Android app have the same Features as the iPhone app

It would be amazing if the Android app had all of the same features as the Iphone app, such as the ability to scan barcodes on food items in order to add them to your daily intake.  Seems silly that you advertise that this is a feature of your app on the website only to find out that is only on one OS and not the other.  Thanks!


Moderator Edit: Added Labels

First Steps

Does anyone know when will the app update be available for andriod users?

First Steps

Seems like Fitbit not sure when the update will be available, which saddens me!


this is the response I got from them re: update for Android users...


"At this time, we don't have any updates of when this update will be available for Android users but rest assured we're continuously working with our product development team to allow this to happen.

Also, the best place to make your voice heard is the Ideas board on our community ( Please take a moment to visit and give us your feedback.

If you find that a similar suggestion has already been made by another member of the community, you can vote for their idea and add your comments. Our product team looks forward to reading and incorporating your suggestions into future versions of Fitbit trackers and apps. "

First Steps

I would like my Android phone to have the same features we have on he iPhone inside the fitbit app.

Here is a chart from march.

Why wouldn't the update for the apple at least be paired with an ETA for Android is completely beyond my comprehension given those numbers.  Realistically the Android app should have been developed first.

Get us an ETA... and quit leaving us behind.... 

Recovery Runner

Same goes for Windows Phone and Blackberry! Robot Mad



First Steps

Yes!  I want to map my runs!

First Steps

GPS for the android devices would be a huge leap! 

First Steps

I agree!! stop the discrimination -- equality for all phones!

@Klemvore wrote:

I would like my Android phone to have the same features we have on he iPhone inside the fitbit app.

Here is a chart from march.

Why wouldn't the update for the apple at least be paired with an ETA for Android is completely beyond my comprehension given those numbers.  Realistically the Android app should have been developed first.

Get us an ETA... and quit leaving us behind.... 


First Steps
its too bad this is nor an option for Android users. im returning my fitband. having to manually enter every single food item?? my lord!! my sandwich wraps have 10 ingredients!! my salads have even more!!! no way... fail fitbit! fail! im getting an UP band!
Recovery Runner

The Android app seems to be lacking greatly compared to the Apple.  Where's the love for the android users?

Recovery Runner
Yes. This annoys me as well. Please stop treating android users like second class citizens.
First Steps

Will the barcode scan become available for the Adroid.  I love my fitbit.  And the thought of scanning a barcode would indeed be much convenient an accurate.

First Steps

I love my fitbit, but having a barcode scanner would sure be convenient.  Did I miss out on an update perhaps for my Android?  It would be not only be more convenient, but by far more inclusive as to what we are consuming.  Thank you. 


Yes, Please. I was so excited then instantly sad when i realized we didn't get the same update. Please Fis this issue ASAP. I'm actually pretty disappointed in Fitbit for this stunt. If you keep this up, you will lose people who love your product but have come to realize that your support sucks.


Samsung Galaxy S4 User

First Steps

Why is this only available for iOS users?  Please make this option for Andriod!  I want to use one app.   -_-

Recovery Runner

While not a developer for Fitbit, I do develop mobile apps so when I see comments like this I can't help but point out that Android can actually be a lot more difficult to support than iOS.  There are so many different devices that do things a little bit (or a lot) differently, and even small updates to the Android OS (for example, 4.4.2 to 4.4.3) can cause serious and unexpected problems. So, this can turn implementation of what seems like an easy and straightforward feature into a huge headache 🙂

I would be curious to know what % of Fitbit users are on which platform, though. 

Status changed to: New
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Duplicate of this idea.

Status changed to: Under Consideration
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

The barcode scanner is planned to be included in a future release of the Android app.

Base Runner

You Android folks need to quit complaining. Us Windows Phones users just finally got an official app a week ago.

Stepping Up

Also would love to know an ETA when the Android version of GPS maps will occur. 

Base Runner

I agree with this after all we all pay the same price for our Fit Bit's so why should we all not have the same facilities, whether we use an Android phone or an iphone we should all be able to access all the facilities that are available on Fit Bit. So how about it Fit Bit stop making people who own Android phones feel like Second Class Citizens.....Please note I am an Android phone user and I paid the same price for my Fit Bit Flex as an I phone user so it seems only right that I and all the other Android phone users who bought your product at the same price as the iphone user's should receive the same facilities. 

Pat M. Rowland

First Steps

I've received emails about the fabulous new app and its new features... which are only available if you have an iPhone.  


How about making them available to your equally devoted Android users too?!

Not applicable

Having just started with the fitbit one, I too look forward to when this feature is implemented, us poor New Zealanders don't have the same brands as the US.  So I might be logging a food from the US thinking I'm only comsuming 100 cals, when in fact I'm probably eating a 1000 Smiley Tongue

Status changed to: Under Consideration
Premium User
Progression Runner

We very much appreciate the feedback! We hope to roll out an Android update later this year. 


While I see where you guys are coming from, and in general I would tend to agree, I think you're missing some pretty legit reasoning as to why Android isn't as well-supported not just by Fitbit, but by ANY app also offered on iOS. 


iOS users are using a very small range of devices, running on a very small range of OS versions. This means it is a LOT easier to develop and implement new features for iOS without breaking stuff that already works.


In contrast, Android users have various versions of phones from various companies, supporting various ranges of versions of the Android OS. The combinations of tech rise at least into the hundreds, and functionality is necessarily limited to ensure app features run smoothly. Inevitably, features will break for certain subgroups of Android users, and while there will be a large group yelling "just give us the features and we'll use the ones that work," the rest will be yelling "why did you implement this feature if it doesn't even work?"


In other words, your graph is misleading.


Yes, Android has a greater market share. But if you look at number of people using a particular OS version, Android users are much more scattered and there are a greater number of versions overall. And if you look at device manufacturers, Apple actually comes out on top for number of users. This is a consideration when developing apps, due to performance considerations, screen sizes, and general functionality. 

Not applicable
Would like to echo the above for Windows phone please..
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