Fitbit Journal - Notes on online and app dashboard

How about a space in the app for a daily note. I would like to be able to leave a note on the daily results page. So that if results are high or low I would know why when looking back. IE: was I sick so my daily results were very low or were they extra good and for what reason? In sure folks would have lots of reasons to look back at results and would want to know what was what at that time. Ted


Moderator Edit: Title & Labels


i would love to have that option. Some exercises are not in the categories provided and there is no way I can label them.


I would like to be able to select an area on the graph and tag a little note. for example if when my heart rate spikes add a note that says hill clime. 

First Steps

There used to be a journal tile, which is what the existing suggestion refers to. However it was removed. Fitbit, please bring it back and add it to the mobile app! Otherwise it means keeping a whole separate journal, which seems to defeat the point!

Recovery Runner

I just got my first fitbit (charge hr) a couple of days ago and would love to see this feature. taking notes on how i feel (physically or mentally) before or after a workout or even just at intervals throughout the day would be a nice feature to monitor. if it can be somewhat sytematic where we can choose certain moods/feeling etc and then also have the ability to customize moods/feelings (and/or even just a comment section), that would be awesome! thanks!!

Stepping Up

Since all my fitness records are stored on fitbit, and I am working hard to get healthy and lose weight a journal tile would be really helpful for me to track how I feel and to analize what other lifestyle changes I need to make to be healthy


I vote for this as well. Would be nice to add notes regarding what I did as well as how did I feel, was it a hard or easy workout.

First Steps

It would be absolutely amazing if Journal entries could allow for the use of hashtags so that they are searchable later on. This way you could see how many days you were #sick over the past year. Or how many vacation days you took #vacation. The point being the user could create any kind of tag they wanted which would allow them to track all different kinds of things in their journals. Also if you could make a separate log for mood and one for energy that would be helpful, they are two very different things. Espeically if anyone is using those for mental health purposes. Finally, it would be helpful to be able to view the stats from the day of the journal in question when searching through journals and vise versa. For many people with various kinds of health conditions or even those peek athleets, seeing how our mood, energy levels, jounal entries and stats are connected helps us manage our over all health better. I hope that helps. 

Base Runner
My apologies, my remark should have been to "add the website Journal feature" to the android app. It can be found by selecting Log -> Journal from the Web dashboard.
Not applicable

I was looking for something like this.  As a (very) beginning runner, I have to choose between several activity options that don't quite fit. Because my "run" is mostly the same pace as my walk 😞  I settled on Treadmill, so I would know that day I was doing some running instead of my normal walking routine.  I was looking for a way to see how far, long, fast I ran that day so that I can track my improvement and choose my workout.


A simple note attached to the activity would be perfect.

Base Runner
It would also help if the Journal feature was available from the mobile app.
First Steps
I would love to have a spot on the dashboard where I could keep track of my supplements - and perhaps even a section for written notes that I could just write them in there.

There is a spot through the fitbit website called journal where you can write things in, this is where I do to track medication/supplement use along with  a few other releavent notes.

However a more spescific spot for supplments/medications i think could benefit the use of Fitbit for health services like give us the ability to print a medication list would be great for many!

First Steps
Thank you for that information... I will check it out. 😊. I tend to only
use my iPhone and the app so ideally I would love to have it incorporated
into the dashboard... However, it sounds like that will suffice for now- or
maybe I will go old school and use a calendar on my fridge 😉

First Steps
A memo slot to add how i feel today.. to know i slept good so when i look back i see a spike in my steps i know i slept good that day Or did something like shopping with a friend. Knowing what i did On super acive days migjt be helpful in pin pointing what gets us moving

I was just thinking the same thing, with emoticons so you could record sick/injured days.

Please add a tile that allows journaling. Just a brief note here and there will help in my journey. For example: Flex needed charging, so didn't meet my goal for today. Etc. etc. there could be a max. Number of characters if adding data is a concern. It could also be optional - choose it from the menu if it is a tile that is of use to the wearer. Thx.
First Steps

I agree!  This is the ONE thing I miss the most from the Polar app/website when I was using a Loop. 

First Steps

I absolutely agree.  I would LOVE to note my mood, progress and feelings each day through notes as well.  It would be a big help.

Hill Runner

I was going to post a similar request and I found this. I'd like to be able to add a short note to an activity so that I can list where I walked to gain the steps for that particular activity, for example.

Recovery Runner

It's almost a year since I first posted this request and still no response from Fitbit? It doesn't sound too promising, folks.  Man Sad


Unfortunately from what I've read, the journal function has been taken away from new users.  I would love a journal section as well!  A custom tracker function would be great too so we could track other wellness indicators like days without driving or supplements or meditation for example.  That ability is still there for those that signed up before the fall of last year but us newbies don't have access to it.  Bring that functionality back Fitbit...Please!!! 🙂

First Steps

Sent from my iPhone
First Steps

It would be really nice if you could add a note on the Exercise Tracker mode to document details of your workout, such as weather conditions, terrain and how your body tolerated the exercise.  It would be great if there was a way I could incorporate my running journal into my Fitbit so I would only need to go to one place to review my past runs.  

First Steps

A note section in sleep would be great, or a note section for that day would also work as well.
in sleep section I would love to be able to note, what the waking time was, as in "got up to let the dog out" or "Late night nature call" and if I took a sleeping aid that night. 

It'd be great to be able to add notes to a workout, for example I would put in the weather and wind speed on certain rides so I could remember later. Thanks!
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