App - custom colors to track progress

I wish we could customize the colors that indicate our progress.    

Graph colors aren't great but I can deal with those....


 It doesn't make sense that my tracker colors shift from  

 Blue     to    yellow    to   orange(almost red)   to   Green 

Maybe its because I'm a science person.... but this doesn't represent the gradual change of colors on the light spectrum.  I'm finally used to it... but still wish I could change it.  

The red should be the lazy color and you shift gradually to green.  Maybe that's just my brain... 🙂 

 Slacker  to  that's better  to  almost there   to   GOAL MET!    to   Over Acheiver 

Recovery Runner
I'm thinking of the same thing. Or maybe a color that gets brighter as we get closer to our goals? Like green - pale to light to dark?

I suggest a RAG status


For example (for a 10k step goal)

-          0 > 4,999 steps – make the line red

-          5,000 > 9,999 steps – make it amber/orange

-          10,000 & above – make it green


10 flights of stairs

-          0 > 4 – Red

-          5 > 9 – Amber

-          10 & above – green


And so on for all the goals. This could be tailored for weekly, monthly, etc, graphs aswell. And if the user changes his goals (eg to, say, 12k steps), they can change their colours & ranges aswell so they have RAGs that suit them.


My OCD loves your idea! 😄


Love this idea!!! The color sequence has always bothered me too!

First Steps

I totally agree with this. project managers find this equally illogical! Or use totally different colors since you don't really want to start the day in the red. 


For those of us that can't agree on how to best satisfy our CDO (just like OCD, but the letters are in alphabetical order like they should be), maybe we could be allowed to choose our own color scale so it immediately makes sense to us.


Yes - I too would like to custoomize the colors on the graphs - The defaults do not make sense to me.



I agree as well.  The current colors bother me and the ones you laid out work much better.  Also the option to choose our own would be fine too!.

Hill Runner

Red is on fire to me, definately not a lazy color.  Green or blue would cool, green nature and relaxed, yellow and red hot, sun busy,


Well they have alrady ruled out customisation in principle so despite this item having such large votes I am concerned that all the what about this scheme or that is diluting the OP request to have a more universally recognised colour scheme which is the one they posted . So I voted for this directly on that basis  . I  wanted to comment that people should vote for THAT color scheme perhaps not for the option to customise it or to suggest another personal scheme . That I think wont happen its not how fitbit want to operate.


Yes completely agree, the transition from Blue to orange makes no sense to me!

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Cross-Country Runner

I like this idea @Liv24426 . Thanks for such a clear and concise suggestion! 


Yes to the color sequence suggestions, but PLEASE get rid of "overachiever" as any kind of comment on progress.  It is judgmental and rude.  When we achieve more, we are not OVERacheiving.  Calling someone an overachiever is a judgment of the person, not their activity anyway and it is not appropriate to judge the person.  I do not need to be judged and labelled by an App that is supposed to be helping me get healthier.

Premium User

I agree this is something I still haven't gotten used to.  A quick glance at the app or dashboard where I just see the colors is meaningless to me.

Premium User

I thought it was only me.  Thank you

First Steps

Yes. Yes and Yes. This has annoyed me since forever. Your colour scheme makes much more sense.


Recovery Runner

You are sooo right, the scheme makes no sense at it is now



Recovery Runner

Yes completely agree! Please change the activity progress colors. It's surprisingly annoying and it makes no sense that RED is better than YELLOW. We want RED -> YELLOW -> GREEN. Have you never seen how a traffic light works? Who came up with this - the more you work out the more red you get? Red means bad. "Oh you're so close to your goal let's splatter red all over your progress bars so you feel like you've been sitting down on your lazy ass all day then all of a sudden we'll flip it to green"... makes no sense at all


Not applicable

Maybe the person who did not like over achiever would like Outstanding instead?
the colors make absolutely no since to me! red means no, bad, watch out, alert

i should not be getting a warning at 10 steps from my goal but motivation to go the extra 10


also a hardcore dashboard user and yes, the whole world uses the above proposed sequence... so why don't you 🙂


So either change it to the above mentioned default, or let the user assign his own colors if you want to keep the existing one for those who didn't notice

First Steps

Absolutely! This issue was exactly the reason I found my way to this forum. The current progression of colors is completely counterintuitive to me. If no one is interested in making them customizable, then at least make the built-in color progression more natural, red -> orange -> yellow -> green which is not only similar to a stop light, but follows the order of the light spectrum.

Status changed to: Not currently planned
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi everyone, thanks for sharing this suggestion. There aren't currently plans to release this suggestion. For now, we will leave this suggestion open for votes (and closed to comments) so that we can continue to track community demand over time. Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us and we will let you know if anything changes.

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