Bring back old chart features

The new updates charts take away the monthly average for cals in and out and whether we are over or under cals for each week

other feature suggestions of the same topic


Please when you bring back the old graphs, do not simply eradicate the new ones! Give us some choice!

I always hated the "last 7 days" base for in/out calories - especially regarding the weekly average graph.

It's absolutely irritating (and imo useless) when the weekly average of past weeks is changing every day.


Ultimately, what's really missing is an actual deficit chart which simply shows the total (and / or avg) deficit. That's what we're actually in the calories tab for right?

Recovery Runner
I hate the new chart/graphic for O2 sat levels while sleeping, It is so much harder to look at and make any sense of the data. Please bring back the old chart. You can barely see the "average" line. Prior to the change I only usually showed a high variation if I woke up. Now the chart is all over the place.
Not applicable

I agree to this. I always read out the weekly average deficit on Monday morning because of this and it would only be consistent for 2 or more weeks back, the last week was always slightly off.
But I think the quick fix for now is actually to just go back to the previous version. Although I have no hope, I've never seen a company do this and I know engineers hate to admit they messed up to that point.
Well there's the option of moving to garmin. Big plus for them is actually there is no paywall ("premium app version") to access your own data. App is just free. 


The New Charts suck.  There should be a way to go back the the old style. As an example, my o2 chart in the daily sleep score screen has gone crazy.  It is showing many, many high variations in o2 levels even on days in the past that had shown consistent low variation. It appears to be broken!


I agree with the comments that are criticizing the other new charts.  Give us an option to go back to the old style.


Please revert back to the old graphics, the new ones are horrible.

Status changed to: Not currently planned
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Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @Shepaski, thanks for the feedback! While we are actively addressing some of the issues our Community have highlighted in the new charting updates, there are not currently plans to roll back to the old chart style. We deeply appreciate the detailed feedback many of you have shared and we are actively sharing those insights internally. We truly thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us.


100% agree.

As an analyst of 25 years, I have tons of experience displaying data aesthetically and meaningfully. The updated graphs in the fitbit app break display rules that shouldn't be broken. Issues:

1. The trend line is impossible to discern visually from the datapoint line which used to be white and thin compared to the trend line... making them visually separate.  Now datapoint line and trend are same width and very near the same color... against a white background so the eye cannot see them separately. 

2. We can no longer view the last 7 days or last 30 days... only by this week or month. So mid-month, one can only see the last 15 days. And on the first day of the week or month you have no data at all. Why would anyone create a trend graph that starts with today where by design would include no historical data!?

3. Eyes don't like white backgrounds. Period. 


Please involve experienced team members who know how to display data correctly and aesthetically.

First Steps

Second this.  I've lost 10 pounds over the last two months but the scale renders a mostly flat line, erasing almost any motivational value I was getting from the charts.

Please undo the horrible update on the charts of the app.

I wholeheartedly agree with this one. Seeing my trend angle downwards either continually or increasingly after a rough stretch was a massive motivator to me. Now, the changes day to day are impossible to notice. 

First Steps
Can no longer open the oxygen chart for times, used it for checking what sleep stage high variations were in.
First Steps
Please revert back to the old graphs. Or go to something similar. I really dislike the new ones. I agree with the others who loved seeing the big declines after a plateau. Also I can't click on the dots anymore for more details in BMI and body fat. These new ones are the worst.
Recovery Runner
Please - please reconsider your ruling on the new charts!!
They're awful. Nobody likes them, the functionality is awful (tap-and-hold to view HR data is terrifically awful because its impossible to keep your finger on 0.001mm of screen & keep it still)...
The view doesn't rotate landscape - you can't swipe along the top, you can't see in depth

I agree! The new charts are awful and useless! Maybe some like them, though I can't imagine why. At least allow the charts to expand and in expanded view be the old chart format. 


Yes!! I agree.  I look at weight over time the most and it is practically useless. Tiny, non expandable format. Also, I really miss the year to date option instead of only being able to see 1 calendar year at a time. The ability to scroll through time was also helpful because new show all chart is unreadable.  PLEASE improve the chart features or return to the old format. This impractical change has me seriously considering leaving the fitbit app & looking for another way to track my weight. 

Recovery Runner

The previous chart for sleeping heart rate was better than the new one. I used to look at that feature in the sleep log and be able to touch that graph and it would expand to show more detail. Can one go back to old versions?

First Steps
The weight tracker has been switched to using calendar month and calendar week. Please give back previous 7 day and previous 30 day views.
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @tmac000, thanks for taking the time to share this suggestion about bringing back the previous 7 and 30 days graph views with us. I noticed this idea was already requested in the Feature Suggestion board, so I’ve moved your post here. Please support this idea by adding your vote, this helps our developers to keep tracking its popularity and demand over time.

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