Add 'Water' logging directly on Pixel Watch

One feature I use the most is water Logging. It seems like a no-brainer to include an app version of this weather on the Pixel Watch, including showing your current intake and quick buttons to log water intake.


Moderator Edit: Clarified subject

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @wrigty12, and thanks for taking the time to share this suggestion about adding water logging directly on Pixel Watch. We rely on feedback like yours to help us develop products and features that we know our community wants to see. If this suggestion receives votes from other customers and gains popularity, it will be shared internally with various teams at Fitbit. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which suggestions get developed, visit our FAQs.

Watch this space for status updates. In the meantime, try visiting Health & Wellness to talk with other members about all things health and fitness.

Recovery Runner

YES! I literally just set up my Pixel watch (yaayyy!) and that's the first thing I tried to do. Another great thing would be the ability to modify the exercise shortcuts. Instead of one click, I now have a click and a swipe all the way to the bottom of the list to log my lifts. I was hoping I just missed it...


Since the Pixel watch replaced my Fitbit device, it isn't like I can just put on the old one to log workouts..

First Steps

Totally agree. A "quick add" tile for water seems like a must have. And adding entry times to the log so that you can better determine if you've logged or ot



Yes!! I returned my Pixel Watch and am getting the Sense 2. I waited years for this device to come out and was very disappointed that basic features from Fitbit were missing and that the battery life barely lasts a day. I really hope Google fixes all of this because they have some serious potential and can't wait to try a Pixel Watch again when they do.

First Steps

Yes, I would like to log water on the watch as well as food.



First Steps

@DayeW92 not sure why you have to be so rude just to make your point. Not helping to make the world a better place. 

First Steps

Definitely need this. Samsung has this tile and it's so useful.

First Steps

I was really hoping I could have a water reminder feature on my pixel watch. My biggest problem with water intake is forgetting to drink it regularly. Seems like an easy enough update and I've been told other devices can do this reminder. 

First Steps

Yes, please add water logging to Pixel Watch. 

First Steps

Yes, this would be a HUGE feature, given the number of glasses of water we're supposed to drink... would be nice to do it with a couple taps on my watch, instead of having to open Fitbit on my phone.

First Steps

Why is this not a thing already? Seems very basic and an easy add. It was one of the first things I looked for after getting all set up. Please don't make me open my phone just to log water. Let me use my Pixel watch!

First Steps

Totally agree! That was actually the thing I used the most on my Samsung Watch. 


I agree with the suggestion to add water logging to the Pixel Watch. Alternatively, use Android Health Connect to sync logging from other apps that do allow Pixel Watch logging such as WaterMinder.

Thank you. 

First Steps

I agree, i also Need this feature

First Steps

This is the first thing I looked for, I find it hard to commit to regularly track water intake. Having it right on my wrist would remove that friction and make me more likely to keep up with it

First Steps

Please make this available. It's trivial and absolutely necessary.

Of course, only if you care about your clients. 


I totally agree that a water tracker on Google watch is definitely be necessary, especially since my phone is not an appendage. I waited a long time for the Google watch to be released.   My last Fitbit wearable, Versa 2, stopped charging and I just purchased my Google watch. Very disappointed that there is not more crossover of Fitbit functionality, like water tracking, on the Google watch.

First Steps

+1 to this, I use the app for water tracking as well. seeing as my pixel watch is an LTE mobile version, it'll be useful if I can use it more standalone.


YES!!! I desperately need this!

First Steps

A thousand votes for a water tracker!! Just got my Pixel Watch today and that was the second thing I tried to do. (First was steps!). Water is ESSENTIAL! And I am terrible at drinking enough water. I shouldn't have to download some other cheap app just to log my ounces each day. 

PLEASE add a water tracker!!

First Steps

I'm really surprised this feature hasn't been added yet as a tile option for the Pixel Watch. So much research supports the benefits of drinking water for healthy weight and stress management, two of Fitbit's main goals. Most of us do NOT drink as much water as we should (especially if we're not actively tracking and prioritizing it). Please add this Google/Fitbit! 

More than an year has passed and we still do not have this feature. Please add this feature, lots of people asking for it, specially as Fitbit and Pixel Watch are from the same company!



+1 I have this on my Garmin watch.


The ability to edit buttons to be available in the web, mobile and device apps with amounts of water determined by the user would be extremely useful. Allow the user to set buttons to water amounts commonly used via the mobile app. Then provide columns of users' synced devices with check boxes next to each button amount to sync checked buttons to devices. 

First Steps

We need this!! It's 2024 and even cheap **ahem** smartwatches from aliexpress have this.. so basic and simple of a feature and its still missing. PLEASE ADD

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