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I have Fitbit Surge and the option for notification works pretty poor as the messages in Cyryllic are not shown as they should be, they are show in squares.
Moderator edit: updated subject for clarity and labels.
Hello, I like Fitbit products in general and especially the recently announced Blaze seems to fit perfectly to my needs. Since caller id and notifications are necessary for me, in order to keep my phone in my pocket, I think that supporting Greek is really important. I don't care for the menu language,English is fine for me, but notifications and phonebook data should display correctly in my language. Please consider adding Greek language support and I might give away my Apple Watch for a Blaze! Thanks
I support this idea. There are a lot of users from different parts of the world and so many different languages with different characters. Having support for this international characters for them to show on the call notifications would be great for all international users. Hopefully this will be implemented soon! Thanks for your suggestion.
come on Fitbit... Is not a rocket science to add meny languages support and not only English. I would like to buy also the blaze but if there is no support for Greek language notifications is uselless so better stay with charge HR... The more languages support the more sellings you will do... Please add Greek, one of the oldest languages of the world!
There have been specific requests for certain languages but I would like to request that the Blaze support foreign languages and emojis in notifications (especially text messages). These should include (at least) Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Greek, Hebrew.. at least these seem to be the ones more commonly requested.
This is a very big oversight given the scope of the fitbit blaze launch and the fact that most devices, even the "dumbest" phones, commonly come with support for foreign languages in text/SMS (even my slider phone from a decade ago could do Korean texts!). This is yet another reason why the launch software seems incomplete and half-baked.
For those of us who work with colleagues in Russia, Ukriane, and Belarus, it would be really nice to read their text notifications and even see their names if they are calling. I have seen in a previous post "At the time of launch, Blaze will be localized in English, French, Italian, German, and Spanish, with Chinese, Korean, and Japanese coming soon after." That great, but it must be easier to add Cyrillic to the list of languages than to add Chinese, Korean, and Japanese. Please make this change sooner than later.
Hey. I love my new FitBit Charge HR, however I have a problem with incoming call notifications. Whenver there is a non ASCII character, the incoming notification shows it as space. Considering most of my contacts are Czech, most of the incoming calls have spaces in it which make the notification unreadable.
I understand technical limitations of the FitBit Charge, however possibly converting certain UTF-8 characters to simple ASCII would probably be within reach on the Android device I'm using.
Hope you know what I mean. (ě -> e, č -> c, ů -> u, ü ->u, ž -> z etc.)
There have been specific requests for certain languages but I would like to request that the Blaze support foreign languages and emojis in notifications (especially text messages). These should include (at least) Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Greek, Hebrew.. at least these seem to be the ones more commonly requested.
This is a very big oversight given the scope of the fitbit blaze launch and the fact that most devices, even the "dumbest" phones, commonly come with support for foreign languages in text/SMS (even my slider phone from a decade ago could do Korean texts!). This is yet another reason why the launch software seems incomplete and half-baked.
Please, make upgrade software to have russian language. No possible read messages on russian language on my Fitbit Surge.Please do it.It's very important for me.
I totally agree! I have the new Fitbit Alta and I cannot read a lot of the messages I get, cause they're written with Cyrilic characters. Looking forward to the implementation of that feature!
@Undef I guess the problem here is the same as with Pebble: they do support unicode (from a string handling perspective) on the firmware level, but due to a very limited memory size that would be impossible (and pointless) to fit a whole unicode font into the fitbit storage. So basically they need to create a set of subsets of a unicode font for different regions and a way to switch/deliver them.
I really hope that this task doesn't have a lowest priority in their todo list. 🙂
@akobiakov that's a good point. Still, they are planning support for 'Chinese, Korean, and Japanese soon', I'm sure supporting Cyrillic would take a tiny fraction comparing to those.
Not sure what's Fitbit internal memory size, but for example, Google's Nono Sans font which claims to support 581 languages is only 657 KB in size.
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