Don't remove Challenges & Adventures

Do not remove Challenges & Adventures! A lot us use these features to motivate us and connect. My kids are able to connect and do challenges with their friends too.


Moderator Edit: Clarified subject

First Steps

Challenges are why I always stick with fitbit, this helps with my motivation so much and I don't really think I would purchase fitbit again if they discontinue challenges.


Got a bunch of Fitbit trackers & Pixel Watches for my family and extended family recently as a gift, all so that we could be part of the challenges & adventures together. Google is removing the best bit of Fitbit. Really bummed out. Been breaking so many records with these challenges since 2017.


What a waste !!! 

Not applicable

Having an active community and doing challenges is why I switched back from Garmin to Fitbit.  I’ve met some wonderful people and made a number of great friendships throughout the years that I’ve had a Fitbit.  And challenges are a huge part of why I’m on here as well as being motivating for me.  

Recovery Runner

Removing challenges is the stupidest thing Fitbit can do. This is how we interact with each other and keep active. You already crippled out experience because of Pixel watch, what else can you remove in favour of it?


Excellent point! Mine was set to renew on March 15th. I canceled it.

First Steps

challenges with my friends are the only reason i kept fitbit/subscribed to premium. i don't have any reason not to switch to garmin now. listen to what your users want or lose the business.

Challenges are the only reason have a fitbit - challenges are the reason people have a fitbit
Recovery Runner
and the Pixel Watch dosent work with my iphone...
First Steps

What’s the purpose of Fitbit? It’s a community that was created to make working out fun. I personally use the open groups to give me motivation when I slack off or ideas to help me stay healthy. I should not have to be everyone’s friend to get ideas from them. If the challenges go away, I’m not using premium. That’s $79.99 that I will use towards self care with a company that cares. I was invited to a challenge group last year and they are the ABSOLUTE best. Every week we talk about our lives, our struggles, and we taunt each other to do better. I have never met any one of them in real life(I would love too though). My day would be boring not seeing the notifications from them. I was already mad at the company for getting rid of Get Fit Puzzle and now this? Challenges make workouts fun. Open groups give people a safe space to ask questions to get healthy. Please do not make this change. Fitbit is not Fitbit without a community. 

Recovery Runner

Without the challenges, adventures and badges fit bit has no character.  If you take them out I will be finding a new device.  This is not a smart move.


Me too!  I’m disabled and the challenges are what give me motivation to get moving!  Don’t take challenges away!  That’s one main reason I hadn’t switched to a different device!

First Steps

Removing the social interaction of the challenges seems to be contrary to what every other company does and will undoubtedly have what I assume is the desired effect and reduce the attractiveness of the product & service and move customers to competitors.


I’ve had multiple Fitbit products from the Fitbit 2 release and if these features are removed then my new Pixel watch & Pixel Pro 7 will next be replaced by an Apple Watch and iPhone.


First Steps

How very disappointed I was this morning to read about the discontinuation of the Fitbit challenges. My family and I have been competing in challenges for over eight years and really, for some members, this is how we keep connected to extended family members. I honestly have no use for my Fitbit otherwise as all other features are duplicated by other devices I own. I wear my Fitbit for family connection, no other reason. 

Recovery Runner

Why oh why fitbit stopping all the challenges will be a big mistake. Doings challenges help a lot of people on fitbit so I'm asking you to rethink what you are doing and think of all the members you will lose 


First Steps

I'm sad to hear that Fitbit are considering removing the challenges and trophies. If this happens I will be unsubscribing and will purchase a new watch from a different company. 

Please reconsider your decision to remove the challenges!

First Steps

The only reason I have a Fitbit is to be in challenges with my friends that we have done for years. I’m pretty sure most people will go with a different product and will lose money. Not sure why you decided this was a good idea. 


Challenges and Adventures are the only reason I use a Fitbit and not an Apple Watch. My family members use this consistently!  Rethink your approach, please.

First Steps

I'm sad to hear that Fitbit are considering removing the challenges and trophies. If this happens I will be unsubscribing and will purchase a new watch from a different company. 


Please reconsider your decision to remove the challenges!

First Steps

Connecting with friends using challenges is THE ONLY reason I keep my Fitbit, rather than looking at other options. 

Connecting with friends and family with the challenges is the reason I have a FitBit. I am an exclusive Apple user but have not purchased the watch because of the family friends challenges. 


The whole reason I am losing weight as well as I am is because of the engagement I've found in the groups and challenges! It is the best and quickest way to make new friends that understand what you are going through and the best way to support them and be supported. This will be the biggest mistake you ever make if you remove these two things. I know many people will no longer be engaged with their FitBits as much and may move on to a new platform when it is time to replace them. Please don't do this!

Recovery Runner

There's a platform called Stridekick. Compatible with multiple watches. Already about a thousand pissed off Fitbit customers have moved over there. They have badges and challenges. Watch me get kicked out for that 😂 I'm imagining the Fitbit headquarters with people running around screaming and paperwork flying everywhere while they panic about all the customers they are about to lose. Getting rid of challenges worst decision ever if you actually want customers. Just wish I could get my money back for the new tracker I bought for Christmas. Had I known the challenge features were leaving I would have bought something else 


Not applicable

I’ve been using Fitbit since 2017 only for the open groups and challenges. If you remove the only features I enjoy I see no reason for continuing using your watches. Garmin blows your watches out of the park. Good luck 


This is so incredibly disappointing. It's not worth staying with fitbit if we lose these features. But as people have mentioned, maybe that is google's plan. 

Recovery Runner
Yes I think they will lose everyone. I have downloaded stridkick
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