Adding Friends by name or user name

I just want to be able to search friends by name 



Moderator edit: edited title and labels.

10K Racer

This may be the best way to go:

  1. Go to your dashboard.
  2. Click on your picture on the top right, this will take you to your profile page.
  3. Copy the URL and text it to your friend.

On her phone:

  1. Have her open the link you texted her.
  2. Under your name on your profile, click on the "+Add Friend" button.

Then simply accept her friend request.

Base Runner

Another great feature idea that looks to NEVER be implemented by Fitbit. Do the engineers even get to see these requests? Does anyone at Fitbit care???


Apparently not!!!



Stepping Up

PLEASE add this option. I've linked to my facebook account and it found 1 friend. I KNOW there are more friends on facebook that have a fitbit. I don't know everyones email. This is the one thing about my fitbit that drives me crazy. Why is it not simpler to add friends???

Not applicable
You should be able to add friends by name. Im in a diet group on fb with over 10000 people in it and i want to let people add me but i don't want them to have my email address.
First Steps
It's hard to connect with some of my friends if I don't have their email or FB, some of my contacts also have Fitbit's and they don't show up. It would be so nice to be able to look up people by their username.
Not applicable

It would be great adding friends by only using the name or usarname.

Stepping Up

Has this been made an option yet?  I am not on Facebook and don't have all my friend's and family's email addresses in my phone.  Not sure how else to find them.  Now that there's Community I have been able to add friends but they are people that I don't know... seems that adding friends and family should be that easy.

10K Racer



From your computer:

  1. Go to your online dashboard.
  2. Click on the picture of you on the top right, this will take you to your profile page.
  3. Copy the URL from that page.
  4. Compose mail to the people you want to add, send them the URL and ask them to friend you from your profile page.

When they go to your profile page, they should see a button that looks like this:



Once they click on it, YOU should get a friend request.


Stepping Up

I wish there was a way to find new friends/profiles by searching for the username only (and have that username simply reflected in the profile URL instead of that string of numbers). I am constantly on the search for both new friends as well as people I know who have a FitBit but I do not know their profile URL and they are not in my contacts and do not have their Facebook or main email address connected. It would be loads easier to just search "mybuddyjim" on FitBit instead of having to ask him what his URL is and try to explain that he has to go onto a computer to get it because it's not accessible via the app. Thanks.

Base Runner

I'm amazed at how pathetic Fitbit is for not adding what should be a simple function.  It has been three years and this still isn't done?


WTF Fitbit?  Get with it already!!

Base Runner

Something so simple as searching and adding by username.  Even more amazing are the people who post their usernames on other forums and media then wonder why no one adds them.

Recovery Runner

This is where fitbit as a community falls down. The ability to add 'strangers' as friends and even the ability to add people you know is difficult.

Having groups to compete against on daily challenges etc is what encourages people to hit step targets. 


Please add the function of adding friends by a username 

10K Racer

@SouthernDadand @bkenealy,


The problem here is two-fold:

  • The name that appears on your profile page is not unique.  I happen to have two "Jeff W" among my list of Fitbit friends, I'm not sure what I would use to find them on Fitbit.  I imagine that if I were to search for "Jeff W" I would find far more than just these two folks.  This makes it an ineffective way to find people.
  • How do you resolve a cutesy username to a real live person?  I mean if my buddy 'Bob Smith' happens to go by 'SouthernDad' on Fitbit...  How am I supposed to discover that?

I think Fitbit currently does an adequate job of joining you with folks who are legitimately your friends.  Go to the friends section of the Fitbit App and add friends:

  • It'll cross reference the e-mails that you have for these folks in your contacts and allow you to send them friend requests (it'll list them as with or without Fitbits, based on whether they registered with that e-mail address).
  • If you connect with Facebook, it'll cross reference you and any of your friends who have also connect Fitbit with Facebook.

You can also exchange your Fitbit profile pages (click on your picture on the top right on your dashboard).  Unlike your username, this URL is unique to you.  If you have their phone number, you can text them this URL and they can friend you from there.  I've memorized mine (hint: it's just a combination of six letters/numbers).


Lastly, if you don't have their e-mail, friended them on Facebook, or even have their phone number?  Is this person really your friend?  If you want to friend 'Gina from yoga class', what do you type as their username?  'GinaFromYogaClass'?

First Steps

It is very frustrating that I cannot add friends by using their username. There are many people I would like to add as friends but I do not know personally. Giving out my phone number or email is something I am not comfortable with and shouldn’t be the only way to add people. There should be a way to add using just a persons username just like every other app/site out there. Please make this happen. 

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Good idea, thanks for taking the time to share it with us. Keen to hear what others think?

First Steps

It is now 2018 and it seems that suggestions that would improve the Fitbit community isn't looked at. This discussion to search for friends by name started in 2014.

Why can't people be found that apparently sharing things but are not connected via facebook???

It would be great to search for friends by name like other Fitness Tracker websites do.

Who is with me???

@Roxischlue wrote:

I just want to be able to search friends by name 



Moderator edit: edited title and labels.


10K Racer

@Lyssanicole21and @Pamangel40,


One of the instrumental problems with this is that Fitbit is not a social network per se.  People on social networks (like Facebook or LinkedIn) want to be found and connect with other people; that's the reason why they join.


This is not necessarily the case about Fitbit.  It's a fitness service with people in it, and many of those folks don't necessarily want to be found.  Many folks don't want their friends to know just how lazy they've been today.  Case in point, I had a friend who created his Fitbit account with the name "Massive Pig".  I'm not kidding:



Was I supposed to search for 'massive pig' instead of his name?


If you want to be able to connect to people more easily on Fitbit, give them the URL to your profile page (Click on 'You' from your friends page).  People can friend you from there (no need to exchange e-mails or phone numbers).

Not applicable

This request has been requested numerous times since 2013. Why are you only using  Facebook? Do they pay you to be exclusive social media?  This many years later you should be able to search your phone contacts and find users. Search by name or username. I have been a user since the original Fitbit and can not believe this is still an issue. 

10K Racer



"This many years later you should be able to search your phone contacts and find users."


Oh, you mean something like this?



"Search by name or username."


You mean like this?


"I have been a user since the original Fitbit and can not believe this is still an issue."


Is it?


This conversation started over 4 years ago.  At what point is it considered by the Fitbit developer team? 


I can see that the username option is still available in the app but can't be used.  Isn't it time to, maybe, have a survey of users, using the most requested feature suggestions and then actually working them into an update?

Status changed to: Existing Feature
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi everyone! Good news, this feature already exists. You can search your friends by name. On the Fitbit App, please go to your profile. Below that you'll see your friends list. Search for the button Add Friends. After you press it, you'll see the Options to search for friends, Facebook, Email or Username. Choose Username to find your friends to add to your account. 


Base Runner

would like to be able to search/befriend for people by name not just facebook or email-thank you

Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @aprildh, thanks for explaining why you would like to have this option. I've moved it into a similar suggestion which has been updated as "Existing Feature". You can learn more about here. Keep adding these suggestions.

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