Extended Lifetime (floors) badges needed

Although there are various posts along this topic, none really seems to be specific on the following:


I am happy with the current type of badges (lifetime miles and floors), but I really would like to see more of those beyond 14000 floors and the pole to pole batch. It is kind of frustrating to know that you have reached the last badge and there is no other one to strive for. I can not believe that it would be difficult to implement more badges into the software, or - if this should not be possible - after reaching the last badge allow to earn the badges again (in the moment it states "1 times earned", this information seems to be superfluous for the lifetime badges, there is no way to earn it more than once).


Moderator edit: Subject for clarity and labels.

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @rioreiser! Thanks for sharing those ideas. We wanted to let you know that one of the ideas you recently posted already exist on the Feature Suggestions Board. You can see it here: Lifetime Step Badge in Million Step Increments.

You also had shared a unique suggestion, so we have retitled and relabelled your original post here to reflect that idea. Please try to make sure you only post one idea per suggestion, so we can keep the board organized, easily searchable and see which idea other members are voting for. Thanks for participating in Feature Suggestions!

Stepping Up

Please add more lifetime floors badges. I hit the 35000 level after 1 and 1/2 years and I'm certain there are many more Fitbit users who have already maxed out.  I'm not blaming Fitbit, but my stair fights have decreased since.

Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @DougCVT, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us, this feature suggestion already exists so I’ve moved your post here.

Base Runner

I have been wanting more floor badges for over a year! If you need ideas for more floor badges my suggestions are real names of satellites, and make up the floor amount for each. Or double mountain peaks and choose two, then three etc.


Please make a badge awarded every 10,000 floors!


Come on, you flatlanders!  I'm at 75,000 plus floors! How about a badge for that?

Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @dggrubb! Thanks for sharing your suggestion about adding more lifetime floors badges with us! This feature suggestion already exists, so I’ve moved your post here. Watch this space for status updates and don't forget to click on the thumbs-up to show your support.

Base Runner
I suggest adding more levels of badges for the lifetime floors climb. I am in my 70's and try to walk every day. I live in a hilly neighborhood and the climb is an important part of my daily walking goals. The achievement badges are a great motivator for me. I would appreciate more badge levels beyond the 35,000 cap currently in place.
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @reb124, thanks for explaining why you would like to have the option to see more lifetime (floors) badges. Thanks for sharing your feedback. I've moved it into a similar request.  A lot of users are asking for this option, I hope we receive updates soon.

That would be great.!
First Steps

I have been a Fitbit member since 2015 and have purchased multiple Charges, a Blaze, and now a Versa 2.  I have continued with Fitbit mainly because of the daily and lifetime badges that you can achieve.  It's really rewarding to see these personal achievements.  I have recommended Fitbit to my patients for years because of these badges that your company awards.  It's all about continuous motivation and striving for your personal best.  I couldn't wait to get my new Versa 2 for Christmas so that I could also strive for the next lifetime floor badge.  That is until I discovered that the last badge was the Satellite badge.  I knew from previous experience with the distance badges that the badges take longer to achieve due to greater and greater distances.  So, I was thinking that the next badge would be at 70,000 flights.  I was greatly disappointed when I found out that this was not so. 

Now for my suggestion: First, your company states on its website that for approximately every 10 feet that you climb, you are awarded 1 floor climbed.  How about adding more floor badges simply by flipping landmarks up in the air.  For example, "You have earned the Connecticut badge.  If you took this state and flipped it up in the air, you would have climbed over 110 miles; more than the length of this great state."  That would be the award for climbing 70,000 floors.  The next could be the Lake Superior badge.  "You have earned the Lake Superior badge.  If you took this body of water and flipped it up in the air, you would have climbed 160 miles, the width of this Great Lake.  That would be the award for climbing 85,000 flights of stairs.  With a little online research, many more badges can easily be created; not just for lifetime floors climbed, but also for more in between lifetime distances traveled.


Absolutely, no matter what system you want to implement, more badges (lifetime and floors) are needed. This request is out there for years now, and it will increase as more and more FITBIT users are reaching their last badge. It is very disheartening to see that FITBIT is not responding in this matter.

Base Runner
This is just the beginning! I have a feeling Fitbit was bought just for our information and there feels is if there is little care for the product and benefits ALREADY! I sure hope I am wrong.

Diana Klingner
6 Field Road
Riverside, CT 06878
COVID: I feel it is our civic duty not to get it or spread it. Wear your mask!
I agree completely. I am motivated by my Fitbit numbers, and though it
might seem silly, the sense of satisfaction from a new badge or best day
helps keep me going. That's why I've stayed with my Fitbit One. (I've had
several) I passed 35,000 floors a few years ago and am now at 85,000 or
so. Where I live, and in a two story house with a full basement, I get a
lot of floors and the accompanying exercise benefits every day, and every
run. My basic 3.4mile run has about 40 floors of climbing. If I have 45
floors at the end of a day, I'll run up and down a few floors to get to 50.

Fitbit people: "Are you all flatlanders?" How about some diversity here?

Stepping Up

I work in the IT field so I’m shocked this has not been fixed yet.   

I passed the lifetime floors ‘largest’ amount badge some time ago and am less than 2 weeks from lifetime badge for distance.  I’m in groups that have at least 2 challenges per week.   
whenever anyone gets a badge people cheer the others.  

how hard would it be to make some badges for larger totals?  

I’m still using my first fitbit I got in 2015.  The challenges and to lesser extent awards will be what differentiates when I need to get another.  Seriously just add some more lifetime badges.   How hard can it be? 




Base Runner
100% agree

Sent from my iPhone
Base Runner
OMGosh! So you still have the fitbit one????? Mine faded awhile ago and awesome that you have stuck to fitbit for so long. We are from 2013 but I now have a wrist one which I love. never thought I would want to switch. they say most people last 3 months on this sort of thing. Good going.
yes, I WAS upset about the floor badges but I have let it go……. My husband doesn’t even GET floors for some reason now. Sigh! it’s all ok. We still keep track of our daily step goal and have fun with that. Im letting it all go……...

Diana Klingner
6 Field Road
Riverside, CT 06878
COVID: I feel it is our civic duty not to get it or spread it. Wear your mask!
Thanks for adding your comment on this issue.
First Steps

Have had a Fitbit for just over 3 years. Regularly clock up 30 floors and 15,000 steps. This thread seems to be going even longer and no reply from Fitbit. Very disappointing

Went through the satellite lifetime 7 months ago and just hit earth. Very disappointed that nothing much more exists.

there should be more lifetime badges or failing that they could start double counting - you have reached the maximum so the lower badges get incremented so your lifetime floor badges increment so you can end up with multiple satellite badges. Disgrace there are not more badges and as an ex-computer professional the lack of a response from the company to acknowledge and implement something so easy shows a huge disregard for their customers

Base Runner
They are too busy counting their money from Google to worry about customers.

Sent from my iPad
Thanks for the note. I agree.
When my current Fitbit One dies or gets killed, I won't bother to try to
replace it. I don't want a fitness tracker watch, I want a clip on fitness
tracker that shows floors. The badges do motivate me to exercise more.
Isn't that the point? Well ,Fitbit is not making any device I would want
Also, the sync function for my Mac and Fitbit One is terrible. I can only
sync using a PC unless I want to try 20 times in a row on my Mac.
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