Finnish food database



are you planning to do Finnish food database in some state?


Regards, Janne H



Moderator edit: Labels

First Steps

Bump for this! 


The data for the database would be available free from the Finnish National Institute for Health and Welfare: 


So i think it would be pretty easy to add that to the app 


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Moderator Alum

We definitely want to support our Finnish users! I'll be sure to relay this idea on to our team. Thanks for sharing. Robot Happy



I just love my Fitbit charge HR, have been using it about a month now. Only thing that bothers me is that I would like to have finnish language, food database etc. I can manage with english,but everything would be so simply with my own language. Many of my friends said that they would never buy this product because of the lack of language.

Stepping Up

Yes, The National Institute for Health and Welfare of Finland maintains a quite extensive food database which is available at It is freely available, licensed as Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC-BY 4.0).


Fitbit's products are gaining ground in Finland – availability has become substantial. Our only inconvenience regarding Fitbit's service is the absence of a Finnish food database: it is rather frustrating to manually enter the nutrient content of a product, as there is an adequate database, which could easily be utilized.


I am a newcomer here and have already took a liking to Fitbit's excellent product and service. However, I hope I and all Finnish users will see this particular improvement soon!

Stepping Up

It truly is a shame there's no Finnish language option or a Finnish food database. While I understand English perfectly fine, the lack of a suitable food database is a major inconvenience that I would hope to see rectified in the near future. The lack of Finnish language is probably the biggest issue why people choose a device from a competing device. For example, I would love to buy my father a fitbit as a gift, but as he can't speak a word of any language other than Finnish... Well, I'm not really left with much of choice, am I?


I think it's also a shame that this issue isn't going to be high on anyone's priority list when there's so few votes drawing attention to this. Of course, how could there be votes on this when the ones most missing the Finnish language and food database are the ones that end up NOT choosing Fitbit.

First Steps



I actually sent FitBit a message back when I first got my Charge HR. The answer about a solid year ago, in the summer of 2015, was in the lines of "Thank you for your input, we will take it under advisement".


I, as a paying customer would like to know if the finnish food database is ever going to be available to us or is it in constant "under construction" -state. Even an update on the progress, if there is any, every now and then would do much in order to keep me as a customer.


One has to wonder, how hard can it be, downloading a free, existing and constantly updated database and implementing it for the end users to use. Especially, when the second commenter in this thread, Carl0s, posted the actual, still working, link to it over a year ago...


I see the featurerequest has been submitted 1,5 years ago.


The data is readily available and is free of charge and is in .csv format. So the import should be possible to almost any database format.


Any idea when this would become a feature? Do you need help on this?

I am ok with the english user interface but would very much like the Finnish food database. 

First Steps



Anyone need finnish food database any more?

Be active and tell us your opinion!


Oh yes at least I would need that (or rather want). Most probably a lot of others not in these discussion groups also, plus the people in the discussion.
First Steps



Been waiting the database to be available for FitBit since I first purchased it.


Still anxiously waiting...

Not applicable

Yes, this would be indeed a good and needed feature!

First Steps

I am also missing a finnish food database.

Recovery Runner

Upvoting! It would be really helpful, I'm just afraid that there won't be enough Finnish users to upvote this.

Stepping Up

I was the teeniest tiniest bit hopeful when I first came across this thread... Then a year passed and the hope died. Come on, Fitbit! Looks to me (not that I know anything about anything) that this should be a simple enough thing to get done and it would make lots of people very very happy. Honestly sucks not to be able to recommend Fitbit to anyone because of something like this. The app now suggesting I set a goal for "a healthier diet" is just adding insult to injury.

Stepping Up

MyFitnessPal support on Windows Phone ended August '16 and now that I've began logging my food again I have been trying to find another solution to log my foods. Fitbit would be great, but the only thing missing is Finnish food database. As @Poesia said, the finnish food database is available for free and maintained by National institute of Health and Welfare. There are more details on the format which it can be downloaded and links to it in this thread.


Dear Fitbit, could you add the finnish food database to your service? Maybe one of you @MariamV @DerrickS @FerdinandFitbit could take the idea forward to the developers? Would be awesome, thanks! 


Similar thread where this was also asked:



I too miss the Finnish food database. The English one (or the German one) is not accurate here in Finland and I've given up logging my food since it's so complicated. Please, Fitbit, do this for us!

First Steps

Still in need of Finnish food database! Your app is wonderful and very visually informative, so I think it's a shame that, at the moment, we in Finland can't make the most out of it because of the lack of easy-to-add food information (which is freely available at Finelli, like mentioned in previous comments). There are lot of Fitbit users in Finland but most are not active in forums and such. I believe strongly that we commenters are not the only ones who would love to find Finnish food database added, so please don't consider low activity in this thread as uninterest. 😉




Please, Fitbit, do this for us! I myself would like to track my macros as well but am unable to do so because I have to log not the exact food I've eaten but the nearest substitute in calories. And the macros might or might not be the same between the exact product I ate and the one I find from UK database.


We are not numerous who live in Finland AND write this forum so it's a bit unfair just look at the votes this suggestion gets. We NEED this, please please please do this for Finland! K thx bye.

First Steps

Thank you FitBit.


Thanks that you showed what kind of a company you are. Your product, I had the Charge HR+, was and is a good product. Your conduct as a company is not.


Nearly three years of pleading from the customers, to no results. Not even a reply to the thread after june of 2015. A simple addition to your service was asked, met with utter indifference.


We have a saying here in Finland: A customer votes with their feet. This is me walking as far as I can from a company that does not care about its customers.





First Steps

In addition to the free and easily added food database, it wouldn't take much effort either to let the community to provide language packs like in many other products/softwares... 
I just bought my wifey a Versa 'cause of i had a charge HR years ago, but she cant get hang of the watch/app 'cause of the language barrier, which i obviously didn't even notice when i used mine. And in modern age one would expect there to be a localization to all the major technological countries, no matter how small the pool of buyers.

First Steps

I would also appreciate the Finnish food data base feature and the Finnish language support.

Not applicable

I need it too. Please add it! Thank You

Stepping Up



Since there are so many users who wants this database, I thought of combining this into one Scandinavian Database, since there is quite some overlap.

Maybe this can work for Fitbit 🙂

First Steps

Hi! When will the Finnish food database be finally added? I’ve been waiting for over a year now (as I’m sure many others have as well). Every time I contact customer service I get the same reply that the developers will be made aware of this etc. but nothing is happening! I’m pretty sure no one is working on it or even cares. The lack of the local database is a real bummer. Enjoying the product otherwise.

First Steps

One vote more for adding Finnish food database.

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