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I have Fitbit Surge and the option for notification works pretty poor as the messages in Cyryllic are not shown as they should be, they are show in squares.
Moderator edit: updated subject for clarity and labels.
It's going on for years and will never reach to the top as you just simply will never get russian speaking market.
When you consider developing your product you build necessities first. This is not the FEATURE. This is MISSING FUNCTIONALITY!
This is not the extra fancy stuff that people who can fully enjoy the product suggest.
This is millions of new users you'll never have if you don't make your product fully functional. This is what stopped plenty of people I personally know from buying your trackers!
Please pass this message to your managers, don't leave it hanging there.
I really love my new fitbit, notification for my calls and sms is very important for me because I have to drive motobike all the time for my work! This feature help me to read notification and keep my phone im my pocket, so It would be appriciate if it can support vietnamese.
People complained about this issue more than 6month ago and no improvement , they need a simple request , people I know when they will care about everyone when sell goes down , dont see comment as indicator for how is this request popular , many of my friends complain about arabic support but they don't know how to open request or they can not talk or write good in english , also when I recommend it to my friend he show me a cheap chinese warch with qll languages support
I would like to strongly voice my support & vote to request support for Hebrew notifications. In Charge 2 as well!
Even if the text were to scroll in the wrong direction, it would still be a step in the right direction. This should really have been a built in feature from the get-go.
I agree, please add Cyrillic text! Some of my contact names are in Cyrillic and I often listen to Russian songs and receive messages in Russian so it would be nice to see them instead f squares
So after all those months of waiting and hoping i gave up and left FitBit Surge due to lack of language support on notifications and moved to Garmin Vivofit HR GPS!
thank you FitBit for helping moving out and spread the word that your support is dimmer than a new moon phase 😛
I am a veteran FitBit user (used to have the original FitBit clip model years ago, currently own Charge HR, Charge 2 and Aria), and have a lot of friends and coworkers here in Toronto who wear a FitBit and are quite happy with it.
I have considered buying FitBit devises for my Russian speaking parents, who actually do need such a device as they are trying to stay active and maintain a healthy lifestyle in their senior years, but lack of language support would not allow them to use it.
As a developer, I can appreciate that introducing a new language to the devices themselves is likely a big challenge. But I don't think it should require a lot of effort to add Russian language option to the online dashboard and / or mobile apps, since they are already multilingual. This would, however, make a crucial difference for potential Russian-speaking FitBit users like my parents and might open a whole new market for you.
Please support the Hebrew language on your fitbit devices. I can see requests regarding the addition of Hebrew support as far as 2015, and this post was reviewed a year ago, I would appreciate to know when should a supported update be available? Thank you.
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