Display remaining steps for hourly activity on Fitbit app

It would be nice to display in the App's Hourly Activity dashboard the number of steps that you need for the current hour to meet 250 steps.  Also would be nice on the Alta display, not just when there is 10 minutes left in the hour, which only show the number left sometimes. 


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Not applicable

+1 Cat Happy

Not applicable
I love the reminders to move option on my Alta. However, the current setting only reminds me at 10 minutes before the hour. I wish there was a setting I could change the time to remind me earlier in the hour. If I'm driving it's really annoying missing my goal because I can't tell where I'm at for the hour! Also, the ability to always be able to see my hourly goal on the screen or in the app would be so helpful!
Agree I never know how many more I need for hourly rates.

I really enjoy having the Reminders to Move pop up on my Alta. However, I find myself more motivated to when the reminder includes the number of steps remaining. I think it would be nice if users could choose which reminders they want to see. For example, I like the one that says "Only ___ to go!", but I don't like the one that says "Let's roll!" as much. The other way I could think of to work around this would be to show a countdown from 250 once the reminder pops up. Without this, I have to guess at how many steps I have left.

First Steps

I agree a way to see how many steps you did do, my alta doesn't always tell me how many steps I need but it vibrates at 10 minutes til ....


I also think it would be great if we could edit the warning, I need more notice to get going as I am with a patient and don't necessarily get done in 10 min.  But most important is to see how many is it even close etc.  By the way I LOVE this new feature.  Not sure if new for my alta or new for fitbit but love it!  Really has gotten me to move

Not applicable
That's a great idea! Just always knowing in general and having choices is what matters most!
First Steps
Yes!!! Please!

I think this is a great idea also.  I currently need to go into the online dashboard to look at the daily steps and then add up the steps which is a waste of time.  I have a Surge and it would be nice to have a reminder to mover especially since this is suppose to be the top of the line device.

Recovery Runner

I would love this feature on my Surge!


First Steps

I would be ecstatic if I could see how many steps I have left/have accomplished per hour for my goal! It's a drive factor to get up and move more for those dots to light up!


Moderator edit: Updated title for clarity and labels. 

First Steps

I think it would be awesome if when I got a reminder to move, it told me EVERY TIME how many steps I needed to hit 250. I know it does sometimes but it can be annoying to not know where I'm at in my steps. I would just love to know how close or how far I am from hitting 250 in the hour. Thanks!


Moderator edit: Updated title for clarity and labels. 

First Steps
Even better: a buzz sometime during the hour to remind you to get up and get in your steps. A lot of tine at work I get so focused I forget to get up and walk around / streach.
Recovery Runner
I totally agree..would be grea to know how many more steps are needed
Recovery Runner
Would love this on the charge also..miss it frequently and reminders would be great
First Steps
YES! I hate that sometimes it gives me a number and sometimes it gives me a "let's roll". I work in an office, I can't just roam around until it buzzes. If I have a concrete number, I can find a way to get there.
Recovery Runner
Similar/related, I'd like to be able to have my Surge remind me (silent alarm) that I've been idle for "too long" (user selectable?). I currently have 8 alarms set up to remind me at 20 minutes before the hour, so I don't forget about moving around. It doesn't always work, and it uses a lot of alarm slots. A reminder, and/or the "steps left for hourly goal" would be quite handy.

I live the RTM messages on my new Alta, but it would be even more helpful if every message included the number of steps left to complete the 250. At the moment some do but some are just generic


Moderator edit: Updated title for clarity and labels. 

Not applicable

I dont mind the alta's little insperational message at the 50 minute mark, but i do think its rather stupid that only 1 of the 5 or so different messages actually tells you what your step count is.


I would much rather have it be one of the "views" that you can flip through. That way i can see exactly how many steps ive taken each hour, even if ive past the goal (300/250 etc). This would be even nicer once we have the ability to set our own goals, because im a programmer and im rather stationary throughout the day.

Community Legend

TThis is a duplicate,  you might consider adding your vote to this request with 325 votes, and not splittong them up

This is why it is reccomended to do a search before posting.

I would also like to be able to set a goal such as move 250 steps per hour for ten hours, not necessarily sequentially. Meetings at work sometimes limit my ability to achieve this goal in consecutive hours; however, can always find a way to meet a daily goal of achieving 250 steps in ten hours.

This is definteley needed the current mesages of 'lets go fort a stroll' really aren't helpful!

Recovery Runner

I was thinking we could add a new display option on the charge, and charge hr. It could tell you how many steps (out of the 250) you've gotten that hour. Beside it, it could display the hour you're currently in (Example: 149/250 4-5PM)


That way it would make it easier to hit the goal for the hour 🙂Fitbit Idea.png

Moderator Edit: Added Labels



I would like to see some sort of indicator, such as a dot (or other marker) next to the time/hour, indicating that users have hit their 250 steps for the hour. That way, I don't have to calculate how many steps left I need to take or sync in order to find out if I've hit the 250 steps yet.

First Steps
I would like for my tracker to let me know when I hit the 250. Let's say I hit 250 @ 1107, I would like to know and not have to check my phone to see if I have the dot.
First Steps
I don't like to wait until the "10 min warning" to know how many steps I have left, if any, to reach the 250.
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