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Hi everyone thanks for sharing this suggestion. This is being discussed although I do not have a firm commitment or timeline at the moment. Do continue to vote for this feature suggestion whilst it’s under consideration. Please note that if something is under consideration and chosen for development, it can be a while until it's released or until I have any news to share. Please watch this space for any updates! Thanks for your patience.
?? This looks like a template answer. This isn't a new feature that needs to be developed, right?
Fitbit pay already exists. We want Fitbit to approach Scotiabank in Canada showing the support behind convincing Scotiabank to add Fitbit pay to their suite of accepted payment types.
I recently bought a fitbit versa SE and was very disappointed to find out that scotiabank is not supported for fitbit pay. Please please make this happen! Considering returning my versa if this doesnt change 😕
I guess if they don't add Scotiabank then I will consider getting rid of my Ionic. Great to have tons of apps and market it in such a way that piques your interest only to find out that apps are limited when it comes to Canadians. Of course if it said on the box limited apps for Canadians then we wouldn't buy.
The whole reason i opted for the special edition was for the cool feature of NFC payment. Come to find out you guys only support the least common bank.. Please hop on the scotiabank train asap!!!
I just bought the Versa yesterday with the intention of using Fitbit Pay with Scotiabank and was very disappointment it was not available. I suppose I should have done my homework first on this and realized it, but I assumed it would have had almost as many banks linked to it as Google Pay or Apple Pay. It seems silly to me that they only launched this feature in Canada with 1 bank available (RBC), they should have waited to have a few more. $50 more for the special edition and what do we get? A simple extra band you could get for $10 on Amazon? I wish they could have just integrated the Apple/Google Pay into the device instead of making their own system.
Under consideration since July and nothing til now? I bought versa SE for the fitbit pay and didn't imagine that Scotiabank would not be covered. And Scotiabank is not a small bank either. It's available in all the other pay things. Why not fitbit pay? What's the reason for the delay? I'm gonna return my versa because it looks like this won't happen any time soon.
This is typical of an american company. Market and promote the features of a product to Canadians to get our money and then not deliver since our population is about 1/10th the size. What a rip off!
I posted 9 months ago and there has been zero movement on this topic!!!
Seriously FitBit, why aren't you listening to your customers!!!! I've had to steer about 20 people away from getting a FitBit Ionic because we can't use all of the features!
Can you at least tell us the status of this request?!? Are you at least trying to add Scotiabank?
I used to LOVE my fitbit, my next smartwatch will most likely be something else because of this. I've been very patient, and nothing from you. This is how tech companies fail. Not listening to you loyal customers!
Just called customer support to see if fitbit has any plans to add more Canadian banks and the answer was NO CURRENTLY NOT RIGHT NOW. Really fitbit? I can't believe this. What's this forum for if you're not gonna listen to us? I can't even return this good for nothing product because fitbit won't take it unless there's a hardware defect.
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