Download PDF Weekly Reports

I wish I could download detailed PDF daily, weekly, monthly reports.  Like the weekly reports that are emailed but with even more stats and graphs.  There is so much data collected on our Fitbit Dashboard but it is hard to find some of it because it is only located in one spot. It would be awesome if we could view it more easily and generate PDFs.



I've added more of my thoughts down below at comments


Moderator Edit: Clarified subject and updated label

Fitbit One, Zip, Aria | Mac Pro, Macbook Pro, iPhone 5s, iPad Air |
Recovery Runner

Yeah, this seemed like a good idea. if i may add, the reports could also have certain targets to achieve by the next week/report. At least that will keep us motivated and keeps it from being boringSmiley Wink

The reports could have the data in the attached screenshots. But include the numbers because right now you have to hover over each piece in the graphs so I can't take a screenshot displaying all the individual numbers 
A weekly and monthly Water Report PDF with bar graph and line graph.
The only place to see see how many more miles, floors, etc. till the next badge is on the Top Badges Quick View.  It would be cool is they were included at the bottom of each report. Also somewhere on the iPhone app.
Stats at the bottom of the reports like “It’s been 12 days since you’ve had 20,000 steps in a day” etc.
It would be cool if I could print out nice looking daily, weekly, and monthly food logs.
It would be cool if there are water badges, very active minute badges, distance in a day badges
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And the only place I know of to see my Lifetime & Best Steps, Lifetime & Floors, and Lifetime & Distance is on my public profile.

Screen Shot 2014-09-19 at 7.22.59 PM.png


It would be nice if those were on the PDF Reports and somewhere on the iPhone App


The "Very Active Minute" Report could have a bar graph like the one below

Screen Shot 2014-09-19 at 8.03.16 PM.png


and then it could have a monthly calendar below with stats for each day in each box.

Screen Shot 2014-09-19 at 8.02.09 PM.png


and at the bottom of the report it could say total minutes for "Very", "Moderate", and "Light". and it could say Daily Average, Weekly Average, # of minutes more or less from the previous month. Day with the most active minutes and day with the least active minute. etc. etc.


Other stats that would be cool at the bottom of each report would be:


- Days in a row meeting all your goals

- Most steps in a day was on "INSERT DATE" which was 15 days ago

- Most distance in a day was on "INSERT DATE" which was 15 days ago

- Most water in a day was on "INSERT DATE" which was 15 days ago

- Most calories burned in day was on "INSERT DATE" which was 15 days ago

- Most floors climbed in day was on "INSERT DATE" which was 15 days ago

- Most active minutes in day was on "INSERT DATE" which was 15 days ago


On the monthly reports it could have:


- Best Step Day

- Worst Step Day

- Number of times you got 10,000 (and the dates listed)

- Number of times you got 15,000 (and the dates listed)

- Number of times you got 20,000 (and the dates listed)

- Number of times you got 25,000 (and the dates listed)

- Number of times you got 30,000 (and the dates listed)


And there could be updates depending on if it was a daily, weekly, monthly report like:


- You have 12,000 more steps to beat last week's or months total steps.

- You have 10 more miles to beat last week's or months total miles.

- You have 2000 more fluid oz of water to beat last week's or months total.

- You have 6,000 more calories to burn to beat last week's or months totals.

- You have 65 more floors to climb to beat last week's or months totals.

and many others

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Cross-Country Runner

Thanks for all of the photos! This a great idea! Once we have more information, we'll update this post. 

First Steps
The premium data and graphs would be far more user friendly if you could just print as a PDF as .csv or .xls is not as easy on the eye
Recovery Runner

Below are some screen shots of reports from a service that I used in the past.  The service  was aquired and  appears to have been discontinued.  I was not able to renew my subscription when it expired.  If fitbit did something similar it would greatly enhance and add value to it's service.   It would be great to have a breakdown like this, that is downloadable in PDF format.  This has helped my primary care physician greatly in seeing my progress and recommending changes for a healthier lifestyle.  Another PDF that would be great is a downloadable food diary in pdf format. The first four screen shots are of the summary included in one PDF file.  The fifth screen shot is an example of what the on page of the food log looks like. I


Screen shot one.JPG


Screen shot two.JPGScreen shot three.JPGScreen shot five.JPG


Recovery Runner

Another feature that would be helpful in the food log would be to add the serving size in the food report.

First Steps

I agree that a pdf detail report would be very beneficial. I'm a type 1 diabetic, having the daily detail over a two week period would assist my physician in correlating my Blood Glucose highs and lows with my hourly activity level. Please, please develop some useful reporting!



First Steps

Please create an option to create a report indicating how many steps we had for each day during a given time period. The Export file option is not a reliable option for proving to our insurance company the steps we incurred as this file can be modified. Sometimes there is a problem with the steps transferring over and an electronic report (not a CSV file) would be indisputable. Thank you.

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