Able to return to previous Fitbit app version

Woke up this morning to your new app. To say the least I am not impressed. It lacks color and is boring and adds nothing new to what was there before. I absolutely hate it. I am a longtime Fitbit user but this might actually change that on next purchase.

Moderator edit: Clarified subject
First Steps

This guy is right, but let me point out the specifics of WHY hes right in a way to help the developers and PMs know what it is we are actually looking for.

1.) The user never wants to see LESS data. You accumulate that data for a reason, and that reason is in service to the user. The new interface went from being able to show 5 metrics to 4.

2.) Labels are GOOD actually. Iconography is always a bit dodgy and presumes a unified cultural intuition that is simply not going to be there. Taking the time to label data is a good thing and useful. Iconography isnt bad, especially on an established interface, but this isnt that. 

3.) Fitness is a LIFESTYLE which means that it is a habit. It needs to be RELIABLE. We need to know what to expect when we look at the interface, which IM guessing most of us do several times a day. Releasing this on us with no "beta" testing would have quickly let you know that this is almost exactly what we DO NOT WANT. Make SMALL changes to apps that get used that frequently. Take a cue from google. Its looked the same since what ...1995? and for good reason.

4.) You lowered the metrics displayed from 5 to 4 and we got NOTHING in exchange. Why? Why are you deliberately WASTING that screen real estate? Users LIKE being able to see data "at a glance" and up to an extent, the more, the better. Editable displays are excellent, and I can appreciate that simplicity is valuable, especially for new users, but solving that problem by (informationally) handicapping the experienced users isn't the win here, nor is giving us more blank space where we know data can already comfortably fit. Blank space serves clarity, but must be used sparingly. This isnt art, where Blank (Negative) space is meaningful composition. These are WORKING apps. Daily Drivers. We need them to WORK before we need them to do anything else. The new interface allows the icons to be infinitesimally larger, but again, its showing less data and adds NO clarity. They were "big enough" before.

4b.) Come to think of it, if you were really worried about the usage of Screen real estate you could put MORE data on the screen (almost always a plus, especially for a dashboard....cuz thats what dashboards are for) by columnizing  around the central metric.

5.) There needs to be consistent iconography. We can translate Egyptian hieroglyphs BECAUSE there is consistency within the icons. Changing them wouldn't be so bad if the labels were useful and present, but without the words to accompany them, then changing the Icons means we have to essentially grope and suss out a new language. What's the payoff for this? If I'm making the effort to learn this new iconography, what do I get in exchange for my effort? More clarity? More information? If your answer is "Neither. We just thought it would be fun/pretty" then you have made a terrible decision. There's a reason that the "save" icon is still a floppy disk 20 years after people stopped using floppies. Its because we know what it means.

6.) The Today screen is the GATEWAY into the app. If anything that needs to be the MOST familiar, and least "fiddled" with. It is as much a part of your brand as you diamond of circles Logo. Why do this?

7.) Any PM or developer who doesnt understand the above points needs further training on the matter. It is my supposition that this new UI went through several meetings, code/design reviews and stages of testing. How the HELL did THIS get through? No one thought that MAYBE this was a bit to minimalist to the point of decreased functionality? I dont know what yall were TRYING to do here, but a simple schematic on the information flow here would have prevented this. This is something that could have been fixed TRIVIALLY just by looking at the information flow in and out.

8.) I understand that more was rolled out in to the app than just the Today screen. I understand code must be updated. I understand users sometimes like a "fresh look" as we see this screen several times a day, but please, in your pursuit of "better" try to avoid destroying/damaging what is already GOOD.


p.s. in an attempt to show you the problems (as this is a visual informatic issue) I have included 2 pics to show contrast, examples, and alternatives.

First Steps


is absolutely spot on! especially with regard to point 1, less data, we never want less data. and most people do not want user interface changes at all if they can be avoided.
Stepping Up

Brilliant and fullsome analysis Nymdok.  It seems like Fitbit has not hired the right person to do the job. 

Recovery Runner
  • I absolutely agree. Good points, Nymdok, and I agree with Dsarazin that it's just depressing to look at. 
First Steps

I agree with Nymdok. This is an awful update. Makes me want to abandon fitbit entirely just because they would think this was a good idea.

Way to much white space, too much scrolling/tapping to find the info I want and for heaven's sake give me back the written labels. 

Recovery Runner

Google doesn't seem to care about what the Fitbit users want. Less data, less 3rd party apps, downgrading the newer versions of smart watches (I'm looking at you, Versa 4), etc. As a long-time Fitbit user, I am so disappointed.

And the only answers that they give to feedback and complaints are, "Ooops! Oh well."

Samsung watch, here I come.


I too do not like the new UI. It is far to large on the "Today" screen. I cannot see as much as I used to.

The Battery status is not shown during Syncing.

Selecting the top left icon again does not give battery status and when you go in to the device you get things like Battery Full 80% is NOT full it is only 80%

First Steps

I completely agree with all the negative comments regarding the new app update. It's awful.  I spent ages trying to find out how to change it back to the old version. A Fitbit online chat confirmed this can't be done. It's a terrible update. Please at least give us the choice of our in app display rather than forcing a change! 


I agree with all the comments about the interface.  I'm really disappointed with this new interface.  If I could roll it back to the old one.  I'd do it on a heartbeat. 

I knew how to find everything I needed before, now to find just the battery level I have to delve into the app, instead of it being on instant display.  I agree about the lack of colour too, it just looks basic.  Colour at least broke up the different sections of the interface on the Today screen.  Having all the same bland colour makes it harder to differentiate each area.  Why try to fix something that wasn't broken?  I've never before felt the need to comment on previous changes to the app until now. 

