Distraction free mode for Ace LTE

Please add a distraction-free mode which disables games, quests, Bit Valley, and eejie. Even in school mode, kids can access the quests page, which is colorful, as well as the Bit Valley page. Even if they can't click on things there it's still distracting. If a functionality is disabled it shouldn't show up altogether.
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Hi @ramzai, and thanks for taking the time to share this product feedback about adding a distraction-free mode for Ace LTE with us. We rely on feedback like yours to help us develop products and features that we know our community wants to see. If this product feedback receives votes from other customers and gains popularity, it will be shared internally with various teams at Fitbit. To learn more about how Fitbit decides what product feedback is developed, visit our FAQs.

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First Steps

I agree, as well as limiting outbound calls/texts/messages from kids to parents during the school day. A toggle to allow/block each section would be fantastic. One of my kids would only message in case of emergency, but the other sends constant messages, voice messages, calls all day.


Yes! Please make a mode where kids can only access the phone and texting. No games, cartoons, anything distracting. Purely communication and being able to track my kid. Every parent I know would buy it. There are tons of other phone/watch options out there that have useless junk. WE JUST WANT COMMUNICATION AND TRACKING!

Recovery Runner

Yes! Just communication and tracking. No games please!!


I'd like to take this even farther, and give parents full control over what "School Mode" entails. 

Its clear from this thread, that people have differing opinions on what should be on and off and when. Why not give us full control? 

My child's school has a "No Smart Watches" policy. Silencing notifications isn't enough. But I have no ability to turn it off completely during School Mode.

I would like to block the messaging from being accessed entirely, just like the games are, during School Time. No reason why something like that couldn't be implemented. 

I realize that others will disagree, which is why we should have the choice of what School Time allows and doesn't. I would basically like the ability to have "Watch Mode." Just a watch, from 8am to 3pm. Can't message? That's the point. 


First Steps

Would love to see more ability like this. Our son just got his watch but immediately got it taken away at school since we couldn’t stop his ability to play games


@theswins3  You may need to update the firmware on the watch. School Time wasn't working for me at all, but an update fixed it. You should get a message like "Its school time, not play time" and be completely blocked from the games when School Time is enabled. 

The fact that they can still send and receive messages during School Time is too much of a temptation / distraction, IMHO. 

First Steps

I want to purchase a stable, dependable kids watch primarily for communication purposes with my son.  We don't have a land line and I don't want to get him a phone.  It's hard enough limiting gaming time at home, he doesn't need to have games strapped to his wrist all day long.  God forbid he experience a moment of boredom!

He currently has a Gabb watch that has been a miserable/spotty/unreliable product.  I would pay the cancellation fee and switch to this watch in a heartbeat if it just had the ability to provide control over what games/apps are available.  This is a no-brainer.

First Steps

We also just need a watch for texting and tracking. My 6th grader also finds the games to be a little young and "kiddish" for his taste. If it just had text and calling, he wouldn't feel like such a little kid in comparison to his peers, many of which have full-blown smartphones and Apple watches.

Recovery Runner

I just bought this watch yesterday, I haven't received it yet but I guess I'll have to send it back then. Because I was hoping that I could completely block access to the games, as my son is on medication for his condition that doesn't allow him to concentrate so that would be a headache for the teachers and for us. I just need to be able to communicate with him and track him. It seems like the watch wasn't designed by parents.


I agree that parents want and need more control! My son (5th grade) has ADHD and we got him this watch for communication.  He's a very active kid, so he doesn't really need the gamification of exercise.  I don't mind him playing a couple games here and there, but would really appreciate being able to set limits besides just scheduled school mode.  He definitely doesn't need more distractions in his life!


Completely agree with the previous user. Without this feature my kid cannot use/take the ACE to school. Parents should be able to choose what features they need to keep enable for their kid. Some parents may think messaging and calls are fine while other  do not. I think there should be an option to set the ACE in watch mode only. Completely void of any type of distractions. Most schools are cracking down on smart watch and/or phone for good reason. The ACE should be able to go in and put of watch mode only based on the schedule.

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