Fallen Detection & Notification App

Recently, I have been thinking about what would occur if I fell down and either could not manage to get myself up or became unconscious whether within my apartment or elsewhere.

The fact is that I could not manage to afford one of those devices that can be used in such cases where emergency responders can be contacted and then be dispatched to the scene.

While in the process of thinking about this type of scenario and what potential options might be with which to address it, what came to mind is about how I already have the technology on my wrist, my Fitbit Charge 3 model fitness tracker smartwatch, that could do just what is needed should something along the above lines ever happen.

What would be required is to include an app within its main app that people with the device could select and program with contact information and the like for if and when something happens, like a fall or other need for assistance or alert 911.

So, with this in mind, I just called Fitbit and provided them with the details of my idea and the person who took my call wrote it up and will be passing along my suggestion for potential consideration.

Am hoping that Fitbit will seriously consider doing something meaningful along these lines. It could help save some lives.

Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @JuanHovnik, thanks for explaining why you would like to have the option to see a Fallen Detection & Notification App. Thanks for sharing your feedback. I've moved it into a similar request.  A lot of users are asking for this option, I hope we receive updates soon.

First Steps

So having read the comments here, there is an obvious wish for users to have this Fall detection feature made available. I think it would be a tick in the box to keep up with the competition such as Apple and Samsung. Can Fitbit indicate if this feature has made it to the development team and if so, is there any timeline available for introduction of this functionality?
Another question, will Fitbit answer in this community forum posts to any of our requests? I'm still a newbee, but very interested to contribute with idea's as I love fitbit and just became owner of the new "Sense" :D.
Best regards,


Recovery Runner
I would also like to have an answer, so I should know whether to wait for
fitbit, or switch brands
First Steps

Would love to get an update from Fitbit on this suggestion. I really would like to get the new Sense but this feature is the deciding point between the Galaxy 3 and the Sense.


Is fall detection coming anytime soon?


Yeah, me too and same here.


Good question.

Recovery Runner

Unfortunately Fitbit don't listen to you guys. Is already 2020. I see no improvement no fall detection. It's time to forgo your fitbits. 

Not applicable

As a single older adult this could be very useful

First Steps

Any update on fall detection? Looking for this feature for my mother who lives with us. At night, if she were to fall (two floors below), I would have no way of knowing. Really do not want to purchase apple. 


Fall detection is a must for Fitbit Sense if it is charging Premium price And charge a subscription Fee for a lot of the results. Fall protection, ie I've fallen and can't get up, should already be there. Samsung and Ape has this and cheap Android foreign watches are adding it. Samsung are simple, you just add a contact and number and it rings them. It should have at least two options to call. Of course this requires you to have your phone. 

First Steps

Fall/Accident detection is the final thing I am looking for from Fitbit and was disappointed to see the Sense and Versa 3 don't have it. I do a lot of running by myself and some hiking. It would be a great safety net if something ever happened to me and I needed assistance. I'm currently only considering watches that offer fall detection because I want the sense of security and safety. It would also be a great feature for older people who live alone.

First Steps

Wykrywanie upadku jest koniecznością dla Fitbit Sense, jeśli pobiera opłatę Premium i pobiera opłatę abonamentową za wiele wyników. Zabezpieczenie przed upadkiem, tj. Upadłem i nie mogę wstać, powinno już tam być. Samsung i Ape mają to a kiedy Sense bedzie mieć tą opcję?


Sorry but that above does not cut it. Fitbit and Google does need to make their own app. First, the above is just for Versa 2 and only works with IOS which is useless to all of us Android users. Every other company has this and it's free. At a minimum it needs to be added for those of us who pay for Fitbits Premium service. If that and a few others things are not added and others fixed, I will move on from Fitbit just like I did the Ionic. If I have IOS why would I pay Apple Watch prices for a Sense when I can get an Apple Watch that does more in many areas - less in a few). 

Base Runner

I heard they're releasing for android soon but it's just on ios right now for their beta. My older neighbor has an iPhone and tried it and likes it. I just wanted to put it out there for those looking for something like it. Also, seems like it works on Versa 3 and Sense too, not just Versa 2. 

Recovery Runner

This is exactly what I want for my dad who lives alone.  Apple Watch has this feature, however it is not perfect.  Hopefully Fitbit can make it better.  

Recovery Runner

Guys I've just spoken with Fitbit CS representative according to them, they are not planning to implement it. Stop wasting your time having faith with Fitbit, time to move on to Apple Watch and Garmin which offer fall detection. 

First Steps
Thank you
Thank you. But I will not pay more for what others get for free other
watches, especially when I am already paying their premium service. It may
be canceled and this watch returned.
First Steps

I just upgraded my Charge 3to the new Sense and I'm surprised that BP, Incident Detection and Live Tracking have not been included already. If you want ID or Live Tracking then buy a Garmin Venu. My friend has one and the tracker is less expensive then the Fitbit.

Recovery Runner

well the best suggestion is sell your Fitbit and buy Garmin or apple watch. no point hoping this lazy company to implement this feature just leave Fitbit when their profit drop they soon will realized it. 

First Steps

The fall alert is a must-have. I just ordered a Sense as my third FitBit. I've done the Versa, Versa-2, and now the Sense for its enhanced health features. I'm trying to avoid and Apple Watch because I feel that the FitBits are better at what I need. Ultimately, a fall alert will move me to the dark side eventually. 

First Steps

@devin_m That looks cool I'd like to check it out. Do you have a link to the app?


I must agree with the above. No Fall protection and my watch will be sold by the end of January and I will add a I watch. Wake up Fitbit. 

Recovery Runner

Exactly unfortunately they are always in a deep slumber. This company is hopeless tbh. 

First Steps

My mother is 84, and she needs fall detection. Services charge $40 a month and only work in the house. An Apple Watch is currently at about $500 and would require a phone upgrade as well.


Why doesn't Fitbit have a fall detection feature?


There's an app that is compatible with iPhone.


It makes no sense to me.



First Steps
I'm going to the new Samsung Galaxy3 watch.  Too bad Fitbit,  I did like you. 

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