First Steps

In addition to the very valid design points listed above:

a) I miss the fireworks!! Not just the ones per metric, but especially the final big burst on the rare occasion when every target gets achieved. Please bring them back, or at least make them an option for those of us who need that extra push.

b) Why have the circles become a second colour as they monitor progress towards doubling the goal? Filling in the circle after reaching the goal was an immediate visual cue & the new checkmark is hard to see. Why lighten the colour after 100% and who is ever going to (or want to) achieve twice their sleep target? 

Please return aesthetics to 3.9 or make them an option for those of us who unwittingly moved to 4.0. Thank-you!!

Base Runner

As a longtime user (2015) I can only say the following: what a mess.

I really wish I hadn't updated the app!

First Steps

Please please please bring some color  back into our fitbit lives..the new set up is so SAD AND BOARING..hate to have to change garmin no challenges  now no color 😢 

First Steps

I've worked as a financial analyst & manager for GE, IBM, & JPMorgan Chase over my career, & changing the home screen like this has to be 1 of the largest failures I've seen, not to mention the loss in value for Fitbit, particularly as it's just transitioning over to Google! Have been thinking about getting new Sensa2, but if not bringing back previous home screen with more info, color, & fireworks action with achievements, I seriously will think about switching to another brand!!!



Brilliant.  Moreover, the new app doesn't recognise that I have a premium account.  Whatever I try all it does is invite me to try Premium.  I have tried it and now have a subscription.  This is another failure of the app. that it doesn't recognise the elements of your account.  Very poor

First Steps

I woke up to the new app and I generally don’t give feedback. But I absolutely hate this update.

I want to be able to see my battery life percentage. 

I want a dark mode option if y’all are going to make the majority of my screen white space.

I want compact data, not big confusing icons. 

I want to be able to customize. It’s nice you categorized the tiles, but I like my health data separated by mindfulness and sleep data. Also, where do I enter how I feel that day? I have to click on more menus, I don’t like that.

The “Add” button is too large and accidentally pressed. 

However, I DO LIKE the hourly step goals since I was always counting hours in my head with no label. 

Recovery Runner

The new app is terrible and I'm not sure why thought this was a good idea. I loved having all the data that was available. And most importantly, there are horrific bugs in the new app. Poor design and not validated. Whoever is in charge of this needs to find a new job. 

Recovery Runner

This new app update is terrible!  I cannot believe that someone actually thought this change was a good idea.  I should not have to search through the entire app to find what I want to track.  It is boring, colorless, lifeless.  It could not be more obvious that google doesn't care about fitbit users.  They got rid of the challenges without even taking into consideration how much people loved using them.  This is the push I needed to get an apple watch.  I just cancelled premium because why pay for something when your opinion means nothing.

Keeping Pace
Option to use previous User Interface instead of the "New & Unimproved" User Interface PLEASE!!!

Dire 😩 totally uninspiring looking, lack of colour, and for some reason seems to be a lot less user friendly than the previous version. I strongly dislike! Used Fitbit for years and loved previous interface. If it ain’t broke why ‘fix’ it?! 


This new interface is awful. It looks like it was designed by a middle school coding class for a class project. Instead of updating a format that was easy to read and customize, they made it way too large and clunky and it forces the user to scroll for additional data. I can't even move the data around to the way I was used to viewing it. 
It seems like Google buys up companies with great tech and then slowly proceeds to destroy their products (as anybody with an older Nest can attest). I’ve used a Fitbit going on 7 years but my next tracker will definitely be another brand. 

Recovery Runner

The new interface is terrible. I would never have chosen this update and if I could go back to the previous, I  would. What were you thinking??? First, battery status should be displayed in an obvious place. Next (without a screenshot, I'll try to explain) you have made it difficult to compare weekly totals for data like steps and zone minutes. It used to be, if I tapped STEPS, I could then scroll through a continuous list of daily and weekly totals. Zone minutes were displayed the same. All this data is now lost, or displayed in a way that is neither useful, or convenient. As is, I'm hugely disappointed in your product. 

Not applicable

I agree--this new design is horrible!  It looks like it was created by tweens for tweens.  Some of us are WAY past the age of 14.  Is there any way to revert to a previous version?

First Steps

I also normally don’t comment on app updates, however, I am so disappointed in this update. I used to be able to see my battery percentage, and all the information I needed on one page without having to click anywhere else.  Now, I have to click a button on the left to see a battery icon picture, but nowhere does it show the actual percentage. I have an older Fitbit flex2 that does not have a display so now there is no way to know exactly what percentage of battery I have left.  I would like to undo the update, but I found there is no way to do that. Please bring back the old app,  very disappointed with Fitbit. Please put things back the way they were.     

First Steps

Agree, agree, agree. I'm disappointed that I didn't have a chance to even "shop" the new app and decide if I wanted to use it. This one is awful. Specifically:

- When I go into "Active Zone Min" and "week", I want to see my total for the week, *not* the total for the day. In large numbers. You know, like last time?

- I have my zone minutes set to 200 per week as a goal but that doesn't show on the screen so I have to go to the tiny print where it reads "Weekly Target: The AHA recommends...." If I've set my target, please let me see how close I am to it with a quick glance. Like, you know, the previous version! (argh)

- The colors are uninspiring, and make me want to take a nap instead of go out and exercise. 

I mean, I'm just bummed. Can I get the old app back?! 

Recovery Runner

WTH? This new app look is NOT an improvement. Absolutely agree with how UGLY the new look for the app is. WHY?!? Please go back to the previous format. This new one looks so primitive. Who did you have evaluate it? Not actual Fitbit users I’m sure. Up until now I’ve really liked all the fitbits I’ve owned (lots of them!) and the app interfaces but THIS SUCKS. I might look at Apple Watches instead. 

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