Fitbit Journal - Notes on online and app dashboard

How about a space in the app for a daily note. I would like to be able to leave a note on the daily results page. So that if results are high or low I would know why when looking back. IE: was I sick so my daily results were very low or were they extra good and for what reason? In sure folks would have lots of reasons to look back at results and would want to know what was what at that time. Ted


Moderator Edit: Title & Labels


Just a suggestion. Have a section of the app for daily notes. Limit to a few sentences or program it so notes stay on local device.

Not applicable

I would like to be able to add additional notes to workouts via the app. Categorizing is great, but if I want to look back to see the speed/incline of my treadmill workout, or the preset workout on the elliptical I don’t have a place in the app to specify this info. A twitter-like freeform text file would be enough space to capture this info. 

Stepping Up

FitBit reports would be far more useful if data collected were rated with reference to ‘normal’ rather than ‘competitive’ lifestyle behaviors. As a school psychologist I learned the importance of identifying the significance of problem behaviors. FitBit collects data on exercise, eating, drinking and sleeping lifestyle behaviors. This is interest data but does not pass the ‘so what’ test when planning for change. If a FitBit user wishes to pursue a healthier lifestyle, the user must be able to select target behaviors with an understanding of which behaviors are healthy, i.e., how does the user profile compare to a ‘standard’ for a healthy lifestyle? If FitBit were to write a Wellness Report, users would gain valuable insight into how to improve their lifestyle and subsequent wellness. I believe a Wellness Report would be more useful to the individual, a cornerstone for completing a wellness physical with your family doctor, and instrumental in designing a plan for improving a user lifestyle.

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Hi @Hylux !


Thank you for participating on the community ! Can you please clarify if you want to have the option to add notes on the app or directly on the Zip? 


I will be waiting for your answer. 

First Steps

The FitBit app should have a note taking app for sleep data where users can write down any relevant info, like stretching, meditation, yoga, reading, or stressful things like late dinner, work, or anything else, so we can look back and see trends in what helps with getting more deep and REM sleep and less awake time. 


It would be even better if we could label each night. For example, I could put a "Yoga" label on the nights I do yoga. There could be a running "Yoga" average breakdown and I could compare it to nights that I don't do yoga, and see if there are any significant differences on those nights.

Stepping Up

Hello FitBit Moderators, looks like you're getting close to a thousand comments in favor of this feature request. Would be nice to share just a bit more insight on why this has been put into the feature backlog, given how straightforward it is from a UX standpoint. Thanks,  --RK

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Moderator Alum

Hello @SunsetRunner !


That’s an interesting idea and could be useful, thanks for sharing this suggestion.

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Moderator Alum

Hello @Rus94 !


That’s an interesting idea and could be useful, thanks for sharing this suggestion.

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Moderator Alum

Good idea, thanks for taking the time to share it with us. 

First Steps

Desktop journals are irrelevant. Fitbit should add to its own perfection by assimilating this suggestion into the mobile app. It will maximize efficiency for all units. You must comply. 

Recovery Runner

Okay Fitbit, I'm going to call bull**ahem** here.


You made a female health log ( It basically has EXACTLY some of the features we've been requesting from a journal option. Things like being able to track mood, allergy levels, energy levels. All we need is a text box at the bottom to enter custom text.


You yourself have proven that a journal/tracker option is possible. You did it before (when you had the journal feature), and you just showed you can do it again.


So..... why don't we have the feature yet?

Base Runner
👍🏼Couldn’t agree more! Come on Fitbit. We’re not asking for the impossible. Please please please.

Sent from my iPhone
First Steps

It would be nice to be able to make a note for outlier days. Maybe a day is very weak because there is an injury or illness instead of lazy. The tracker is most helpful for spotting trends and this would help rule out irrelevant info. 

First Steps

I would like to be able to write a comment on my daily fitbit record, like "hiked the Grand Canyon" or "forgot to charge." Thank you. 

Not applicable

My Charge 2 had a section to add notes when doing the food journal.  I found it valuable but my new Ionic does not have that option.  I vote to have a section to add daily notes i.e. party, moods, ill, injury, vacation, whatever the case may be to track if you did not meet your goal or when over your intake.  It is all part of tracking our daily and life activities.  Previous diet plans I have been on ALL have had tracking for these types of things.  Please, please look into adding a personal note section to the Ionic on a daily basis.  Thanks.

First Steps

It’s now 2018 and still no way to keep notes on the mobile app!!

First Steps

I'm with the others here for some text logging mechanism in the app.  I mean, a text field is just another database field; how hard can this be?  There seems to be plenty of extra social stuff we didn't need.


I'm using the Windows app (syncing with this is MUCH more efficient, BTW).  I've had a coronary by-pass, and therefore am missing some plumbing in my left arm. To see if I could get more reliable HR readings, I switched the wearing hand to the right.  There is nowhere to write that down, which is kind of important information for tracking.

Stepping Up

Hey Moderator,

Have you noticed how many comments have continued to pile in since you paused the thread? There is a very strong, committed desire for this simple text field. Bare bones functionality, which previously existed. Let's get this done!  --RK

Recovery Runner

I posted to this thread over a year ago and am frustrated by the lack of action on FitBits part. They have said it will not be implemented with no explanation of why. I have decided to use my Charge until it dies and then buy a different brand with an app that supports daily notes. this small add would make me a user for life.  Sorry FitBit, you could keep me but you choose not to. 


lastayt, I agree with you.  This is my last Fitbit if notes aren't incorporated.  What really is upsetting is that this is clearly something desperately wanted, but yet they simply post something in October 2017, saying "not planned" and list it as SOLVED!!!!  


I do not understand why they do not do this. I worked in the computer field and this is not a hard thing to code in. I would hazard a guess the problem would be the guesstimated size of the database to hold all our notes to ourselves and the cost incurred.

Recovery Runner
The size could be controlled by using a well designed sparse array. If nothing is entered in the field, space isn’t used.

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JDHav.    Well you got me there as I assume it’s much more efficient since my long ago days in the computer field. (Want to talk about paper tape and teletype, 56k baud modems, or multiplatter disk packs! 🤪) This old man uses his fitbit just to keep his walking up to snuff and monitor my water intake. 🙄

Base Runner
Good point Shoestring45 however there is such a thing as The Cloud these days. Seeing as our personal notes wouldn’t or shouldn’t be of any relevance or interest to Fitbit couldn’t they store them in something like that? Sorry I have no idea what I’m talking about, I just know I have things on my device taking up space and things up in the cloud not taking up any space. You’re the computer person I’m quite happy for you to shoot me down in flames at such a suggestion!
First Steps

This would really help me since I have Narcolepsy and I purchased a Fitbit flex 2 just to track my sleep. I need to be able to add notes directly to my sleep schedule to track if my medicine is working and to track my sleep attacks. It would also be good to be able to add in additional things like weather and mood to see how my sleep affects me. 

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