Bring back old chart features

The new updates charts take away the monthly average for cals in and out and whether we are over or under cals for each week

other feature suggestions of the same topic

Please fix the android app charts, or revert to how they were. No one on this thread is happy with them.
Recovery Runner

The previous version charts were so much more valuable.  Your update has removed the value of using your Fitness Tracking device.  Please restore the charts to the previous version.

Recovery Runner
- Restore ability to expand from summary to "full screen view"
- Chart landscape view
- High / Low data point labels
- Change "long press" to "tap" for details
- Rolling 7/30/365 days instead of calendar increments (or choice)
- Scrollable timeframes
- Better chart scale and color contrast
- Fix mile/km mismatched reporting
- Weight metric % change

The weight tracker looks like a scratch on the screen

Recovery Runner

The comments in that thread lay out so many ways the new graphs have made our trackers practically useless. I enjoyed the app well enough before, but now I'm filled with loathing every time I need to log anything. The data is hard to read and inaccessible, it's no longer easy to compare trends, important functionality has been removed... I'm so frustrated, I've spent the last couple days window shopping other brands and I'm just about sold on picking up a Garmin as a replacement.

Not applicable

Yes, you absolutely have to bring that back. I don't even know why you took it away.


"I'm just about sold on picking up a Garmin as a replacement."


I'll be looking too.


As an analyst of 25 years, I have tons of experience displaying data aesthetically and meaningfully. The updated graphs in the fitbit app break rules that shouldn't be broken. Issues:

1. The trend line is impossible to discern visually from the datapoint line which used to be white and thin compared to the trend line... making them visually separate.  Now datapoint line and trend are same width and very near the same color... against a white background so the eye cannot see them separately. 

2. We can no longer view the last 7 days or last 30 days... only by this week or month. So mid-month, one can only see the last 15 days. And on the first day of the week or month you have no data at all. Why would anyone create a trend graph that starts with today where by design would include no historical data!?

3. Eyes don't like white backgrounds. Period. 


Get someone involved who knows how to display data correctly and aesthetically. Or, just put the graphs back as they were. If the goal was to improve the graphs, fitbit missed the mark and took a step backwards by about 20 years.


Issue: New charts/graphs are not meaningful.

Use: I use this ducting at least daily.

As an analyst of 25 years, I have tons of experience displaying data aesthetically and meaningfully. This breaks rules that shouldn't be broken. Issues:

1. The trend line is impossible to discern visually from the datapoint line which used to be white and thin compared to the trend line... making them visually separate.  Now datapoint line and trend are same width and very near the same color... against a white background so the eye cannot see them separately. 

2. We can no longer view the last 7 days or last 30 days... only by this week or month. So mid-month, one can only see the last 15 days. And on the first day of the week or month you have no data at all. Why would anyone create a trend graph that starts with today where by design would include no historical data!?

3. Eyes don't like white backgrounds. Period. 


Get someone involved who knows how to display data correctly and aesthetically. Or, just put the graphs back as they were. If the goal was to improve the graphs, fitbit missed the mark and took a step backwards by about 20 years.


With the latest app update, most of the charts have become unusable. On the weight chart, I can no longer distinguish between the weight and the trend (because they are the same color). Also, I can no longer tap on the screen and get the date for that data point. Also, the x axis on the charts is now fixed to the range of the chart, not the range of the data. Also I can no longer swipe to move from one chart to the next. Also, many chart have been removed. 


Who thought that this update was a good idea? Did they do any user testing on this update? 


Please rollback this update so I can get the old charting behavior back.


Absolutely agree. Lack of rolling averages is really annoying 

Stepping Up

New graphing format is absolutely terrible.  Here's a business tip, roll back the update.

Recovery Runner

Agreed the new graphs are worse than awful. They show less information and are unclear.


Whilst I have raised thus with fitbit I am certain their reply will be to blame the user and the age of the device rather than looking in the forum to see just how many are complaining about it and actually fixing something.

First Steps

Please revert to the old graph! I used to be able to see lean weight and body fat as kilogrammes and now I can barely see anything! The graph is also difficult to see whether your weight has gone up or down, the bars aren't as visible as the line graph was and it doesn't set the axis appropriately anymore.

First Steps

I am in agreement with the others the last update changed our weight layout. I can't read it as well and it would've nice to have the old version asan option. Changing something not broken is a bad move


Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @TheSteakman, and thanks for taking the time to share this suggestion about restoring last changes done on charts from Android phones. We rely on feedback like yours to help us develop products and features that we know our community wants to see. If this suggestion receives votes from other customers and gains popularity, it will be shared internally with various teams at Fitbit. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which suggestions get developed, visit our FAQs.

Watch this space for status updates. In the meantime, try visiting Health & Wellness to talk with other members about all things health and fitness.


I use the Fitbit app on an android tablet. Following the latest update I have lost a lot of functionality on heart rate monitoring which is the main reason I use a Fitbit. Heart rate graphs are now harder to read, they cannot be expanded to full screen and I cannot tap on the graph to see the reading at a particular time. The heart rate monitoring opens with a useless graph of resting heart rate in the last 7 days rather than the previous version which showed the summary for 30 days. Seeing the last month now requires an extra tap which is irritating.  Frankly I can't find anything to like about what the changes and I would dearly love to have the previous version of the graphs and charts back. 

The new weight graphs are absolutely unusable. They're tiny with no way to zoom in. I can't make out the trends. Why did this update happen? It's worse in every way. Please revert this. 

First Steps

IThe sleep bar charts are harder to see. And instead of clicking on a bar and it showing the sleep stages you have to hold your finger down to see the stages. So because your finger is there it's harder to see. Can you please make the sleep bar charts like they were before?

Not applicable

Honestly the new charts are so bad you should just scrap that release and bring back the old one.
And then start over with designing a new chart interface which is dark/light mode enabled (which apparently was your goal for this release) and this time make sure it delivers the same functionality and ease of use as the old design.
What you did there is really embarrassing. Just admit it and throw it in the bin. 

First Steps

BRING BACK the previous version charts were so much more valuable

Good chart version

First Steps

All trends a now unusable as

- they are now longer moving average (so what value has the trend from the month's 1st to 2nd ?)

- graphs can no longer expanded to full screen, e.g. the weight graph is fully unusable now


Just revert to the old layout and start over.


Please revert back to the old graphics, the new ones are horrible.

Recovery Runner
Allow full screen view again! Allow zooming in on vertical axis, the range of weight showed is way too big to see any significant changes in weight graph, makes the graph look like a nearly straight line which is mostly useless.
First Steps

Please revert back to the old graphics, the new ones are horrible.


BRING BACK the previous version charts were so much more valuable!!!!

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