Bring back the old sleep summary page

When I had my Charge 5 and the first few weeks of having my Charge 6 the app would give me a sleep summary page with, Sleep Stages, Time in each stage, Oxygen levels and Bedtime and wakeup all on a handy page. Since a recent update I now seem to get a much more basic three tiles and I have to open each one and look through for all the information.

On the plus side, this poorly designed changed will make it easy for me to not renew my premium subscription.  I'm not going to pay for something that is now useless.

First Steps
The previous layout was a great balance of minimalism and sufficient detail. The previous previous (blue shades) was so nice. It was pleasant and satisfying. The new colors are hard to read and seemingly deliberately unsatisfying. It is so simple, please respect your userbase ( a vastly wider sampling of humanity than your UX team ) and revert.
First Steps

Please bring back the old sleep format.  Recently convinced husband and 93 year old mother to wear fitbit for tracking sleep... the new format is totally unhelpful. 

Stepping Up

The old interface allowed you to change the start and end time of your sleep too. My fitbit occasionally starts my sleep tracking automatically while I'm relaxing and I was previously able to update the start time but I am no longer able to do this; this means the new sleep tracking is not accurate at record my actual sleep and is therefore now useless to me.

First Steps

The fitbit detailed graph accessed by readable and printable layout in browser page was the only useful thing for me from my fitbit device. The mobile app display is useless to me. Without it my advice to anyone is to find a better user supported device.

Stepping Up

I absolutely hate the new sleep graph. It is confusing and difficult to read. Pahleeez bring back the previous graph. I have been on the fence leaving fitbit. If this does not get resolved I will switch to Apple watch. Bye bye 

Base Runner
The new one allows that as well, I've done it a couple of times since its
inception, Just click the 3 dots in the upper right corner then "edit
Stepping Up

Sorry, I am able to edit the sleep but not able to this possible @jtpryan 


I crashed for 10 hours last night, and all the app can tell me was "Asleep 10h 7m".

What's the point of even having a health tracker? When something causes me to crash for 10 hours, I'd like to know how crashed I was, what the heck is going on. But the best it can do is say I was definitely asleep?! Well, duh.

It gave sleep stages for my sleep the previous night.



Just an FYI for Apple users, Apple just refunded my premium subscription to Fitbit. Even though Fitbit refused to do so. Apple prorated the balance and refunded $58. Now that’s customer service. Thank you Apple and so long Fitbit. 

First Steps

I just want to tell you how unhappy I am with the April 2024 up date….the sleep info is horrid….The last update before this was awesome…this one looks like a high school computer class experiment….what happened to the graph that showed in-depth sleep info INCLUDING deep sleep. I loved the bar type graph and the choice of looking at each independently without seeing all the sleep levels at once. ….I’ve had Fitbit since number “2” …. This update definitely ruined my trust in the product….going to explore other smart phones. a bitter sweet good bye!

Recovery Runner

I am premium member and my husband is not.  He got this spoiled version couple weeks earlier and I thought that Google is saving premium members.  Boy I was wrong.

First Steps

I cannot relate to this new sleep version. I'm no longer able to open the details of my sleep session. What was the reasoning of replacing the original version? Was there any survey or inquiry with users if they wanted such a change? I'm in the camp to bring back the original, preferred, better sleep version.


 I really hate that how confusing the new look

First Steps
I always loved fitbit for the great user interface which is now going worse with every update. New marketing people want to change the looks and make it all worse every time. Now with the new sleep update, it’s so horrible that I do not want to open up the app in the morning any more. Such a missed chance and pity. Now looking for other options…
First Steps

Totally agree, what a terrible update, hard to see, messy and not easy to read. Did Fitbit do any user testing to ask people which they prefer and which they find more user friendly before you went ahead with this? Thinking not. It’s definitely making me look at other smartwatches. Shame, I’ve been a Fitbit fan for years. Please consider designing a new version that looks like the old one. (Given you’ve said in comments you can’t ‘go back’ to the previous version).


Agree with all the above, the latest app update absolutely wrecks the usefulness of the sleep info.
I’m giving up on Fitbit and will go to a more sensible, less faddy, company for my sleep tracking from now on. 

First Steps

Glad to see it isn't just me that hates what happened to the sleep timeline. It was a favorite feature since I have sleep issues, now I can barely read the data. As a graphic designer, I can't imagine what was going through their heads when they put this layout together. 

Recovery Runner

@BevyG  How did you go about getting your refund? My premium is through Apple and I definitely want my money back!


I contacted Apple support as it was a subscription billed through my account. 

Recovery Runner

I agree with all the comments on here. What Fitbit has done to the premium apps display especially of sleep information absolutely sucks! How do I get back to the old way that was readable, colorful, made sense, and useful? I HATE what you have done with the Fitbit premium app AND ALL IT’S DISPLAYS. My Fitbit is no longer even useful. What was Google/Fitbit thinking to have made this mess?

I cannot ready the new sleep graphs well. Please restore old ones
First Steps
I have used fitbits for years. new sleep tracking is abysmal.Google— Pls STOP experimenting. If I’d wanted a Google tracker I’d’ve bought one
Sleep tracking now broken recording sleep-have to adjust daily
Stairs is broken one day it thinks I did 29 stories (when I didn’t ) next day when I actually climbed 8 physical flights it records one.
First Steps

Bring back the old graphics. The latest version is unusable, ugly, and difficult to see.

Base Runner
So there was no graph at all? I would clear the cache on the app and
restart it. Is this consistent or just that one night?
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