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Menstrual Health tracker

Is there a way to revert back to the older version of the menstrual tracker. I had an update today and it is awful. It doesn't show you the full month, tell you what day of you cycle it is and no option to add when ovulation actually is. It just assumes everyone ovulated mid cycle. I see no option to add symptoms. Please allow us to revert back to the old version.

Fitbits just seems to be getting worse, First the clock face, then Spotify, the dashboard and now this 

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Hi @Margaret182  there's no way to go back to an older version of the app. Even if you removed the app and reinstalled, it would go to the latest app available for your phone. Now, if you had an older phone using an older system, then you'd get an older version of the app.

Stepping in the U.S.A. since September 2013. Android 14

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I completely agree with @Margaret182 !!!! Why do things change in a way that reduces the user experience rather than enhance it?

I can see how to log 'notes' now which is under the calendar but doesn't feel very intuitive. 

1. Can't scroll between months like used to be able to do which provided good insights when comparing month on month 

2. Can't select a day to see what day of the cycle it is meaning I now have to count the days manually rather than just tap to see. Now counting wouldn't be so bad if you could scroll through months on the same screen like you used to be able to do. Now I need to tab through months which makes it much harder to work out.

The overall look and feel is not aesthetically pleasing at all. 

I can only see what negatives this change brings over the positives. It's a shame things are changed when something isn't broken. 

You have made what was a really easy to use and user experience friendly part of the app into a cumbersome and clunky one. 

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I completely agree with all of these comments.

I am also extremely disappointed by this update and just dont understand why it's been made so much worse and less user friendly. 

I also seem to have lost my previously logged symptoms/notes as well which is really frustrating.

Really hoping fitbit change it back, it used to be so intuitive and easy to use and now it's just unnecessarily clunky and not nice to use and just is visually unappealing.

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They're ruining everything on Fitbit is almost like they don't want people to use it! There is hardly anything positive anymore

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it's really awful!!! I just tried to log something, I logged it...somewhere... but where??? it's very unclear. Previously you could see an overview, and the days on which you added symptoms (headache e.d.) were marked with a dot, now the calendar looks empty and it's hard for me to see on which days I had what symptoms. I was trying to log them and now I cannot see anything back. I hate these fitbit updates!!! Is anyone testing these for functionality and user friendliness????

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I agree with all of you. I've been using this app for 7 years!!! I would love to revert to the older version. This new update is a downgrade and trashy. It makes things harder and it's not pleasing on the eyes. It's hard to tell which days are what with the new color style and for me I can't edit like by holding and adjusting anymore. So many extra steps now. The biggest issue is that the calendar is not scrollable anymore. You can't even see the whole cycle. Absolutely ridiculous! Who created this new update?! Were no females present? It seems that eveything become more difficult. Not user friendly at all. I hope they take note and change it back out else they might start losing customers 😞

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It's actually awful, literally no female had a say in this, the devs think women only need to see when your period is due? Does anyone know if the developers see this? They should at least give the option to use the older version. They have definitely loss a customer.

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I came here to say just this. Why on earth would anyone choose to run an update to worsen a feature?

Dear moderator, please pass on the feedback. I'm seriously considering changing trackers, as this change only goes to prove that Fitbit is getting less and less user friendly.

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I 100% agree. Not sure how to get this in front of someone actually at fitbit. You would think they would listen to their end users. They clearly didn't do user testing for this one and if they did they need a new focus group as these changes are nothing but terrible.

Maybe we should take to social media? Unless anyone knows how to involve fitbit 🤔 I can only see ways to start community chats seems nigh on impossible to actually message fitbit themselves 🙈

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Actually I found a way to make contact. Not sure who it gets in front of but might be worth us all doing the same thing? Go to 

I have just sent this via their contact form opting for the email as method

There are several women all complaining about the same issues regarding the new updates to the menstrual tracker app in your fitbit community. The previous version was much more user friendly & had a great user experience. It has been replaced by something which is cumbersome, clunky, has lost data for certain individuals & makes period tracking much more difficult than it did previously. For example you cannot even click on a date anymore to see what day of your cycle you are on. Basic stuff, so now you would have to manually count the days yourself which wouldn't be so bad if you could actually scroll to see dates that were important but now you can only tab between calendar months which again, isn't useful at all & makes the task much more manual which defeats the object of even having an app in the first place. Concerns are being raised over whether females were even involved in the redesign! Which isn't a good look for Fitbit. Please heed the call and revert this part of the app

Let's hope it gets in front of someone useful 🙏🙏

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This is great thank you; I've just sent them an email too! Really hope they do something about it!

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Great 🙏 Let's hope else I too will be changing trackers. Let us know if you get a reply 

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Brilliant, I have emailed them too. Hopefully we will get an answer 

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Please bring back the old features of the menstrual tracker. The update doesn't allow you to review past and future cycles or symptoms in the  calendar view.  

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 yes nothing they will do, disgracful. Im uninstalling

Moderator Edit: Personal info removed

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Hi @Brutus56 - you might get more support by posting in the Product feedback forum, there are similar issues such as

Author | ch, passion for improvement.

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Say the same. Wtf is this new crap. How can you keep track if you can't see the whole month anymore. Then you can't use it to plan. Or can't check previous information as before. This feature is why I have chosen fitbit for so many years. And now fitbit has taken it away. New systems are not always better 🤬


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Agree. What is this awful new update. Give back the old one. 

It was really useful before this stupid update. You could scroll back and se months before and plan forward. Was easier to keep track. This is really bad. I choose Fitbit only cause of this menstruation track was better with Fitbit that other. But with this crap, other brands are better so five back the old system or its time for me to get something other tha Fitbit. 🤬

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The image is blurry for me sorry @Margaret182 could you copy and paste their reply please so can see what they said.

I got the below reply, which is ridiculous.... I replied saying how will this help with a ux update you made???

Please try to  log out of the Fitbit app, force quit, reboot the phone and log back in. 


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