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Please consider altering the scale and axes on the weight tracking graphs. A three pound weight loss is huge - but barely visible on the graphs. Changing the scale would encourage focus by highlighting success!
Please add the option to change the scale of the Y axis of the weight loss graph (like zooming in on the scale). The graph looks like there is no change at all for a pound or two. If you only want to lose 10-15 lbs, that graph isn't very motivating! 😞 If the scale could be changed, one or two pounds would look like more of a difference! Thank you!
Completely agree. My axis covers about 4 stone and ends up looking like a straight line!
It shouldn't be difficult to set the axis to start 2lb below your min and finish 2lb above your max, for example. Or if this is too difficult, perhaps just allow users to set their min/max for each axis (y being more important i think).
I like this idea. I actually came here to post my own idea, but if changes are going to be made to the graph, hopefully my idea can be included.
I would like to be able to see the horizontal grid lines for the weight (on the Y-axis). As it is now, the lines disappears under the shading. I would like it if the lines were "on top" of the shading, not under it.
I agree completely. My weight graph currently goes from 140 to 190, but my highest weight has been ~172 and my goal weight is 155. I don't know why I need to see 15 lbs below my goal and > 15 lbs above my max weight. I've lost 6 lbs and my graph looks almost flat.
I'd really like it, and I think there might be others who would too, if you could change your website section for logging weight. If one only wants to lose 3-5 pounds, the graph hardly shows any change as you lose. if you could make the chart more have a smaller spread of the pounds lost, then every little bit would show up more dramatically. For a small person like myself, that is more motivating. right now, even when I lose, the line looks almost straight, instead of registering the loss as a more downward line. Thanks.
I agree with you 100%! The weight loss graph should be really dramatic, to give us more gratification. My weight loss looks like a straight line too, but it doesn't feel like one!
Totally agree!! I am hugely motivated by the visuals when I lose weight! Please make the graph should look like you've really acheived something big if you've lost 1-2 pounds a week or whatever your goal is for that week. 🙂
Another agree here. I accept that I'm a little geeky about such things as I work as a data scientist but if the y-axis could autoscale (or be manually adjustable) that would make the chart much more useful. This week I have lost 1.4 kg but it looks like a horizontal line as the y-axis goes down to 8 kg below my target weight & 8kg above my current weight.
Personally I'd also like vertical gridlines as well as its not always obvious whether a reading is late on one day or early the next day (I'm monitoring weight for athletic competition so I'm interested in how much I naturally loose overnight)
Hi I agree - I am about 12 stone - my graph scale shows from 8 stone to 14 stone in weekly and from 8 stone to 18 stone in Monthly. The changes in readings are hardly visible using that scale - surely this scale needs to adapt in some way to make it useful?
The graphics look like a Flintstone cartoon or something we used to call film strips back in elementary school in the 1960's. It's time for an update I think. Thanks
Hi @DrewBlue70. Thanks for taking the time to share this suggestion about changing the scale and axes on the weight tracking graph with us. We rely on feedback like yours to help us develop products and features that we know our community wants to see. If this suggestion receives votes from other customers and gains popularity, it will be shared internally with various teams at Fitbit. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which suggestions get developed, visit our FAQs. Watch this space for status updates. In the meantime, try visiting Health & Wellness to talk with other members about all things health and fitness.
Absolutely this - especially when using stones. There is too much wasted space above and below the max and min values of the graph to make the graph worthwhile. Here is my weight displayed in stones, and then in pounds. (Being British, I use stones!)
The stones graphs vertical range goes over 8 stones - that's 112 pounds between min and max - whereas the pounds' range is only 28 pounds.
When I display my weight history the graph line appears on a chart that is scaled from 8st to 16st, but my actual weight is well within the range of 11st8lb to 12st8lb. The heart rate display 'auto-scales' to my actual heart rate history. Please can my weight graph autoscale in the same way.
Hi @I-Richard, thanks for sharing this suggestion about changing the weight graph so the scale can adjust to your recent data with us. This idea was already requested in the Feature Suggestions board, so I’ve moved your post here. This will help us to keep the forums organized and make sure the suggestions don't get confused, or split a popular vote. Click on the thumbs-up to show your support.
Hi, newbie here and chose Fitbit over Withings BUT ...... weight axes are useless as guide to weight loss if you measure in St and Lbs! Please, please provide an option to allow a 1st (?) range either side as otherwise the graphs are meaningless.
Hi @Billingham, thanks for sharing this suggestion about changing the scale and axes of the weight graph with us. This idea was already requested in the Feature Suggestions board, so I’ve moved your post here. This will help us to keep the forums organized and make sure the suggestions don't get confused, or split a popular vote. Click on the thumbs-up to show your support.
the weight graph is currently meaningless. Why does my graph go from 18 to 8 stone, when I am only trying to lose 2 stone. It doesn’t need a 10 stone range. One size does not fit all.
it makes it meaningless as any losses aren’t detectable on the weight line in the middle of a 10 stone range.
Yes! I have a similar request as well which goes like this (please vote for mine as well):
A long-term goal line should not interfere with the graph showing someone's short-term progress. The line should be optional, or add short-,mid-, and long-term goal settings, and only display them on the graphs where appropriate (weekly, monthly, 3-month, Yearly, All-time graphs). Display of goal lines should be optional so graphs don't flatten out.
If people are only using FitBit to set short-term goals, they may never achieve their long-term success. A long-term goal line flattens the curve making short-term progress seem to be nothing at all, when in fact, if the goal line wasn't there, people would be encouraged by their own progress visually. This positive feedback is vital for success.
This should have been addressed by now. It's been a request for years 😞
I'm using Win10 without a touch screen, the Fitbit app and a Charge3 and everything is at the latest version. The weight chart is completely demotivating. With a Y axis of 6 to 28 stone my weight loss appears so insignificant. There must be some way to change the axis. I can't believe that it is hard coded, surely there is a config file that can edited. To have it available as a setting or simply to auto-scale would be expected, but I'll take it as a config edit. Just tell me where. Please.
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