Add Luxe Clock Faces with two or more premade stats as primary information

Complete overhaul of the Luxe clock faces. Majority of the faces (13 out of 20) are just big numbers of the clock with minimal stats. There is not a single premade face with more than 2 stats. Out of the 13 similar faces, they are just different colors and font. We need to view stats at a glance, not the time and only time.
Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Styo, and thanks for taking the time to share this suggestion about adding Luxe clock faces with two or more premade stats as primary information. We rely on feedback like yours to help us develop products and features that we know our community wants to see. If this suggestion receives votes from other customers and gains popularity, it will be shared internally with various teams at Fitbit. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which suggestions get developed, visit our FAQs.

Watch this space for status updates. In the meantime, try visiting Health & Wellness to talk with other members about all things health and fitness.

Recovery Runner

Yes! More clock faces please and more with the steps showing immediately. That’s predominantly the info we need!

Recovery Runner

Please more clock faces for the luxe. Most of them are just large Numbers for the time.

Would like to have one with smaller time, date, steps and heart rate. 
Would love the possibility to customize color wise. Do not really like the color choices.

First Steps

I like the large blue clock face with the red heart rate. But I’d like to be able to switch the center heart rate to STEPS so that I can easily see my steps as large numbers when I’m exercise walking.

Recovery Runner

Hello, I received my new Luxe yesterday. It's beautiful & light, and I really want to love it, but what the heck are you guys thinking with the Clock Face choices? Who looks at the time in big numbers in 2 lines? This might be a deal breaker for me! I love the way my old Charge 2 displays info: time, date, steps & heart rate. I spoke to a Fitbit customer representative & he said that is all the choices available for the Clock Face right now. Please add Clock Face options to let us see useful information at a glance!!! 


I completely agree! Please add clock faces for the luxe w more stats!!

Recovery Runner

I’d go one step farther. I want a luxe face with ONLY fitness stats, no time at all. 

First Steps

Agree with other users. Please update Luxe clock face to include stats. This is a fitness tracker first and foremost  - not a watch. I want to see my steps at first glance, not the time in big numbers on 2 lines!

Not applicable

Yes, please get more clock faces. There are only very few to pick from and they are very generic and boring!!


Yes, please. If only a developer would publish a simple clock face with just the time and steps, both with the same font size, as large as possible with no extra frills!

First Steps

I totally agree, we need a bigger variety of clock faces. I am very disappointed with the current selection... 😞 

First Steps

I just got a Luxe along with my wife and I also can't believe the lack of customization here. It shouldn't be that hard to make a tool where you can completely customize the clock face by choosing a background, fonts, colors, sizes, and what data you want displayed.


I'd really just love the time displayed on one line like a normal clock... But now Android's lock screen is also forcing me to see the time in two rows with no ability to customize it either.

First Steps

My Alta HR died so switched to Luxe.  Why are the stats so small!  Need a magnifying glass to read them.  Can we get a clock face that switches between time and stats like the Alta all in large font?

First Steps

More watch faces please! 


This is basically thing I was looking for, and comment I feel needs to be made, and I find it really saddening that this comment was made back in 2021, and the problem is the same in 2023. 

Fitbit sells trackers and watches, why is a clock face the default “Home Screen” on a tracker? I would expect a clock face on a watch, but I would expect tracker data to be the priority on a tracker. I think it is great that there are clock face options for those who want it on their tracker, but I am really shocked and disappointed by the lack of “tracker faces” available to people who purchased a tracker, and just from reading these comments it is clearly a feature in need. 

is there any plan to address this soon?

First Steps

Yes please more faces needed that aren’t so art deco. Not my style. And not helpful. Classic time all horizontal ie 12:03 and also day and date and ability to select apps to show status.

First Steps

Received a Luxe today for my birthday and I must say I am impressed so far. It's light weight, comfortable and responsive. I love how it looks but it's seriously lacking watch face options. There need to be more of a varied selection to choose from. Other than that I have zero complaints. 😊

First Steps

3 years later and still no change.

There is only one clock face that shows the time on one line with the date and a stat, which is „ice cream“. But why tf is it in a blurry font?! That just gives me a headache, otherwise it would finally have been a good clock face.

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