Bring back Spotify app to Versa 4 & Sense 2

Request to restore the ability to store offline music via Deezer, Spotify, or any other music media application on the Versa 4 and Sense 2. Just like it was able to do so on the Versa 3 and Sense (1). Otherwise you are going backwards with regards to the developmental process of your product, and severely limiting its usability.
First Steps

Same here, having GPS and music without a phone when exercising was main reason I got Versa 3, else I could use Charge or other tracker for basic functions.  So it won't make sense for me to update to Versa 4 or Sense 2, although I want to since I hate the haptic button on the Versa 3 and it resets all the time.  I might have to look for other brand, although I have liked Fitbit in the past and had a Charge 2 for a few years.

Not applicable

I agree with everyone here, I was devastated to realize I couldn't control music on this watch, this is such an obvious and intuitive thing to have on a smart watch, why would you downgrade your product like that? I'll be holding on to the sense 2 for the weeks I have available within the return policy and if I can't get a response on a planned update for this, I'm definitely returning it and will probably switch to apple. 


Hi everyone, this is the Original Poster of this thread. 

I actually returned my Fitbit Versa 4 because of these issues. I just wanted to share my experience.

It was a bit bothersome at first but they returned the money fairly quickly. All in all it took me about 9 days. I returned it 1 day before the last day.

Furthermore I bought a new (real) smartwatch from Garmin, bit more expensive but boy what a difference in capabilities. It feels like a powerwatch compared to the fitbit.

I advice everyone to return it if you don't want to accept the qualities that you feel are missing on these new fitbit devices. I am very happy that I chose to return it.

That's my 5 cents.

Base Runner

Same here, I started the refund process. I don't know how much money I will loose because I was out of the 15 days period. 
I watched the faq and there's a 45 days period in which you can ask to return the watch. There's a clause about they can hold till 15% of the value you've paid. 
I've just received a paid label for returning the watch, I must wait for the watch to reach Fitbit warehouse to see how much money they'll refund. 

A note, I've ordered the watch on 8 of October, received it on 26, but the 45 day period count started from the 8. I think this is not right, but if you're in doubt think about it. 


Thanks for the update. None of us are happy w these product changes and I
hope fitbit does something before they lose even more loyal customers. I’ve
been with purchasing fitbit watches since 2016 and am now considering
looking at another brand. By curiosity, which Garmin watch did you get?--

Moderator Edit: Personal info removed


Update on my return of the Versa 4. They are giving me a full refund because I was within my 45 day time frame. It sounds like a lot of people are doing the same and very unsatisfied with the newest fitbits. 

First Steps

Great suggestion.  I moved from deezer to spotify so lost the ability to run without my phone and listen to music.  I would use this feature almost every day.


I just got my Versa 4, and learned the hard way about the complete lack of music capability. I only bought it to replace my GPS-less Versa 2 (which, in similar fashion to this disaster of a purchase, I had failed to notice was only GPS "enabled" when I bought it).


Definitely returning it, and I won't be purchasing any other Fitbit products after this. Fool me once, shame on me - fool me twice, and I'm taking my money elsewhere.

Recovery Runner
I left the original Sense for a Samsung watch because I wanted something more user friendly. Much to my dismay the battery doesn't compare to Fitbit. So back to Fitbit I go, but Sense 2 only to find out so many features are not available and not being worked on. And on my workout watch NOOOO MUSIC ability? Oh my. Embarrassing on so many levels.
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @AndiV, thanks for taking the time to share this suggestion about adding music capabilities to Sense 2. I've moved it into a similar request. You can learn more about how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released in our FAQs. Click on the thumbs-up to show your support.


You might be also interested in these similar requests: Music controls on Sense 2/Versa 4 and Music storage on Sense 2/Versa 4.


Thank you again for your participation in the Feature Suggestions Forums.

Recovery Runner

Hi AndiV,


I left the Sense too because of all of the limitations on the Sense 2. I switched to the Garmin  Venu SQ2.  It's battery life is amazing and you don't need to pay for an annual subscription to get all of your health data.  It has the same square face which I like.  It has much better smart watch features and the health measures are really user friendly.  I wore both my original Sense and my new Venu for 2 weeks to compare the health statistics and the Venu data was much more helpful.

Recovery Runner

Please add Spotify/ Deezer app support and controls. This was a huge miss for Sense 2 launch. Fitbit you have a chance to retain your LOYAL user base and make this right for your loyal users.

I am definitely contemplating a similar move.
Is Fitbit responding to its users?

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First Steps

Was excited to get my Versa 4 in the mail and get started customizing it with Spotify and other apps. Umm....this watch is NOT a smartwatch. You can't do anything to it other than change the face. What a worthless piece of junk! I can send it back to Costco and get a Versa 2 instead, but now that I have this information, I'm tempted to abandon Fitbit altogether and look at other options. I can't even fathom what idiot in charge of development made this decision. Completely insane!

First Steps

Dreadful move by fitbit who have ruined fitbits for their loyal users. They don't bother to respond either which tells us we can be assured that they WON'T be listening to us or planning to resolve the issue. How they can call this a smartwatch is baffling, it's a massively overpriced fitness tracker and nothing else at this point.

Totally agree

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Recovery Runner

Request to restore the ability to store offline music via Deezer, Spotify, or any other music media application on the Versa 4 and Sense 2. Just like it was able to do so on the Versa 3 and Sense (1). Otherwise you are going backwards with regards to the developmental process of your product, and severely limiting its usability.

First Steps

I agree with original poster , one of the main reasons I bought this was to control music. It’s made the rest of the watch seem less exciting. Bring it back


I completely agree with you, and the absence of that option was what helped me decide on the Sense over the Sense 2 since the price difference was very small. Luckily I watched review videos before buying! By the way: are you sure that the Versa 4 and Sense 2 also have 4 gigabytes of storage? Perhaps that indicates that in the future they will enable the music option (although perhaps with a FitBit Premium subscription)

It would be nice if Fitbit responded to their loyal customers to at least acknowledge our disappointment 😞

Get Outlook for Android<>
Recovery Runner
Agreed 100 %
First Steps


People need music available  on the watch. I'm sure many people wouldn't return this product if it had the thrid party app feature . Please make this change a smart watch needs wide range of apps 

First Steps

Like many have shared, I was very disappointed to see that the music capabilities are not available on the Sense 2. Purchasing the new watch almost feels like a downgrade. I used Spotify frequently with my Sense 1 and it made things so much more convenient when listening to music. Also, as a Fitbit user of 6 years now, I find it frustrating that the comparison between the Fitbit Sense and the Fitbit Sense 2 was not available… if it was listed, I most likely would not have purchased the newer watch. When upgrading a device model, changes should clearly be stated and not hidden.


Seems like adding back the pervious 3rd party features like Spotify needs to be done to retain customers and prevent returns and/or prevent customers from switching to different watch companies all together. 


I suspect that the lack of music features may be due to a strategy by Google to focus the measurement part on Fitbit watches, and all other extra features on Pixel watches with Wear OS.

Also, with the Fitbit acquisition, Google has all of Fitbit's algorithms or measurement methods and technologies to implement in its Pixel watches.

First Steps

Agreed.  Will be returning. May purchase in future if it had this capability. 

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