Allow yoga and pilates to be counted towards active minutes!

Could you pleeeeeease pretty please make yoga count towards active minutes?? Yoga can be added to your exercise shortcuts, is offered on Fitbit Coach and has a Huge following on the community group Yoga! There has to be tons of goal oriented people like me that’s Love to see their active goals met by all the hard work they put in on the mat. I’d really appreciate it!!! Thanks for any consideration this could be given! 


Moderator Edition: Format & Title

First Steps

Fitbit community forums show threads for at least four years where users note that manually recorded Pilates activity does not count as active minutes, while similar activities like Yoga *are* awarded active minutes. Those of us who do Pilates know that this can be strenuous activity, as evidenced by sweating, grunting, and increased heart rate. I don't always wear my FitBit when doing Pilates because it can get in the way of Pilates equipment. I do not mind manually adding the activity but it's always a little deflating to have your dashboard say zero active minutes when you worked out really hard. Also, my company runs challenges and incentives that include active minutes so it means I'm missing out on getting credit for my actual physical activity.


I posted this as a separate entry because I don't consider Pilates to "gentle" exercise.

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Moderator Alum

Hey @AskingNicely! Nice suggestion, thanks for sharing. We look forward to hearing what other community members think about counting active minutes for Pilates activities.

Stepping Up

Thanks auto correct, it’s suppose to say “that’d love to see” 

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Good idea, thanks for taking the time to share it with us @AmandaL0823! We look forward to hearing what other community members think. Woman Happy

Stepping Up

Second this! 

First Steps

Third this! I have bad knees and can't do the majority of workouts that are listed for the fitbit but I can do yoga. It would be really nice to have this added as a feature.

Recovery Runner

I'd also like to see some guided yoga options available on fitbit coach! 

Stepping Up

Yes to this!:

@AmandaL0823 wrote:

Could you pleeeeeease pretty please make yoga count towards active minutes?? Yoga can be added to your exercise shortcuts, is offered on Fitbit Coach and has a Huge following on the community group Yoga! There has to be tons of goal oriented people like me that’s Love to see their active goals met by all the hard work they put in on the mat. I’d really appreciate it!!! Thanks for any consideration this could be given! 


Moderator Edition: Format


Tempo Runner

But would Fitbit be able to tell what KIND of yoga you're doing?  

First Steps

I AGREE!  It is very frustrating to have gone through a super tough hot yoga class (and yes, those classes not only get your heart rate going, but you do a lot of strength work and stretching as well), to not have it recorded as an activity.  I attend hot yoga classes at least 5 days a week, but alas, my Fitbit stats indicate that I have done NO exercise all week.  Super depressing.

Stepping Up

You wouldn’t necessarily need it detailed. It would be like any other category of exercise, not necessarily broken down to the specific flavor practice. Just like weights or interval workout or walk... I just mean an umbrella term for the exercise type “Yoga”  to count towards active minutes the same as boxing running or anything else. You can tell by your heart rate and calories burned you’re not sitting there medidating haha! It being recognized under active minutes would be a tremendous plus!!

Stepping Up

Totally agree it’s super frustrating!!  Circuit training and stair climber are on there but something with a massive following, practiced worldwide and super popular that works you out head to toe isn’t under active minutes unless you manually enter it?? That’s what I was trying to suggest. Seems like an obvious one to add. Not sure why it’s not already on there. 

Not applicable

When I record a "yoga" activity on my Versa or add it manually afterwards it does add to the "n of 6 days" exercise. Am I missing something?


My peeves with recording yoga on the Versa is that it will show distance in the app (usually around 20 meter / 60ft) whereas time is far more interesting, and while recording on the Versa results in an estimate of calories burned there is no such "auto" feature when using the "log previous" method in the app. I should think the app could do an estimate based on duration and HR. 


Recovery Runner

Yes, I agree - PLEASE ADD YOGA! 

First Steps

Please add Yoga to exercise list. If not auto detect, at least it should avoid us to log it manually through Fitbit app.Because, we have thousands of apps to monitor our activities manually if we don't use trackers. If you provide basic tracking is also at watch that could be fine.

Base Runner

but this is against what active minutes are, people!

Not applicable

Well, doing the Ashtanga primary series burns about 600 cals according to my Versa, which is roughly the same as an hour of sweet spot intervals (TrainerRoad workout) on a stationary bike. 


So at least some forms of yoga are pretty darn active Smiley LOL


Please add pilates to the list

First Steps

I agree completely! I do pilates reformer classes 5x a week and it usually says I've had 0 active minutes, even though I'm sweating, my heart rate is accelerated, and my body exerted. I'm on the hunt for a new fitness tracker and looking at the Versa, but will go with another device if it won't record my regular workouts. Please add Pilates Reformer to your list, and ASAP!

Not applicable

I did a 60 minute Pilates class today and used my Versa to record the activity in real time (exercise mode).  I have 8 active minutes now.  The workout was tough and I am going to be sore tomorrow.  Yeah it wasn’t cardio and I didn’t get a ton of steps but I still think I earned most of those 60 active minutes.  


This, but also please add different categories of yoga. I see that this has been suggested many times, but all the threads I saw were locked. I know my hot yoga practice burns more than 200 calories an hour! Thank you. 

Not applicable

We're moving a little off-topic, but doesn't Fitbit calculate calories based on heart rate (and weight perhaps)? Fitbit records 350-650 calories for my Ashtanga practice, the amount corresponds fairly good to the perceived effort and length (full primary or half) of my practice.

First Steps

Sorry very late to thread ...trying to understand the comment from Oll_gi

@AmandaL0823 wrote:

Could you pleeeeeease pretty please make yoga count towards active minutes?? Yoga can be added to your exercise shortcuts, is offered on Fitbit Coach and has a Huge following on the community group Yoga! There has to be tons of goal oriented people like me that’s Love to see their active goals met by all the hard work they put in on the mat. I’d really appreciate it!!! Thanks for any consideration this could be given! 


Moderator Edition: Format

that counting yoga is against what active minutes are?  Have you ever done any yoga?

@AmandaL0823 wrote:

Could you pleeeeeease pretty please make yoga count towards active minutes?? Yoga can be added to your exercise shortcuts, is offered on Fitbit Coach and has a Huge following on the community group Yoga! There has to be tons of goal oriented people like me that’s Love to see their active goals met by all the hard work they put in on the mat. I’d really appreciate it!!! Thanks for any consideration this could be given! 


Moderator Edition: Format



Totally agree with this.  I work harder at pilates that I do at the gym but the active minutes that auto track are zeroed out when I log it as pilates.

Does anyone have a suggestion as to what I can log it as until it is fixed in by Fitbit?


It definitely should!  Pilates is at least as active as yoga and that always counts as active minutes when added manually via the app. 

Time for a review and to include as “activity” please. 

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