Body fat tile in mobile apps and default options on web dashboard

Please add a body fat percentage tile to the mobile apps and give options to also make the multi-purpose tile on the website able to be defaulted to body fat percentage or BMI instead of weight.  As one of many person who have joined a weightlifting program where building muscle and losing body fat is the goal, not necessarily the weight exchange, everything in the Fitbit apps/site deciding for us that weight should be most important doesn't serve purposes of those of us tracking differently very well.  I'm tracking so many aspects of my progress through Fitbit, and it would be awesome to open the app or site and immediately see the progress indicator I need to without having to dig.

Not applicable

Excellent. I just asked for the same thing!

Recovery Runner

Yes for this! It would be very motivating, I think that the body fat percentage gets in the shade of the more visible weight tracking...


I find it helpful to monitor my body fat instead of my overall weight but there is no dedicated graph on the dashboard/log that shows me this. There is only a "Lean vs Fat" graph.
I would like a line graph that plots my body fat (ie weight x body fat %) in kg and include a "line of best fit".
This would make it easier for me to identify changes in my weight.
At the moment I am exporting the data into Excel and then creating the graph.

Ultramarathon Racer

I am much more interested in changing my body composition that just plain losing weight.  A separate tile will give it to me in one quick look, rather than scrolling through other screens to get that information.

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Good idea, thanks for taking the time to share it with us. Keen to hear what others think?

Stepping Up

I also would like this feature as well as the option to set a solo body fat percentage goal.

Stepping Up

Switching goal from weight loss to decreasing body fat percentage is a natural progression after weight goal is obtained. Would love to see this option

Stepping Up

I would like this.

I'm much more concerned with my body fat percentage than my weight.


Even though we can set body fat goals, there's still no option to have them show up clearly on the dashboard. It's all to do with weight. I don't care about my weight, it was normal when I started. I want to work on my body composition, and even though I've set a body fat goal with no weight goal, weight is still what shows up on my dashboard I still have to click to a different screen and scroll through other charts just to see a graph of my BF%. The lean/mass graph isn't that useful either, you can't really see where you are at a glance.


I'd much prefer something similar to the weight loss goal tile, where it shows you where you started, what your goal is, and how close you are.

First Steps

I whole heartedly agree with this option. Weight isn’t necessarily an issue for everyone, and we should be able to customize what’s most important to us. For me, it’s body composition. I want to know I’m GAINING muscle and LOSING fat; not just simply losing weight. The number on the scale isn’t everything. Please consider changing this option... although it’s a shame it’s been about a year since this idea has shown up on the community and nothing has changed. 

Base Runner

Agreed, I'd be more interested in body fat than overall weight. 

A body fat % estimator inside the app would be great, there are plenty out there that do it, usually with only a neck, waist and hip measurement needed. But it would be a lot easier if everything health and fitness could be in one place and why not the Fitbit app since that's what everyone who gets one is interested in.
First Steps

Is this idea still alive? I'd very much like to see it.



Not applicable

When might you add body fat percentage to stat tracking? It gives a more accurate number to calorie and health tracking.

Cosmic Hurdler

It is there now.  You can log it with your weight.  Or if you have a scale that measures it and connects to Fitbit, it is automatically logged.

Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @SunsetRunner, thanks for taking the time to share your suggestion about having the option to see body percentage. I've moved it into a similar suggestion. We rely on feedback like yours to help us develop products and features that we know our community wants to see. If your suggestion receives votes from other customers and gains popularity, it will be shared internally with various teams at Fitbit. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which suggestions get developed, visit our FAQs.

Watch this space for status updates! In the meantime, try visiting our Lifestyle Discussion Forum to talk with other members about all things health and fitness.

Recovery Runner

Body Fat % is really the best judge of fitness as far as I'm aware. Weight doesn't really mean much at all, unless of course you're weighting your fat vs your lean mass, and calculating Body Fat %, lol. I've been waiting ages to see the Body Fat % goal take center stage--way way longer than this thread has been around.

Stepping Up
When adding your weight manually, the default body fat percentage is 20%. This default percentage should be adjustable. An empty default weight should also be an option.
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @aerodynamica, thanks for explaining why you would like to have the option to edit body fat percentage. Thanks for sharing your feedback. I've moved it into a similar request.  A lot of users are asking for this option, I hope we receive updates soon.

Stepping Up

@YojanaFitbit The feature I'm suggesting is not the same as the one in this topic. The problem that I'm having is that every time I log my weight the input screen shows a default fat percentage of 20%. As I only plan to log my weight, this means that I always have to manually delete the content of the fat percentage field.

The exact issue that I'm having can also be found in this topic:

Stepping Up

Yes. At present we have a graph of total weight, of BMI and of lean vs fat. But I would really appreciate a pure fat graph, or an inversion of the lean vs fat graph with fat on the bottom, so that one can see the trend in the fat weight. 

First Steps

The body fat percentage is in many ways not as informative as it could be. By gaining muscles and/or gaining water weight the fat percentage will reduce, but the actual fat mass may be constant or even increase as well. I hope you will implement a separate view for the fat mass. 


I created an account in this community specifically to request the ability to track body fat on the dashboard! Imagine my surprise to see someone wrote out exactly the request I was going to post... Five years ago. From @OphiuchusRex on June 28, 2018:


Even though we can set body fat goals, there's still no option to have them show up clearly on the dashboard. It's all to do with weight. I don't care about my weight, it was normal when I started. I want to work on my body composition, and even though I've set a body fat goal with no weight goal, weight is still what shows up on my dashboard I still have to click to a different screen and scroll through other charts just to see a graph of my BF%. The lean/mass graph isn't that useful either, you can't really see where you are at a glance.


I'd much prefer something similar to the weight loss goal tile, where it shows you where you started, what your goal is, and how close you are.


If there is an update somewhere in this long thread, I apologize for missing it... can someone please point me to it? And if not, can someone from Fitbit let us know whether this idea is under consideration?

Stepping Up

Yes, it seems amazing that FitBit cannot provide this graph, when they have all the information to be able to do so, it is not difficult to do so (total weight x body fat %) and there is clearly a demand for it. You can easily work it out for yourself at any one date, but it would be so much better to see it as a graph over time.

Status changed to: Not currently planned
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi everyone, and thanks so much for sharing this Product Feedback! While we don’t currently have plans to release this feature, we always appreciate the passion and creativity that comes out of this Community. Since we know this idea is important to many of you, we have left voting open to continue tracking interest and will post another update if anything changes. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which product feedback is developed, visit our FAQs.

We're always striving to enhance Fitbit products and services, and your input is a big part of that process. We truly thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us.

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