Bring back sleep stages segment time amount

With the updated sleep UI, I'm missing the amount in each segment. I can hover and see I was in REM from 3:43a - 4:09a, but I have to manually calculate that it was 26 minutes of REM sleep during that time. Previous UI would show that 26 mins.
It would be great if the segment time was next to the actual time of night.


Moderator Edit: Clarified subject

First Steps

Hate, hate, hate the updated sleep interface. Hard to read, poor design language and no way to drill down for segmented info. What a step backwards!! I am looking for alternatives now after more than 7 years in the Fitbit ecosystem.


Please, please change back to original state.  The sleep score chart and estimated oxygen variation chart is impossible to interpret.  Why was it changed?  When it is time for an upgrade I will definitely look for a different health tracker, this is HORRIBLE!!!!

First Steps

I couldn't agree more about the updated sleep interface. It's so busy and confusing to look at. Makes me want to exit immediately. Bad idea. Do not like it at all!


Yes!  You can’t see how long each session is with a single touch. You can’t see the graft well. Please change it back Fitbit. 

Since so many of us are sharing FitBit sleep data with doctors, I wonder if there is any legal recourse to get back the old graphs.  I would hate to see any one harmed by not being able to share data with their doctor.

First Steps

I totally dislike the new fitbit sleep app data for one its not visually appealling or easy to read the old version was far simpler and clearer.  Feels like someone has tried to be too clever,bring back the old layout or at least try to make the new one more user friendly

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
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Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @micro8safe, and thanks for taking the time to share this product feedback about bringing back the sleep stages segment time amount on the Fitbit app with us. We rely on feedback like yours to help us develop products and features that we know our community wants to see. If this product feedback receives votes from other customers and gains popularity, it will be shared internally with various teams at Fitbit. To learn more about how Fitbit decides what product feedback is developed, visit our FAQs.

Watch this space for status updates. In the meantime, try visiting Health & Wellness to talk with other members about all things health and fitness.

Recovery Runner

I found a fix out on Facebook and X .. it works

First Steps

Totally agree with comments above…new sleep format is not good..we all like the old format..will consider another tracker..not fitbit if changes don’t happen for the better…they shouldn’t be able to take away from what we already have… not happy

Recovery Runner
continual and consistent contact to the forum (and tons of votes) is
currently the only way to get your voice heard. Additionally, hitting the
chat personnel multiple timed and asking for reparation times. They have
removed the ability to open a ticket and therefore have silenced that
medium that was previously open to owners (albeit they are not honoring us
as real owners)
Tempo Runner
I DID find a way to go back to the old version.
Interestingly, I also found that it may have something to do with the
stored data and app cache. I cleared data AND app cache, and my graph
righted itself again (I did however revert to the old version of the
Android Fitbit app)

I agree wth those wanting the old way of looking at sleep for the Charge 5. I like knowing the actual precentage of sleep time for each night and this new way doesn’t give that info any more. It’s confusing and not an upgrade to old way that I can see. Looks like many people have already brought this to Fitbit’s attention, so I wonder why it hasn’t been changed back? I hope Fitbit cares what it’s consumers want.

Recovery Runner
Unfortunately, Fitbit (Google) has provided NO (ZERO) indication the Sleep
Display will be fixed. Theories exist that this is a way to eliminate the
Fitbit in favor of the Google Pixel (which would be yet another step in the
wrong direction). I did find a way on Facebook to reverse the damage,
which did work and now I have my old display back again

I’ll try to find a way back to old version, too. I may be ready to give up on fitbit after many years of use.

Recovery Runner
there is a way to reverse it out on Facebook

I only use Fitbit for the sleep data, it was the best out of all the devices and apps please bring back previous version or advise how we can revert update 😞

Recovery Runner
Because of the horrible sleep update, I am switching to Oura

I agree, the new format is terrible.  Hard to read and decipher. The new format is not a better way. Please go back to the old format. Sometimes change is not for the better!


First Steps

Lots of other people commented already but just adding my input as well that I don't like this new view at all (for the reason above among others) and there is a post dedicated to bringing it back, if you haven't seen it maybe you can upvote/reply there as well :


First Steps

I will be not be renewing my subscription unless they bring back the old sleep app before then. Two more months to go.

Base Runner

This might be helpful to you:  if you click on "benchmark" it will show you the amount of time spent in each stage.  I hate the new version but maybe this will help you get the info you want to see.  

Recovery Runner
I have used that feature already. It's ok with the exception that it uses
some kind of "average" that Fitbit "may" have gotten from a good doctor or
a quack (how would I know).

With the prior sleep app (which I WAS able to revert to), I can swipe into
EACH phase and touch on the screen to see transition times and individual
segments of the sleep pattern in a VERY detailed manner. NOT POSSIBLE with
the new poor sleep function.
Base Runner

@LizzyFitbitYou just copy and paste that exact same message on any post. What is your job exactly? A bot can replace your job, and I mean, something a million times lower than ChatGPT.

The sleep graph is a confusing mess. It's difficult to read and doesn't show the specific times of awake/restless, light, deep, and REM. Basically its mostly useless. I rely on this feature every single morning. It played a large part in my decision to purchase the product. Fitbit promotes healthy and for me, its less than healthy to start every day stressed out and irritated that I need to attempt to decipher a chart that used to be so easy to understand. Please bring back the old graphs. Jeez, Fitbit, what were you thinking?

Recovery Runner
By now we need to realize that Fitbit/google is not going to fix the sleep app. A leading tech company like google could have restored the old one in a minute . Time to just make plans. It’s not hard to figure out which companies have what we’re looking for. Just don’t post the names of them here because your post will be taken down. Fitbit / google announced a “Fitbit 7”. Right after many of us had to purchase the 6 when their firmware update toasted our batteries. We need to contact the tech magazines who continue to promote Fitbit as the number one tracker. It was up until a year ago.

Sent from my iPad
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