Customize the Stats Heavy Clock

The stats heavy clock is great, however, some users including myself would like a Stats heavy we can customize to have maybe 5 lines of what ever we choose.

- Time
- Date (DD/MM) /  (MM/DD) 
- Steps
- Calories Burned

- Calories Eaten

- Water Drank
- Days Exercise

- Sleep

then we can just pick 5 and they show as the default clock face

My set up would be would be:
- Time

- Date - DD/MM

- Steps

- Calories Eaten

- Calories Burned



(Also United Kingdom date format is set wrong should be DD/MM)


Moderator edit: Subject for clarity  & label

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hello @Xyloz.


Thank you for sharing your idea with us. Being able to edit a clock face such as that could definitely help other users get the most out of their Fitbit.


Let's see what other users have to say about it.


I want to “pin” the steps stat to the time so that is what comes up consistently It’s really the only stat I want. The clock face with all the stats is ok—but don’t need all that and then the time is small


It's very frustrating to have the normal date format unavailable (by normal I mean what most of the world uses, not the US format).

Looking through the forums this issue has been raised time and time again but moderators keep putting a link in discussion to change TIME not DATE. 

Being unable to have the date format for my own country (UK) has put me off fitbit products completely


By the way, Fitbit, this feature will never get the rating it deserves as your moderators keep closing these suggestions an saying that the feature already exists. 

To be honest Fitbit's reaction to this issue (which has been raised multiple times) looks more like an arrogant brush off than anything else. 

First Steps

I agree. I'm not sure why you have a "Stats Heavy" option where you can't access the date on the device

First Steps

Inspire HR -

Why, after months of requests by many contributors, is there still no option to change the date format from MM/DD to DD/MM?

According to wikipedia, the only countries that use the MM/DD/YYYY system are the US, the Philippines, Palau, Canada, and Micronesia.


Hi I'm retired & all days are roll into one, sometimes I don't know what day I'm on. I request an option on stats heavy to include day & an option for full date in UK format:

DAY (for example MONDAY)


Can I propose an update to the STATS HEAVY clock face by replacing the DISTANCE stat with the date? Or just adding a date to it so it's all accessible on 1 screen?

So it can appear as so...

490 steps
57 BPM
848 cal
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @GeorgeZak, thanks for explaining why you would like to have the option to see customize the Stats Heavy Clock on Inspire trackers. Thanks for sharing your feedback. I've moved it into a similar request.  A lot of users are asking for this option, I hope we receive updates soon.


I would like time, date, steps, and heart rate on one screen in the same colors/brightness without flair.  As a person who needs to walk and move around at work and log information, it would be helpful to see the time, date, and steps on one screen.  I have to sneak in a peak of my steps right now with the hopes no one notices.  I need the date for logging when my hands are full of cleaning chemicals and I can't scroll.


Heart rate would be helpful when exercising as well as the above so I don't have to slow down to scroll.  It would be good to have an easy to read face with the same font and brightness for an easier, quicker read.


Being able to adjust the options shown or having this option would be most beneficial!

First Steps
For Inspire (NOT HR), I need a clock face with the date, steps, and time (time with colon on one line).
Many people have been asking for this for YEARS. I'm going to review Fitbit and the Inspire on the App store, etc and mention this. People need to know how unresponsive Fitbit is.
Sa 06/20
Do not move this request to Inspire HR.
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Runner5566, thanks for explaining why you would like to have the option to see date, steps, and time on Fitbit Inspire clock faces. Thanks for sharing your feedback. I've moved it into a similar request.  A lot of users are asking for this option, I hope we receive updates soon.


You can also vote for this other suggestions: Horizontal Inspire Clock Faces.

First Steps

Yes. Being able to set the date to day/month would be a great idea. In Australia we use this format and it confuses me when I check the date on the Fitbit. 

First Steps

Hi All,


I've been meaning to ask about this for ages - and now I'm on the community page it's not surprising that so many Fitbit users have asked ahead of me.


I really need the date on the stats heavy clock face.  I'm from the UK but can live with the US version.


My preferred stats in this list (after Time and Date) would be 1. Steps, 2 heart Rate, 3 Active Minutes, 4 Distance... 


For now I continue to use the retro clock face.


It's sad that the original suggestion was posted such a long time ago with no fix yet as far as I can tell.

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