Display remaining steps for hourly activity on Fitbit app

It would be nice to display in the App's Hourly Activity dashboard the number of steps that you need for the current hour to meet 250 steps.  Also would be nice on the Alta display, not just when there is 10 minutes left in the hour, which only show the number left sometimes. 


Moderator Edit: Updated title for clarity and labels.


I would love to see how many more steps I neede to reach 250 and to increase the hourly goal!! 250 is not enough for a goal 

First Steps

I have been wanting this same feature! I have never used the desktop version of fitbit since setting up, only the app on my android phone (until now when I signed in to comment). I would like to be able to see hourly activity. I have a Fitbit Alta 2 and do not have the setting that the person mentioned above.  PLEASE GIVE US THE STEPS PER HOUR!!!

First Steps

I would also like to be able to see how many steps I have walked per hour. I would be open to this being either in the app or on the band itself, although it would be preferable to be one of the screen options. I could see this showing how many steps per hour (regardless of the 250 goal), how many steps per hour out of 250, how many steps left to get to 250 per hour, or even a diagram that could show visually how close to 250 one was. Thank you!


It would be great to see how many steps you have left in your hourly count within the step per hour tile or even on your device itself. I have the blaze and I don't always feel the reminder when it goes off.


Not applicable

I'd like to see the 250+ goal measured the same way steps are, so you can see how many you have taken toward the 250+ goal.

First Steps

Adding the ability to see how many remaining steps to 250 would be extremely useful.  Please look into adding this feature.

Community Legend

My tracker doesnt tell me the remaining steps, but tells me the steps ive taken so far this hour.

First Steps

I would love to see the hourly activity goals available as an option for the Alta HR! I was so excited to see the HR monitor on the Alta.  I gave my Charge 2 to my boyfriend and the only thing I really miss is the hourly activity goals available on my wrist 🙂


Moderator edit: Labels

Recovery Runner

This is available on several Fitbit Devices,  I would not think that it would be too difficult to add to the Alta!  This would be great as the chatter only occasionally tells you how many you have left.  

Keeping Pace

yes I would love it to tell me how many steps remaining to get to the 250 per hour!

Tempo Runner

Love this feature on the Charge 2. Need it on the Alta/Alta HR! 

Base Runner

How did you do the pictures????!!!


and I think this is a great idea I dont really use my phone so I don't take it with me during the week, so I would LOOOOOOVVVVVEEEEE an active hour screen!

First Steps

I agree! Apparently this is a feature on other fit bits? It's really annoying to try and meet this goal without being able to monitor your progress through the hour. Please please add this feature!!!

Recovery Runner

I want to see how many steps that I need for the hour.  This only happens about half of the time.  Get rid of the cutsie "Wanna stir?" and other such statements.  Just give me the data.


On the Charge 2 it displays the hourly step count so you know how close to your hourly 250 step goal you are. That functionality isn't in the Alta HR, but it still counts your hourly steps for the goal. It would be a very easy update to have that be a screen people can cycle through. Sometimes when reminding me to move the Alta HR will say something like "Get 71 more steps this hour" so I know it is keeping track and should be able to display that as one of the screens. Please add this functionality in with an update in the future.


The "reminders to move" feature is not what I'm asking for, only a piece of it. The "reminders to move" buzzes if you haven't hit the steps and then again when you do, but at any moment I can't scroll through and see how many steps I've taken this hour. On the Charge 2 I can scroll through and see that I've taken 170 steps and know that I need to get 80 more. On the Alta HR I only get that information when the fitbit buzzes and says "Get 80 more steps!" and it doesn't always tell me how many more I need. The feature I'm asking for is a screen I can scroll through that tells me my hourly step count.


Since the "reminders to move" feature is not what I am asking for (I want the step count displayed on the fitbit screen) please change the status back to "New" and not "Existing feature."

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi and thanks for the clarification, I think it would be great to have an option where you can see the steps you have taken in the hour to reach your hourly goal.


Please keep sharing your ideas. 

Keeping Pace

I would like to see the number of steps left to get to 250 every time the reminder comes up too.  When it just says "Take me for a walk?" I have to sync with my phone, then go to fitbit.com to check my dashboard and add up the steps from the four 15-minute sections for the last hour and subtract from 250 to see how many more steps I need.  

10K Racer

Two minor tweaks would make Reminders to Move on Alta HR even better:

(1) In the reminder, have it tell you how many more steps you need, like the Blaze does

(2) In the menu, give an option to include your reminder to move status as steps left for the hour (x/250)


Community Legend

This feature allready exists on the Alta HR - it is called Reminders to move, see


First Steps

That is not the same as what I'm referring. On my charge 2, when I get the nudge and any ole time I want, it tells me I've walked x/250 for the hour. But thanks. 

Community Legend

I see your refferring to how many steps you all ready took this hour, which yes is not the nudge. I can see the hour step count at any time until ive reached 250

Base Runner

The lack of the steps/hour screen will prevent sales of the newest Fitbit.  Also, when purchasers realize the Alta hr doesn't have this important feature I fear there will be an unusual number of returns.

Base Runner

Since steps are a major part of Fitbit why not include the number of steps needed to attain the 250 hourly goal at the 10 minute warning.  The charge 2 does it but the charge 2 is too wide for many.  I purchased a charge 2 months ago but it was too big.  So I got a Alta hr last week (your customer service people ,I talked to several, told me the Alta hr provided steps needed to attain the 250 hourly goal). But it doesn't! The only option is to look at the dashboard and see if you got it or missed it. So I talked to one of your agents.  She thought it might be defective so I traded it in.  Earlier today another agent said sometimes it reports and sometimes it doesn't. Both of Alta hrs I purchased didn't so I also took the 2nd one back as well .  So bottom line because customer service said the Alta hr shows #of steps needed for hourly goal to be meet I purchased 2 Fitbit and returned 2. Probably not what you want. I hope this helps!

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