for my family to track their health t do better health wise.

First Steps


Which tracker? I also use Chronometer but since Fitbit can't (won't) track this metric, I'd like to find one that can.

Stepping Up

Apparently, to Fitbit, the only meaningful metric for measuring interest in adding BP logging to the app is that "only 200" people have requested it. First of all, I would guess that only a small fraction of users of any software take the time to formally express their wishes for more features, either because they are not aware that they may do so or they just do not think it worth their time because they sense that they will not be listened to--and judging by the way the comments on this forum have been dismissed, one can understand that reluctance.

Perhaps a better metric would be to look at the number of commenters on this forum which represents users who are seriously engaged with the product.

Or maybe FitBit should just use some common sense and provide a way to manually log a wellness parameter that is among the first things a nurse does when you come in for any and every visit to your doctor's office, along with stepping on a scale and recording your weight--which, by the way, Fitbit DOES allow one to enter manually.  Blood pressure trends and patterns are extremely important and can alert us to silently developing circulatory problems.  Fitbit is, in my opinion, taking the lazy way out on this important data point.

First Steps

I was diagnosed with hypertensive crisis today and need to monitor by BP daily. At first I wasn't that worried, because I do so much on my Sense!! Imagine my disappointment to find there is nothing for BP on my expensive health monitor. I had to order a generic fit band that can track my steps, spo2 and allows me to enter my BP info for $50 and not a even with a premium upgrade. I've been a loyal fitbit customer since inception in 2009. But since I'm only, what number 217 out of millions, and not important, you can kiss my premium royalties goodbye and I'll be sending back the sense I bought my daughter for her birthday since clearly your loyal customers aren't even worth bringing back an function people  are begging for.... good day sir

Recovery Runner

If I can manually add my glucose readings & I can manually add my menstrual info WHY in this day & age can I not manually add my BP readings? I vote yes for adding a simple tile so users that wish to use it can choose to add it to their apps to track their BP. I use the food log & the glucose log because I've worn a fitbit for years & tracked in other apps that don't integrate & I thought, "What am I doing, take advantage of the one fitbit app to log it all & streamline the process of daily tracking." Sure is easier to have it all in one app at the doctor's office too when he wants to look at my at home numbers.  Of all the things that are available to add to the app BP tracking should definitely be one of them. I dare say it would be a more important tile than the Mindfulness one.

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