Add Chromebook as a supported device

Is there any way to add Google Chrome books that run Chrome OS to the supported device list. My wife and I would be forever thankful! 


Moderator edit: added labels

First Steps

I agree we need to be able to sync with Chromebook. I recently got a Chromebook because my old laptop was having issues... anyway, I was bummed when I found that I couldn't use it to sync with my fitbit, 

Recovery Runner

Add me to the list of people wanting a chromebook app. When I travel I take my chromebook but have to leave my fitbit behind. Why take it when I can't upload and the battery will die before I return. Not having a chromebook app makes the fitbit less useful to me.


Anyone have any ideas on how many days worth of memory it holds if kept charged?

First Steps

A big huge yes vote for chromebook capability!!  I have an iPhone 4 and just got a chromebook for Christmas.......I had been looking at activity trackers for a while and decided on the fitbit since I could sync to a computer....Surprise...I can't sync to either device I have! I have to have my husband sync my fitbit in the evening with his Iphone 6.  My options...upgrade my perfectly good phone or buy a compatible computer.. Really??  Come on fitbit..120+ compatible devices EXCEPT for the 2 I own??? Please get an app for the Chromebook!  You're putting a big damper on my New Year's resolution...

Stepping Up

Please provide Fitbit Connect with sync for Chromebook and Chrome browser. Thank you

First Steps

Add me to list that wants Fitbit Connect to sync with Chromebox and Chrome browser. Thanks

First Steps

Me, as well, find this predicament to be a huge disappointment! Please, Fitbit, get this thing going! I have no other way to track my progress (also an iphone 4/chromebook owner).


Here's yet another vote for adding a chromebook app!

First Steps
For over a year, people have been asking for an app to allow them to sync their FitBit on their Chromebook and still nothing!  Fitbit certainly does not seem to be responsive to the needs of their customers.  I'm really glad that a friend gave me her old FitBit.  I'd be pretty aggravated if I'd paid over $100 for a new FitBit, and then discovered that it's unusable with my Chromebook.  Very disappointing!  
First Steps

I tried my fitbit synch with a WIN laptop - very cool! But since my laptop is a CHROMEBOOK my Fitbit is now useless.


Come on gang...get us up and going with CHROMEBOOK!!



First Steps

Please develop an app fur chrome os (chromebook)


First Steps

just got the charge HR for my birthday. chromebook and iphone4.... yay me

First Steps

Wow. A lot of unhappy people like myself here wanting to use their Fitbit, and unable to because you guys will not make an ap for Chromebook.

What is the holdup?? I have a useless fitbit. I might even possibly buy another, newer version . IF you would get it together!!

I will take my money elsewhere, and find a similar device that cares more about it`s customers if this is not resolved very soon.


Please add my vote to add sync with a chromebook.


I've had a chromebook for 2 years and I'm not going back.  In fact, I upgraded a month ago to the new 2015 pixel! 🙂 🙂 🙂   


I do have an android phone, but the fitbit app for that is *slow* and... clunky at best.  I would like it to be like the desktop where it just updates.  I plugged in the dongle in the vain hope it might work.



Recovery Runner

Just piling on - Join those of us living in 2015 and build a bluetooth chromebook app and devices that work with it to sync fitbit devices.

First Steps

I am returning my fitbit that I bought today because I have no way to connect to a computer. I only have a Chromebook. Disappointing. On the plus side I save myself $130!

First Steps

I just purchased a Fitbit Charge and a Flex and was hoping to take them with me on vacation, but I won't be able too since I use a Chromebook and will not drag a desktop with me. It's been over a year since the request for Chromebook syncing was made and other than being marked as "Reviewed By Moderator," it was marked as a "Duplicate" request (even though a Chromebook is not the same as a Surface RT).


Can we at least get an update as to whether or not Chromebook users should just return  their Fitbits? 


Hey Fit bit team ! I think you can do this!! We want that Fitbit Connect to sync with Chromebox and Chrome browser. Thanks!!!

Recovery Runner

It seems this "issue" has now reached the "DUH" stage. 

Time for the fitbit team to "act" rather than "explain" the Chromebook "issue."

Not applicable

Add me to the list.

First Steps
Fitbit obviously does not give one **ahem** about keeping their Chromebook users.**ahem** shame. Hopefully another company will care enough t make an app to sync with Chromebook. Pamela J. Wells 
First Steps

Chromebook App Please

Stepping Up

I also was greatly disappointed when I found I could not sync my Flex & One with a Chromebook. They are so quick and handy to use, a Chromebook would be perfect with the Fitbits. Wish they were compatible.  

First Steps

Another vote for a chromebook app for the fitbit.

It would be a great addition and a strong market differentiator. 


please add me to the list of chromebook user that really really would like to use my fit bit

and sysc to my chromebook

First Steps

Another vote for Chromebook app to sync fitbit. Very disappointing to not be able to use the two together.

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