Change scale and axes on weight tracking graph

Please consider altering the scale and axes on the weight tracking graphs. A three pound weight loss is huge - but barely visible on the graphs. Changing the scale would encourage focus by highlighting success!


Moderator Edit: Clarified subject

First Steps

When I say a "request for years" what I really mean is that this lack of functionality has been complained about since (I found) February 2014. 

Seven years and counting for a simple graph change from the leading provider. Come on, give us what we thought we had bought.

Recovery Runner

And - more annoyingly - what DID work fine until the whole system had a redesign. It looks as you'd expect if you use pounds or kilograms: it's only when viewing weight in stones that the range is so poor.

First Steps

Couldn’t agree more @Redbyname - the lack of response from Fitbit is frustrating for what should be an easy fix. When my blaze finally dies (it’s in its last days). I’m off to Apple. 

First Steps
I did get a response from FitBit which only revealed that the hired Helpdesk person answering the question was clueless about curve-fitting mathematics, charting and graphs.
I resigned to change my long term goals to short term ones, making the graphs more sensitive to my weight changes instead of the curve being flattened erroneously because of FitBit’s curve fitting algorithm trying to make my weight goal appear on the graph.
What is also perturbing is that FitBit was bought by Google and Google is supposed to have only PhDs running the show over there, and, yet, despite this, they have Helpdesk people answering these posts which haven’t a clue, and could care less, about fixing this longstanding issue.
If there was a “Brandon” phrase for Google I’d put it here.

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First Steps
I guess I didn’t realize I could change from lbs to kilograms and “Stones”, but I don’t think it would make a difference, if you are putting in a long-term goal (a 65 lb weight loss) versus something more short-term like a 20 lb goal, as the day-to-day or week-to-week weight changes simply won’t register much at all visibly causing a negative feedback loop. It is infuriating that stupid people run are in charge of product design.

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First Steps
Yep, that Apple Watch 7 Series is finally looking like a good model. I suspect I’ll make the jump as well at some point when I can afford it.

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Community Legend

Yes @ronaldj100 they are owned by Google, Fitbit manages the company themselves, and hired thousands of help people throughout the world.  As with most help desks, I believe they work off scripts and if your question is not covered, maybe it should be escalated up the chain. 

Recovery Runner

Totally agree. My Y-axis spans 75 kg, and my weight goal is down 5 kg. My progress is hardly showing at all

Hi Bjarand

The daft thing is that if you change the units to ‘pounds’ it scales wonderfully!

Best regards

First Steps
Weight chart in app shows inappropriate scale when enlarged to full screen
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @LozzaEagrit, thanks for taking the time to share this suggestion about altering the scale and axes on the weight tracking graphs. I've moved it into a similar request. You can learn more about how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released in our FAQs.


Thank you again for your participation in the Feature Suggestions Forums.

First Steps

Until a couple of days ago the weight graph in the android fitbit app was fine. You then updated the apps features and the graph is now useless. Let me elaborate. The vertical range (in my case from 83 to 105 kg is too large to be of any use. My weight fluctuates on a daily basis by less thatn 1 kg and my long term goal is very unlikely to be more tha +/- 5 kg. So on a 22 kg scale any variation is miniscule.
Furthermore the weekly and monthly graphs do not show a weekly and monthly rolling trend (i.e the last 7 or 31 days), but the current month. So on Monday 31st August I get a single point!
Please tell me how I can revert to the previous style of graph

First Steps
People have been asking for YEARS to change the y axis scale on the weight chart. Why is that not done yet?
Other threads make it clear the new charts are worse, and all you've done is close the thread with no plans to fix this.
I've been a Fitbit user for 4 yrs. If this isn't fixed by the time I need to replace my tracker I'll buy something else.
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Kay1989, thanks for taking the time to share this suggestion about changing scale and axes on weight tracking graph. I've moved it into a similar request. You can learn more about how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released in our FAQs. Click on the thumbs-up to show your support.


Thank you again for your participation in the Feature Suggestions Forums.

First Steps

Just brought this up with twitter support and they redirected me here, my word this has been an ongoing issue for over 5 years and still nothing has been done. As things stand, I have an axis range of 1st to 2st when viewed on the windows app and seriously this needs the ability to be adjusted or zoomed in upon.

This is pretty weak sauce by Fitbit if they are not able to or unwilling to fix this since my own personal range is just 1st so that just looks like a very small change.



First Steps
Unfortunately, the fact that this has been open for so long and is a relatively simple fix (you can look at a chart of stock, bond, COVID etc on many sites with scales adjusting to data shown), shows that Fitbit employees do not avidly track their own data... Otherwise they would realise that this is a) an issue, b) a frustration that will lead users to other apps and therefore devices.

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Recovery Runner

It's actually more subtle than that - it's that Fitbit employees *do not use stones*. This issue does not arise if you measure in kilograms or pounds, as just having, say 2  or 3 kg or lbs  above and below the maximum recorded values is no big deal.


I guess that the tech team are all American and as such measure their weight in pounds..

First Steps
Actually, mine are in pounds and the range is terrible

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First Steps
It’s really interesting how this post from several years ago has a flurry of interaction every so often.

Nothing changed so I no longer have a fitbit!
Recovery Runner

Oh, well I stand corrected 

For me, in pounds my range shows as 168 to 204, while in stones it's 8-18 (which is 112 to 252 lbs).

While in kilos it's 74 to 94.

First Steps
That's exactly why they should be looking at these posts. Thanks for your support

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First Steps
Absolutely! It’s pathetic!

One would have thought since Google bought Fitbit things would get better along with all the PhDs they have, but no, it’s still the same. I guess they kept the same staff on board and never review the community comments.

I now use a Google Watch4 for my body composition and sync to a Samsung S22 and see graphs there. I have to put the weight in manually on the watch when it does the body composition analysis.

Still use an Aria for weight measurement, but I use the watch for fat %, etc (body composition).

Yes, FitBit is losing customers, and they can’t convince me to come back.
First Steps
Interesting hack. I wouldn’t have thought changing from lbs to kgs or “stones” would make the graph with goals on them better. I’ll have to try that once I find the setting, however, all us Americans don’t really think in terms of kg, so it would be a mental adjustment. Nonetheless, wondering how different the graph would appear. Thanks for the tip.
First Steps

Thats a good work around, I've switched it to pounds (or kg) on the windows app and thats it giving me a sensible range now. Although I can still display it in stone on my android so for me this issue is purely the Windows app. 


Also felt it was about time to wake up this topic again, maybe we need to do this every so often that it might eventually annoy them!

Recovery Runner

For me its on IOS. Seems like only 1 dev team fully test their changes!

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