Fitbit Food Plan with Calorie Banking

Have food tracker option to bank weekly (Mon-Sun) calories so I can save for a larger intake day OR pay calories back after a day I overeat in order to end week still balance with Calorie Deficit. Show the current bank amount to show progress.
Versa 3 | Windows 10 | Pixel 4a 5G | 10K Daily | FitBit Food Tracking
Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @GBO323, and thanks for taking the time to share this suggestion about adding a Fitbit Food Plan with calorie banking. We rely on feedback like yours to help us develop products and features that we know our community wants to see. If this suggestion receives votes from other customers and gains popularity, it will be shared internally with various teams at Fitbit. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which suggestions get developed, visit our FAQs.

Watch this space for status updates. In the meantime, try visiting Health & Wellness to talk with other members about all things health and fitness.


Thank you! It is really ideal to use one tracker for both activity and food intake. The Banking Feature would REALLY give members the ability to BE successful in planning food events vs potentially feeling like a failure because they couldn't pre-plan.


Thanks for the votes everyone. Keep them coming!


37 votes! Getting traction...if you read this, please VOTE!

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