Add Chromebook as a supported device

Is there any way to add Google Chrome books that run Chrome OS to the supported device list. My wife and I would be forever thankful! 


Moderator edit: added labels

First Steps

I note FitBit's forum policy states:

Fitbit, nor any of its employees, may accept or consider any unsolicited ideas, including ideas for new or improved products or services, new marketing campaigns or product or service names. Therefore, please do not submit any such unsolicited ideas in any form to Fitbit


I guess that's why they aren't going to consider providing a Linux app 😞


At the risk of contravening Fitbit's policy, I have a Chromebook which I use 99.99% of the time. I start up my MicroSoft PC once a week, for the sole purpose of charging and synching my FitBit -- I do not even log in to it any more. I would appreciate an app, please, for Chromebook.


I have considered upgrading my original Fitbit, but won't do so unless I can sync and interact using Chromebook.


I hope -- in spite of your policy -- that your team will consider this respectful request.

Recovery Runner

Here it is: Yet another vote for an app to allow the fitbit one (or any fitbit device) to sync with Chromebooks. 

First Steps

Come on Fitbit, include us Chromebook users too.

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Chromebook App! Chromebook App! Chromebook App! 
I love love love fitbit's products! I used to have an HP laptop but then switch to chrome.
In that same time my fit bit was hit by a neighbors car 😞 I have waited to get a new one because of the lack care for chromebook users

First Steps

Yes!!!  Need to sync on Chromebook!


Chromebooks have bluetooth and USB ports. Fitbits can either sync by bluetooth or USB dongle. Dashboard software needs to be written to make device compatible for sync to this medium.

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I too would love to be able to sync thru ChromeBook - more and more people are using Chrome Book - I think it woul dbe a great benefit for fitbit.  Thank you.

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I have an older desktop with Windows XP and I have a chromebook after two junk "laptops" dying on me. I love the chromebook. So now that I got my new Charge HR, I am going to have to either get a smart phone or get a new computer. Both are costly, I'm leaning towards the computer, but I really just wish I could use my fitbit with my chromebook. Like many people today, we are looking to save money and a chromebook is an amazing little computer for a fraction of the cost of expensive laptops that fail prett quick. Please update your company and get on board with a fitbit chromebook app. I think you would gain the appreciation of thousands of customers wishing to upgrade and also new customers that only use a chromebook. I've had a fitbit a long time and I'm really surprised you don't have this yet.

First Steps

It's time for Chromebook capatability. Right now I can only sync using my husband's computer. I have my Chromeboo with me all the time AND it already has a USB port. Please consider this soon so I can use my Fitbit more effectively!

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I just bought my Charge HR and was excited to start challenging my husband with movement and tracking steps and calories. But I hit my first snag when I found out after the fact that Fitbit is not be used with my ChromeBook. WHY? I am finding comments on forums going back to the beginning of last year, asking for an app for chromebook users, but apparently still nothing has happened. 


I do have an Android phone, so I've now been able to finish the set up, but I had to go to a FaceBook page to find out that that was possible. At first I thought I was going to have to return my Charge HR, because the Fitbit page just referred me to the Chrome app store, where nothing for set up exists. Luckily the FaceBook post came up in my Google search to let me know I could do it on my phone.


Even though I've been able to get things started, I'm still frustrated that I won't be able to log in to my computer and track my progress because I have a chromebook and fitbit does not offer a way for me to use their programs. Chromebooks are only growing in popularity, so please, please, let us know that you are working on this issue.



First Steps

And another request for a Chromebook app!

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I, too, would like to use chromebook to sync my fitbit -- please let me know.....

First Steps

Another vote for Chrombook support

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I agree. The only thing holding me back from buying a fitbit right now is the hassle it'll be to use my really old laptop just to be able to sync. Gogo chromebook syncs!

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Add me to the list of irritated consumers who have ignorantly purchased both a Fitbit Charge and Chromebook. I am so frustrated with this whole situation that I am thinking about ditching Fitbit completely and going with another activity tracker. Sucks, because I like the Fitbit technology. 

First Steps

Please add me to the list of people wanting a FitBit App for my ChromeBook!


I just bought a fitbit charge hr for my mother that I will be returning due to lack of support for the chrombook/chromebox. She does not have a smartphone either so she has no way of syncing the thing. I'm surprised and disappointed that for as long as fitbit has been around, there isn't yet support for the chrome community.


I've returned to this thread hoping to see some input from Fitbit.  95% of my computing is on the Chromebook at home (not ready for the career).  


I'll still buy fitbit despite no Chromebook interface.  But I'm not buying high end.  The Android app... Needs work.  It is too obviously an iphone app ported.   


Please, some information Fitbit.  



Recovery Runner
Chromebook folks: fitbit will redesign for Chromebook, or they will go out
of business. In the meantime, the android sync app works fine on tracfone
prepaid triple minutes smartphones from about $70-100. Get a 1 year time
card, keep wifi on and the 3g network off, and it can cost you as little as
$100/yr. Then you can still see your data in more detail via your
Chromebook after it has been synced via android.
First Steps

Please make fitbit compatible with Chromebook!!!

First Steps

This or for the Chromebook, but help us out!

Recovery Runner
👍🏻👍🏻 two thumbs up!!

the hard drive on my computer is dying. please have an app so I can use chrome notebook to sync my hr and my husbands fitbit.

First Steps

add me to the group. I have an android phone I can't set up my flex on and a chromebook I can't either! I'm either going to have to wait until work on monday and try something on my work machine or (more likely) return it

First Steps

I agree -- I use a chromebook when I travel, and having an app would be enormously helpful. Many thanks! 

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