Cyrillic Characters for old Fitbit Trackers

Dear Fitbit,


I have Fitbit Surge and the option for notification works pretty poor as the messages in Cyryllic are not shown as they should be, they are show in squares.


Moderator edit: updated subject for clarity and labels.

First Steps

I bought fitbit blaze today. Got texts from my friends and it's all gibberish. I'm returning it tomorrow. The only thing I'm wondering what smartwatch should I get that supports Cyrillic?


Please add Russian


 Please add support Russian langueage and cyrrilic fonts!!! And also we be great to see APP on russians.

Thanks a lot!!!

First Steps

It will be great to be able to read Arabic languge in notifications u receive from phone. Im suffers ng ehen receiving SMS writen in Arabic langure. 

First Steps
Dear colleagues,
please add cyrillic fonts to Gharge 2. Without them I can not read most messages on my device. 
With hopes for better,
your loyal User.
First Steps

Add Cyrillic to Surge! 

First Steps
I bought gear s3 frontier, now everything works
Recovery Runner

Can not believe that over a year passed, Blaze's notification is still not supporting Traditional Chinese on all third party apps (Line, Whatsapp, Facebook messenger).

Wondering if the Fitbit engineers are really aware of this feature suggestion post.  Smiley SadSmiley SadSmiley Sad

First Steps

Cyrillic notification support is really required

Not applicable

OK. I'm officially done with FitBit. Bye


Fitbit.. you are really disappointing. No Traditional Chinese supported, always disconnected with mobile devices, limited clock faces (despite few updates). 


It's been a year and no replies upon this topic at all. 

First Steps



Moved from Pebble Watch 2 today to try my new Fitbit Blaze. No, color squares (so, you DO have Unicode in your software after all) in 90% of notifications are not a bad greeting. The bad greeting is that the essential request and a two hundred clients have been ignored for two years. 😞 Even a temporary solution like translit doesn't exist.


A bunch of updates in latest firmware version 17.8.401.3 but still no traditional Chinese or any other most-requested languages support, very disappointing.

First Steps
Yes and moreover they are celebrating their 10th anniversary, this is really taking more than it should do, and FitBit is not paying attention to this forum.

They lost my respect

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.
First Steps

Multiple languages support should be very fundamental if Fitbit would like to roll out their products all over the world. Nowadays people exchange information internationally everyday. If Fitbit says their products support "notification", they should know the notification has to be "readable" else they shouldn't claim they support notification.

First Steps

Please support Greek language!!!

First Steps

Could I possibly vote for cyrillic interface for fitbit. Want to get the device for mum and she will struggle with English. Thank you very much!  


+1 Please Add


First Steps

It's 21st century and Fitbit does not support UTF-8. We are not speaking about full localization, merely showing notifications correctly!
Please add proper UTF-8 support into Fitbit notifications. (Including Cyrillic of course, though as others commented, it's not just Cyrillic)

First Steps



First Steps

Dear FitBit - receiving notifications on the smart watch is a great feature, BUT unfortunately today it is of no use at all to anyone whose native language is not English. All you get is a bunch of squares on the smart watch screen, instead of the message. In the today's world, UTF-8 support in messages is a must-have feature for any serious product, and I sincerely hope FitBit will fix this very quickly

First Steps

Need cyrilic

Recovery Runner

Another month passed, i leave a comment again and will keep doing this.

We need traditional Chinese (Big5) notification display support!! 

First Steps

Agree i'm vietnamese and my fitbit charge 2 can not display charactors unicode

First Steps

Saw a lot of people already suggested Thai and other languages back in 2016.

Please do! It's disturbing to see all the squares popping up when your old smart watch can display them perfectly fine. 

Made me miss my old smart watch every time I see these boxes showing up... 

Thanks in advance. 

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