Fitbit Journal - Notes on online and app dashboard

How about a space in the app for a daily note. I would like to be able to leave a note on the daily results page. So that if results are high or low I would know why when looking back. IE: was I sick so my daily results were very low or were they extra good and for what reason? In sure folks would have lots of reasons to look back at results and would want to know what was what at that time. Ted


Moderator Edit: Title & Labels

Recovery Runner

Years ago a Mod stated there was a Journal. Where did it go? It's not there at all. Extremely important feature! Thx

Recovery Runner

I’d like to see comment field per exercise

Recovery Runner

Yes, I have been looking for a place to comment on my sleep. The only place I find is in the Food section so I am making comments there about sleep. Not an appropriate place but at least I can make notes there under Breakfast since that is first thing in the morning. Would love to have a note section under the sleep graph.


something like "weights- Arms" or something just a bit more than just "weights" would be great!

Recovery Runner

I would like to see the option of making a note within the app each day. There are times that I want to track what happened to me that day... A doctor's appointment or medication reaction or a reason why I wasn't able to walk as many steps as I expect it. I right now I use a calendar app but that leaves me to places to search out situations and it would just be easier to use the Fitbit app when I'm logging my data each day. Thank you



I would love the ability to add daily notes to my fitbit app, particularly the sleep tracker.  


This could be important for determining trends and would be useful if you want to improve in a given area.  

Status changed to: Not currently planned
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi everyone, thanks for sharing this suggestion. We're always striving to enhance Fitbit products and services, and we appreciate all of the input we receive from our customers. We do not currently have plans to release this feature. You can learn more about how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released in our FAQs. For now, we will leave this suggestion open for votes (and closed to comments) so that we can continue to track community demand over time. Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us and we will let you know if anything changes.

First Steps

I have a suggestion for the app. It would be great to have something like a daily journal where a person could enter comments. I like to track the small successes like no pop today or passed up on that donut. 🙂 

First Steps

When logging an exercise, can you build an enhancement where I can log personal notes regarding that exercise. 

Example would exercise was logged on a specific date.. I did a 5k for breast cancer and would like to enter that information so I can remember it.  Another example is a 10 mile hike through Sedona,az.

When I look back at the dates and type of exercises, it would be beneficial and wonderful to see what the significance was (if any). 


Recovery Runner

Please bring back the journal feature! It was very appreciated back when it existed, I'm not sure why you have removed it. It seems to be a feature everyone wants. Please listen to your customer base. It can't be that difficult to implement when it was already implemented as recent as 2 years ago.

First Steps

I agree!!

First Steps

Stop emailing about a 2 year old post 

First Steps


I think it would be useful to have a 'notes' section in the exercise feature. I would love to be able to record what weight training exercises I did in that session and track my progress. I would also like to be able to set a calorie goal for myself since I am trying to gain weight. Hope these suggestions are helpful. Contact me if there are any questions. Thanks! 

First Steps

I was looking to see if there was a possible notes section to my charge 2 so I could log what I did differently or why my weight fluctuations occur to remind myself not to do certain things or why I fell off the wagon and where. Or if my health condition contributed to certain outcomes. However, I could find no such thing available. Is there a possibility a 'notes' section could be on the cards as I see from the web many others have enquired about such things?? I for one would LOVE IT if there was one such section.  


Yours truly



First Steps

I would like to have a notes section for sleep.  I need to keep track of things that may have affected my last night’s sleep,like taking melatonin.

Recovery Runner

I fully agree 

There is still a blanc space on my dashboard. Very suitable to  place a tile ' NOTES'


Recovery Runner

I fully agree 

There is still a blanc space on the dashboard. Very suitable to place a tile 'NOTES'


The addition of a notes section should be simple to accommodate, and for me it is critical for any of my data to be meaningful (like the examples you used in your post).  We've been asking for this for almost a year and there has been no interest in it from the Fitbit team, so when I replace mine, I will move to another brand with better dashboards and online templates.

First Steps

I think it would be really helpful to have a daily notes section, to make personal comments on inconsistent activity or unusual days that would impact the data trends. For example, travel days - plane flights or long car trips that limit activity; longer work days than expected; special events that impacted food consumption/goals, etc. Would be great to be able to annotate the data even informally on a daily basis to add context to the information. 


Recovery Runner
I completely agree, I’m very disappointed in Fitbit because it is apparent that there are a lot of us who have requested a note section. I was originally told that if enough people asked for it, they would add it. I guess they don’t care.

Sent from my iPhone
Not applicable

On the food log page on it's possible to enter food notes. Though those don't appear in the fitbit app for the phone.


It would be awesome when able to see the food notes in the fitbit app for the phone to and able to edit when needed.


Very usefull when for example eating out and not able to log instantly as the meal being served and not having to let it getting cold.. or if the food eated isn't in the database yet, and able to log it later on.


Also in cases when internet is not working in the area, though be able to add foods notes offline or before eating, writing down what's been eated, so no bites being missed when searching for the foods eated after eating.


Thank You




Hi.  In my Exercise Goal Dashboard where I can see my daily record activities then change the label and see my labels for the day plus stats.  What I would like is to make a note of say where my walk or run went to.  There is a lot of room to the right and if I took up a paragraph it wouldn't have to show it all, just the main note, clicking or hovering on it would be good to see it all 🙂  This is on Windows 10, but its the same display on the App.

Not applicable

I would love it if FitBit would add a note section to the app, particularly in regard to sleep tracking.  


Please consider adding this feature.





Recovery Runner

I would like the ability to attach a note to my daily record. If my numbers are low on a given day, I’d like to indicate why in the record, such as “Had the flu”, “Bad weather”, “Misplaced Fitbit” or “Battery died”, for example. Likewise, if I had really high numbers on a day, I’d like to be able to say what I did that day to get those numbers.


I have been thinking this too it would  be great to have a note  option if ur ill got, lady time, pregnant, in a stressful  situation. Also have this option on the app. 

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