Allow export raw SPO2 data

The mystery graph sometimes available in sleep charts seems to suggest that the Versa SPO2 sensor actually works.  Because of that, it's time to provide for allowing watch faces (at least when the screen is on) to display the current SPO2 reading (and let you keep the screen on for a while to follow it), and also to allow one via the Android app to calibrate it against a SPO2 finger clip or other known source.  And to also show those numbers in that sleep related chart.  Also, allow export of raw SPO2 data.


As a side note, it would be nice if the specs for the Charge 4 actually included the SPO2 sensor.


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Especially since the graph shown (for the charge 3) is meaningless (variation means nothing, it's levels that are important).

I need to know the levels so I can see when I need to reach out to my
doctors regarding my asthma, etc. So the chart only has a tiny bit of
interest to me. Having on screen on my Fitbit my SPO2 reading in real time
would be incredibly helpful. Being able to export it along with pulse also

It would help to be able to export everything they use in the sleep
analysis. Much of the time it says my sleep for the night is a small
fraction of the time I was sleeping. Now if I wake up really tired that
would make sense, but how about it if I woke up well rested? Real data.
Base Runner

i would like to add that I occasionally spike a high reading on o2 changes when I sleep, but with the tiny chart on the iphone app I cannot determine when this actually occurs.  Would be nice to see if there is a pattern...right now it is an either or.


If Sp02 can be determined, it should be able to been seen constantly, rather than just when sleeping.....who looks at it then.

First Steps

I also would like to export SPO2 data so I can share it with my doctor.

While being sick with covid (which really sucked for me), I was able to collect a lot of useful data from my new Sense. Today I had my first 'post covid' check up and was able to share everything but the SPO2 data in a printed report that I could leave in my file.

Even my blood pressure app allowed me to export the data so my doctor was very happy to see folks using their wearables and sharing their data.


When it came time to share my SPO2 data, I had to reach for my phone and show her a tiny little screen that was difficult to see and the data didn't go back very far.


If the report could be customized to show the date range you need then that would be helpful too.


I just got a Fitbit Versa 3 and chose this model because of the sPO2 sensor. Completely disappointed to realize it only gives a useless average for sleep. I wanted the sensor for during workouts. I have asthma and am trying to figure out when it's being a problem to work with my doctor better, so wanted to track actual data in real time. I don't know why I would want an average or meaningless variations at night when not exercising. To calculate variation and averages, the data obviously exists and can be retrieved. 

Welcome to the Disillusioned Club. Fitbit won't even explain to us why
they won't let us see our real time data, or even our real overnight data.
We don't know for sure what the overnight mystery chart means - if we even
get it, and frequently I don't. And I too have asthma, and having SPO2
data would be invaluable.
Tempo Runner

I am also keen on being able to export SPO2 (and the other health metrics) to share with ashma monitoring.

Same here among other reasons. And what gets me is that Fitbit won't tell
us why they won't let us see this data, use it real time, possibly
calibrate it against finger clips, etc. Huge mystery that is now at least
a few years old, and very upsetting.
First Steps

I totally agree with the sentiments on here. I think I have sleep apnoea, and the data on my phone seems to bear this out. I want to sent all of my data to my GP but cannot download my heart rate or my SP02, the whole reason i bought this watch in the first place.


I have premium, and still cant access this data.


I mean, WTH??

Many of us are mystified as to why we can't see real time SPO2 (like you
take a walk or run and your O2 drops way down - see your doctor), we used
to be able to download heart rate, and why we can't download SPO2. Then
there's the Mystery SPO2 chart which IMHO doesn't say anything meaningful.
For instance, let's say you see a large variation - could that mean you are
breathing better than you normally do? Maybe, maybe not. You can't tell.

As to premium, it appears that some things that were always available are
now only in premium. Premium adds books worth of boiler plate nonsense and
makes it much harder to find what you are looking for. It does add
'snoring' - but it does not appear to consider ambient noise in your sleep
space. I measured ambient noise, came out to about 40db. When I read the
snore analysis, it typically tells me I'm snoring some percentage of the
time, typically between 40 and 45 %. I can't say I find that particularly
useful. And my wife tells me she seldom hears me snore these days (though
I sometimes do).

I wish I knew what their problem is.

I am MD, neuroscientist, spine surgeon, Lean Six Sigma Black Belt,... I know even more than most people working for fitbit.


The data belong to me.


I want have access. I paid to have my fitbit sense, it wasn't a gift. I bought it to acquire this data. A big frustation with fitbit.


My previous comment was removed due to legal issues. I can't express my anger and my dissatisfaction with a comment... 


I really just want the data I paid for. Someone will pay me back asap.

First Steps


I think this request is about more than simply viewing the SpO2 levels on the EOV graph.  The solution would be allowing the SpO2 % data to be exported from the archive and trended for minute to minute variations.  To perform more detailed analysis the actual data will be very useful.  A graph is a picture of data, which is useful, but less valuable than real data.  

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