Add "E-Bike Ride" to Exercise Shortcut list

I just got my first E-Bike. E-bikes are gaining in popularity every day. Please add an "E-Bike Ride" exercise shortcut. The reason I need this is for syncing directly to Strava from Fitbit. Strava has a different "E-Bike Ride" category, and people on e-bikes are not supposed to log their rides as regular bike rides. It messes up the speed metrics which are kept. It would not be fair if I, a less fit 58-year old, logs a better time for a particular segment just because I can go faster with my e-bike. The work-around is to always remember to change my ride to an "E-Bike Ride" before someone sees my unusually fast times and gets upset with me. I'd rather not have that stress upon myself, nor be the cause of upsetting anyone else, especially in the unlikely incident that I could become King of A Mountain because of my pedal assist. Even forgetting Strava, I would prefer to keep my rides separate. I don't care about calorie burn metrics and the like. If they are based on heart-rate then they should be as accurate as those things usually are (i.e. inaccurate). Therefore it seems that the underlying code for "E-Bike Ride" would be the same as a regular bike ride, but the label is different. It seems an easy fix for you, and a big win for customers. Thank you.

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @TinaBarton, and thanks for taking the time to share your suggestion about adding E-Bike to the exercise shortcuts, with us! We rely on feedback like yours to help us develop products and features that we know our community wants to see. If your suggestion receives votes from other customers and gains popularity, it will be shared internally with various teams at Fitbit. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which suggestions get developed, visit our FAQs.

Watch this space for status updates! In the meantime, try visiting our Lifestyle Discussion Forum to talk with other members about all things health and fitness.

First Steps

Why need enough votes? E-bikes are almost common and is not facilitated yet as an activity to choose. Just add this and people can choose it or not. I think you should facilitate in a sportwatch enough common activities to choose from. 

First Steps

I agree, there definitely needs to be an e-bike option where it will link up to Strava. There is an e-bike option on Strava but I'd prefer not to have to set that up before I go out on a ride because I sometimes forget. Please please consider adding it to the list 🙏 ☺ 

First Steps

A number of ebike companies have their own integrations and might be interested in partnerships on this.  Would love this.   Especially since my Fitbit scale has shown disappointing trends since I got the ebike. Would love ability to help use data to maximize my use of it for excercise.  

First Steps

I am surprised this feature isn't yet available. I really hope that it is possible to have it added. I use my e-bike a lot and really feel like the fitbit is not recognising my effort somehow.

First Steps

Yeah , I had a fit bit Versa 2 for Christmas from my wife and thought that adding e bike option is a must for me because I ride both e bike and analog MTB. They are two separate activities in my opinion. Hope you add it soon for people but in the meantime, I’ll be looking  for a more efficient device that can keep up with the times.

First Steps

This really needs to be added. As somebody who uses Strava + FitBit, it is very inconvenient to switch each activity manually.

First Steps

It could be really interresting... Personnaly, when someone gift me this, i was thinking it were already implemented an I am surprised it s not.


This is just my point of view, but now you have some countries which provide help to buy ebike and it s also a good alternative to car for short distance (an exemple, I suppose you have your own study and i know this is

I'm not saying everyone will use it maybe it is just a "fashion" period.


First Steps

I m New 🙂 i cant edit 😛 

Just correction, i wanted to say  " i know this is just

(I dont assume you use it, i cant know this. I just wanna say this is just statista and it depend how how the study has been made etc...). Sorry this is not my mother tongue :).

Have a nice day.


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