Allow Offline syncing / Store data locally

I think you should be able to sync with your phone and then upload data at a later date. Let us store data locally so that an internet connection is not required to see current stats.


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I have a Charge HR and recently encountered this when I flew to NY. I changed from PST to EST and the app changed within a day or 2,  but the Fitbit did not til I was almost done with my trip. I was gone for 5 days! This was an inconvenience since I always use the alarm. I had to rely on my iPhone to set up multiple alarms. It quickly returned to PST when I flew back, though. Strange?

First Steps

Switching over from Mi-band to Fitbit Charge HR, I was surprised that alarms could not be synced without an internet connection. With the 20 dollar Mi band this was no problem.

Hope this can be resolved.

First Steps

I definately support this request. I have reviewed several threads about this issue, but see that the staff has archived them "for inactivity" which is a bunch of bull. There are many recent posts prior the the archive notice. The mobile apps need to be changed to sync with the trackers without need for the internet. The mobile apps should then be able to display and graph the data it has and to hold the synced data until such time as an internet connection can be made to sync with the cloud.


The internet can be "Not Available" for many reasons, but that is no reason that we the users should put our fitness life on hold waiting for the interent to be available again.


This should be top priority before we find suitable substitutes who actually care about the users day to day activities.

First Steps

This should not be a "feature" it should be the default. Last night the Fitbit service was down (at least for me) and I couldn't turn off my silent alarms. Who would ever think that your alarm clock needed to have an internet connection. 


The Fitbit app should be the hub or intermediary and sync data with the Fitbit service when necessary. 

Dealing with this right now. Not happy.
First Steps

Also when their servers are not reachable for maintenance nothing can be done.  Tonight I have to change my alarms but their severs weren't reachable... So I can't... I think it's no good. 

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tonight I would need to edit alarms, my Fitbit (Charge HR). Your server was down for maintenance and then I could not do it when I need.
Also to have access to my data collected through my Fitbit I have a dual use of the Internet data (the first to transfer them at the Fitbit server and then download them from the server to the phone). for those who have a data connection for a fee is a double expense.
It would be desirable that the Fitbit is also synchronizes with the phone (or the platform of choice) and then do a sync with your server to make it accessible through other platforms (PC, tablet, etc ...). put this choice.
in this way you can do the maintenance of your server without blocking the use of the Fitbit (that basically I bought to use at will) and I can see my progress without having to be necessarily connected to the Internet (which is not always possible, see when one travels by ship for example).

As a military member, I get deployed for 6-9 months at a time. On a Navy ship there is no internet access for personal devices.

So my request is that a feature be added into the app or firmware to allow continuous sync'ing of the fitbit device even though the device that the fitbit is syncing with does not have a data connection to sync.

From previous inquiries I have learned that there is only storage for about 30 days of data. The longer you wait to sync - the less detailed the data is that does sync. For military members who get deployed with no internet this device would not work.

My request is that the next app or firmware have a feature to keep syncing data with the app even though there is no internet data connection on the device that the fitbit is syncing with.
First Steps
I agree it is unacceptable to not even be able to set an alarm without an Internet connection. I am going on a cruise in October but might as well leave my Charge HR at home for what use it will be!
First Steps

Living in routinely life, the alarm stays quite the same. The time when you need to change alarm and clock time is mainly when you are traveling. And as already stated in previous comments, this is the time, when you leave your usual area of internet and enter countrysides, planes and airports without internet. This is such a downside of upsetting that you need an internet to change time and set alarms. Frustrating experience to travel with FitBit.


First Steps

Fix this fitbit. 


You need to allow at least a partial sync of alarm and time when offline. The silent alarms feature is very useful for me, but when i was on holiday recently I was unable to use it because of bad cell service. It was extremely infuriating. I don't really understand why you can't make the phone app cache the data so it just uploads everything to the server when you have internet access again. 


It was annoying enough that I would consider a competitors product ahead of ftbit next time if it isn't fixed. 




Current situation: The phone app requires an Internet connection to communicate with the One tracker via Bluetooth. So, there's no way to check my steps via the app without Internet connectivity.


Suggestion: Make the app able to communicate with the One tracker via Bluetooth even when there is no Internet connection.


Reason: There are many areas of the building that I work in that are a dead zone for wi-fi. Additionally, I live in a rural area that has spotty cell coverage, so an Internet connection isn't always available. At that time, I don't really care about historical data, I just want to know what is on my tracker as of right then. The tracker is often buried in my pocket (and with women could be clipped onto their bra or people may have some other out of the way place), so having the info available on my phone would be handier.

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@Walton3412 I like this idea a lot!

I can see a huge potential for users who track their workouts in areas where internet isn't easily accessible. 

Thanks for sharing your idea, I'll be sure to pass it along for further review.

@pmymmw OPSEC!!!
I relationship to the military it is more about survival. A stray signal can get everyone killed. On top of that if it is not military issue it does not get connected to a network. So no internet for days, weeks and sometimes even months. All to protect the lives of those who serve and those whom we protect.

Sent from my iPhone
Recovery Runner
I think there should be a possibility of syncing offline!!!

I absolutely agree with the feature requirement to enable the ability to make core settings without internet connections.   I recently was on travel where I have limited internet connection and was not able to sync my Fitbit Surge to my IPad. This caused issues for me because I was unable to change the time (change in time zones) and was unable to change alarm set times without completing a sync process.  It seems that normal watch setting, (time, date, time zone, alarms, watch face) should be able to be set and changed without an internet connection.   I suggest an update to the FitBit app to allow limited sync capability (for settings etc.) without internet connection.    


I absolutely agree with the feature requirement to enable the ability to make core settings without internet connections.   I recently was on travel where I have limited internet connection and was not able to sync my Fitbit Surge to my IPad. This caused issues for me because I was unable to change the time (change in time zones) and was unable to change alarm set times without completing a sync process.  It seems that normal watch setting, (time, date, time zone, alarms, watch face) should be able to be set and changed without an internet connection.   I suggest an update to the FitBit app to allow limited sync capability (for settings etc.) without internet connection.    

Please do something to sync without internet and set alarm and change time. When I travel and change time zone my surge is completely unusful 😞
I am active duty Navy and while I'm underway I can not sync making my surge useless. Once I leave my current time zone the watch will no longer be accurate and I'll be without the ability to set or change any other features. Is it at all possible to develop a fix for those of us who might not have access to internet all the time.
Community Legend

@MatthewFitbit this is a duplicate suggestion

First Steps
There needs to be a way to setup and sync FITBIT devices without using the Internet. U.S. navy ships do not have internet available for personal computers or wireless devices. Therefore all FITBIT products that require an Internet connection to set up and sync are useless when Sailors are on deployment. That is a large market of young adults that love to work out that do not use FITBIT products because of the Internet setup and sync requirements.
Community Legend

This is a great idea, but I suggest going to the current thread on this subject, where you vote will count.

Please do a search before posting a suggestion. Multiples of the same suggestions will split votes. And give a false state of not really wanted.


I agree.


Camping this weekend and being woke up due to not being able to disable alarms on the fly is not good.


Please consider another vote for this feature!

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Moderator Alum

Hey there @Zest Thanks for your request! I've gone ahead and merged the feature request that you created with this existing feature request.

Please add your future comments there so that we can keep all related content organized together. This will make it easier for our product team to notice the most popular feature requests and potentially incorporate those ideas into future versions of our apps and devices.

To comment, you must first accept the terms of the Idea and Feedback Submission policy.